沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末检测试卷(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末检测试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Tom _there for 10 months since he _back to his hometown. A . has lived;getsB . has lived;gotC . lived;goD . lived;has go2. (2分)I think Lily should wear _ more because she worries a lot and often gets stressed.A . yellowB . whiteC . orangeD . green3. (2分)what do you think of your classmate Jane?I like her very much. She is friendly and others.A . picks upB . shouts atC . waits forD . cares about4. (2分)In the evening, I _ watch TV _ play computer games. Because I have no homework to do. A . either; orB . neither; orC . either; norD . neither; nor5. (2分) I hear the hospital is more than 30 years old. Yeah, the government _ it in 1980.A . foundedB . will foundC . foundsD . is founding二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)6. (10分) Arnold Pointer, a professional fisherman from the south of Australia, set free (释放) a big female white shark that was 1in his large fishing nets. He thought she would have more and more babies. But now the fisherman is facing a(n) 2problem. The white shark is so 3to him that for nearly 2 years she hasnt left him 4. She even follows him everywhere. 5this, Arnold Pointer cant do fishing all the fishes are scared at her, and he doesnt know 6to do anymore.It is hard to drive away such an almost 17-feet-long shark for Arnold Pointer. We all know the white sharks are protected7the wildlife conservation. At the same time, some special feeling has been 8between Arnold and “Cindy”, the name the fisherman has given the white shark.Arnold says, “Every time I stop the boat, she always comes to me, turns on her back and lets me pet (抚摸) her body and neck. She sings, turns her eyes, and moves her fins (鳍) up and down, hits the water9.”Cindy is 10an interesting animal that Arnold has to try to go fishing in different places. Doesnt Cindy know what her action means? Maybe she really doesnt understand.(1)A . built B . caught C . killed D . invented (2)A . strange B . exciting C . happy D . serious (3)A . thankful B . useful C . careful D . wonderful (4)A . alive B . aloud C . alone D . asleep (5)A . For instance B . Instead of C . Such as D . Because of (6)A . how B . when C . what D . why (7)A . up B . on C . by D . down (8)A . established B . achieved C . expected D . increased (9)A . sadly B . normally C . luckily D . happily (10)A . so B . such C . too D . much 7. (10分)Long time ago, there was a woman with a surpring spell(魔法).If someone was under the spell, he or she would get perfect 1.One day, the woman put the spell on her toad(蟾蜍),and then the toad got beautiful teeth. They could help him2 all kinds of food. He could 3 start speaking.The toad was4 with the spell.He started to eat lots of chocolate.The woman found this and said to him,5your teeth and brush them often.Dont eat so much chocolate6 the toad didnt listen to her.He believed his teeth were very good and he didnt have to brush them ofen.And he liked chocolate very much,so he didnt want to eat 7.One day,one of the toads teeth got bad.Day by day,all the teeth in his 8got bad.The toad decided to start looking after them,but it was too9.And when he10his last tooth,he couldnt speak any more.The toad thought if the woman put the spell on him again,he would brush them every day.But that never happened again.(1)A . feet B . arms C . hands D . teeth (2)A . see B . drink C . eat D . find (3)A . not B . also C . only D . hardly (4)A . angry B . sad C . happy D . strict (5)A . Look after B . Agree with C . Wait for D . Talk about (6)A . If B . So C . When D . But (7)A . more B . few C . less D . much (8)A . nose B . back C . stomach D . mouth (9)A . late B . weak C . tired D . early (10)A . got B . lost C . took D . made 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)8. (10分) We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival(春节). There is a name for each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the sheep , the year of the monkey or the year of the dog. And this year is the year of the horse.Before New Years Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives(亲戚). They say “good luck” and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a very good time during the festival.(1)How many Chinese festivals are talked about (谈论)in this passage ?A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(2)We can find every Chinese year is given _ name.A . an animalB . a plantC . a familyD . a full(3)How do Chinese people usually spend New Years Eve ?A . They put on new clothes and go to the park .B . They visit their friends and relativesC . They are busy shopping and cleaning their housesD . They have a big dinner and stay up late to welcome the New Year.(4)On New Years Day, people say “_” to each other when they meet.A . Merry ChristmasB . Good luckC . Happy New YearD . Both B and C(5)The best title for this passage (本文的最佳题目)is _。A . Good TimeB . The Spring FestivalC . Big DinnerD . The Year of the Horse9. (6分)阅读理解Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon cat. You can see her on many kinds of things, like bags, clothes, food and books. People all over the world love the cute Hello Kitty.Forty-one years ago, a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty. In the same year, it appeared(出现)on a wallet. To peoples surprise, in the artists design, Hello Kitty is a girl! Thats why people always see her standing with two feet.Hello Kitty was in the third grade in her school. Her favorite food was apple pie. She lived with her parents and twin sister near London. It was quiet there. Hello Kitty had a big family.On weekends, her father often drove his car to take them to visit her grandparents in the forest.It was interesting that Hello Kitty had a pet cat like herself.The artist said 44 years ago, many Japanese worked and lived in Britain, so she made Hello Kitty a British person. Hello Kitty has a very happy life now. Shes the symbol of all the good things.