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你越细心 犯的错误越少 The careful youare the few mistakesyouwillmake 2 Ifeellike laugh butIdidn tcare 3 BothheandIlikeplayingfootball 改成否定句 he Ilikeplayingfootball morecareful fewer laughing Neithernor Revision复习 1 主语 make somebody adjective 形容词 使某人 感到 使 处于某种状态主语 make somebody verb 动词原形 使某人做某事 不能带不定式符号to 关于make的句型 Themusicmakesushappy Theloudmusicmakesmewanttodance 注意 当make用于被动语态时 必须带不定式符号to Weweremadetoworkallnight 2 1 Therainyday mesadandangry A makeB makesC makingD tomake2 Themoviemade feelenergetic A heB hisC theyD them B D 3 3 Loudmusicalwaysmakesus A wantdanceB towantdanceC wanttodanceD towanttodance C 4 4 hisnewsunglasses Tonylookmysterious A Wears makeB Wears makesC Wearing makeD Wearing makes D 5 sadmoviesmakemecry Unit11 SectionB1a 1e 6 Howdoesitmakeyoufeel Use makesme failanexamsad Filinganexammakesmesad Areyouhappyifyoufailanexam 7 hangoutwithfriendshappy Hangingoutwithfriendsmakesmehappy Thecoldweathersick Thecoldweathermakesmesick Areyouhappyifyou 8 Howdotheyfeel Happy Happy Happy Happy 9 Whatishappy Power wealth fame 10 Retellthestoryin3aaccordingtothefollowingchart unhappy alotoffame Thepalacesinger unhappy alotofwealth Theking sbanker unhappy alotofpower Theprimeminister unhappy everything Theking Feelingshehad Thingsheowned People unhappyking general Areyouhappy 11 Whatarepossibleendingstothestory Discussyourideaswithyourpartner Discussion 12 unhappyking general Thegeneralcannotfindahappypersonandthekingremainsunhappyforever Thegeneralfindsahappypersonwithpowerandmoney Thegeneralrealizesheisahappypersonandgiveshisshirttothekingtowear Thekingsuddenlybecomeshappywithouttheshirtofahappyperson 你认为哪一个才是故事的结局呢 请用中文翻译出来 general 13 cannot和cannot的区别 can t cannot cannot和cannot的区别 事实上 这两个是不一样的 Cannot是 不可以 而cannot是 可以不 举个例子 Icannotbelievethis 我无法相信 等于Ican tbelievethis Icannotbelievethis 我可以不相信 也就是说 Icanbelievethis orIcannotbelievethis 我并不一定要相信 我可以选择不相信 14 1cListentoTheShirtofaHappyMan Part andcheck thethingsthathappenedintherestofthestory 15 Howlongdidittakethegeneraltofindthehappyman Ittookthegeneraltwodaystofindthehappyman 2 Whatwasthepoormandoingonthestreet Hewaseatingsomefoodwithhishandsandsinginghappilytohimself 1dListenagain Answerthequestions 16 3 Whatmadethepoormansohappyeventhoughhehadnopower moneyorfame Hehadeverythinghewantedanddidn twantwhathecouldn thave 4 Doyouthinkthegeneralwillreturntothekingwiththepoorman sshirt Whyorwhynot No becausethepoormandidnothaveashirt 17 Doyouagreewiththepoorman sthoughtsabouthappiness Discussyourideaswithyourgroup Thenrole playtherestofthestory 1e 18 1 remainv 保持 仍然是 停留 语境领悟 Thegeneralcannotfindahappypersonandthekingremainsunhappyforever 将军不能找到一个快乐的人 国王就永远不开心 Languagepoints 19 自主归纳 1 remain作连系动词 意为 仍然是 保持 某种状态 后接形容词 名词 分词或介词短语 2 remain作不及物动词 相当于stay Afewleavesremained 树上 还剩几片叶子 20 学以致用 一些叶子落在水中并在那停留了一段时间 Someleavesfellintothewaterandthereforsometime MoYanisfamousnow butheatruesonofsoil 土地 A keepsB staysC remainsD maybe答案 remained 21 2 withoutprep 无 没有 语境领悟 Thekingsuddenlybecomeshappywithouttheshirtofahappyperson 国王没有快乐人的衬衫突然变得快乐了 Hewentawaywithoutaskingforleave 他没请假就走了 22 自主归纳 without的用法without介词 意为 没有 不用 其反义词为with 其后通常跟名词或代词 跟动词时要用动名词形式 常表示伴随或假设情况 学以致用 2013 广州中考 Icouldn tdoityourgreathelp Thanksalot A withB withoutC forD to 23 3 Whatmadethepoormansohappyeventhoughhehadnopower moneyorfame 什么使这个穷人如此开心 即使他没有权力 金钱和名望 句型剖析 eventhough引导让步状语从句 表示 即使 尽管 同义短语为evenif 不能与but同时出现在同一个复合句中 类似的连词还有although和though等 24 学以致用 即使明天下雨 他也要动身去香港 HewillleaveforHongKongitrainstomorrow 2013 福州中考 TheboycanspeakbothEnglishandJapaneseheisonlyten Wow whatacleverboy A ifB becauseC though答案 eventhough if 25 用所给词的适当形式填空Lucywas happy becausenoneofherfriendscametoherbirthdaypartyyesterday 2 Thetruck sudden hitthebigtree Whataterribleaccident 答案 1 unhappy2 suddenly 达标检测 26 3 Youcan tbuythings with money 答案 3 without 27 1 Usuallysoftcolorsmakepeople A relaxingB relaxedC excitingD excited2 Hestillfailedtheexam hetriedhisbest A eventhoughB becauseC sothatD after B A 28 3 Youboughtthecarabouttenyearsago Yes it sold itstillrunswell A BecauseB SinceC AlthoughD But4 Thoughshehasgotwhatshewants shestill unhappy A remainsB takesC turnsD makes C A 29 二 汉译英 1 轻音乐使他很放松 2 伤感电影总是使我想离开 3 等待公共汽车使他们有些抓狂 Softmusicmakeshimrelaxed Sadmoviesalwaysmakemewanttoleave Waitingforthebusdrovethemcrazy 30 4 似乎每个人都有自己的烦恼 5 昨晚我听到她正在教室里唱歌 Itseemedthateveryonehadtheirownproblems Iheardhersingingintheclassroomlastnight 31 Homework Readthestoryagainandtrytoretellthewholestory 32 ThankYou 33


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