(1)People all over the world love Hello Kitty because . A . it is the symbol of all good thingsB . it is on many kinds of thingsC . it is a famous cartoon catD . it was made by a Japanese company(2)When did Hello Kitty first appear? A . In 1974.B . In 1975.C . In 1976.D . In 1978.(3)Where did Hello Kittys grandparents live according to the passage? A . In Japan.B . In Britain.C . In China.D . In Sanrio.10. (10分)阅读理解 Last weekend, Dave, Bob, Alice and Ann had a trip on the island not far from their houses.Dave rode his bike to the river with his guitar at eight first. Then Alice got there. She took No 5 bus to go there. But why didnt Bob and Ann come? They decided to meet at eight. At ten past eight, Ann came. She said, Im sorry Im late. I have to walk here because my bike doesnt work. Ann could play the violin very well. She took it with her. Another twenty minutes passed, Bob arrived there. Bob, youre late, Dave said. Hmm. On my way, I helped a boy find his parents, said Bob. Oh Bob, you re great. Youre a good boy. All the other children said.The boat ride took them about twenty minutes. At twenty to nine, they came to a boat and took the boat to the island. Wow, the island is green everywhere. Its really great.They did something interesting there. First they enjoyed the wonderful sights(景色).Then, they had some fruits and drinks.At last, they had a show. Dave played the guitar. Ann played the violin. Alice danced and Bob sang. They had a fun time.(1)_ was the first to arrive at the river last weekend. A . DaveB . BobC . AliceD . Ann(2)What time did Bob arrive at the river? A . At 8:00B . At 8:10C . At 8:30D . At 9:00(3)How did Ann get to the rivet? A . By bus.B . On foot.C . By bike.D . By boat.(4)What did Alice show on the island? A . Playing the guitar.B . Singing.C . Playing the violin.D . Dancing.(5)Which is WRONG from the passage A . Four children had a trip last weekend.B . Dave is good at playing the violin.C . The island is very wonderful.D . Ann got to the river at 8:10.11. (8分)阅读理解Today, many endangered animals live in zoos. There, scientists work to keep each species(物种) alive. How do they do that? One way is by taking cells(细胞) from animals. Then the cells are frozen(冷冻). They can be used in the future to help animals reproduce.The San Diego Zoo has been freezing cells for 40 years. Its also called the Frozen Zoo. Now, the zoo is the biggest of its kind, with a large gene bank. It has cells from more than 1,000 species. One of the species is the northern white rhinoceros(犀牛).There are only five northern white rhinoceros alive in the world now. They are unable to have their children. Some scientists there want to use the banks frozen cells to produce another northern white rhinoceros. They want to do this before the species dies out. That could happen by 2025.Can the zoo save the northern white rhinoceros? Other species have been saved successfully. So its possible for the white rhinoceros too.Saving the white rhinoceros would be expensive. So some people dont think using frozen cells is the best thing to do. Some wonder whether its worth spending millions of dollars on the species that nearly dies out. Some say scientists should work on the reasons why animals become endangered in the first place.(1)What is the first passage mainly about? A . Why scientists want to keep each species alive.B . Introducing one way of keeping each species alive.C . Introducing the situation of endangered animals.D . How to freeze cells from animals.(2)The underlined word That in the third paragraph refers to _. A . reproducing the northern white rhinocerosB . the northern white rhinoceros dying outC . the northern white rhinoceros having babiesD . freezing cells from the northern white rhinoceros(3)Why do some people disagree on saving the white rhinoceros? A . Because they dont know why animals become endangered.B . Because the animals are useless to people.C . Because its dangerous to save them.D . Because saving them is too expensive.(4)From the passage we can learn that _. A . scientists succeeded in saving some endangered animalsB . its good for the endangered animals to live in zoosC . the San Diego Zoo is famous for its gene bankD . people have known the reasons why animals become endangered四、 、单词拼写,根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共5题;共5分)12. (1分)She was born in _(德国) and she can speak German. 13. (1分)H_ old are you? 14. (1分)My dear child, I believe that you can solve the problems by y_. 15. (1分)I see many_(外国的) friends on the beach. 16. (1分)_(上百万的)of people visit the Great Wall. 五、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)找出错误并改正 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)同学们,我们身边有很多助人为乐的同学,他们的事例值得我们学习。请根据下面表格信息给学校英文报写一篇短文,谈谈身边的好人好事,号召大家向他们学习。Who they areWhat they usually do to help othersLiu Namake our school beautiful (clean )Zhang Huahelp other students with their studentsWu TongHelp the people in trouble (cheer others up )要求:1. 参考表格信息,可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。3. 文中不得出现真实地名和姓名;4. 词数:90词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)Dear Editor,In our school, some students are always thinking more of others and are ready to help them. Im moved deeply. Here is what they usually do.Liu Na is a very good student.I hope everyone can learn from them and do something for others.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)6-1、7-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、四、 、单词拼写,根据下列句子中所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正 (共5题;共5分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、五、 短文改错 (共1题;共5分)17-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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