高二选修7 unit 3 a new dimension of lifeppt课件

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语法作业 1 beingattacked 2 Beingheldup 3 Beingincluded 4 Havingbeenaccepted 5 beingtold 6 Beinghelpedout 7 beingtaken 8 beingphotographed 9 beingswallowed 1 11 target 2 narrow 4 aware 5 tasty 6 scare 7 shallow 9 neat 10 boundary 1 dimension 8 suck 方面 侧面 维数 狭窄的 3 awosome 使人敬畏的 意识到的 可口的 好吃的 恐吓 肤浅的 吮吸 好的 整齐的 界限 分界线 目标 2 11 target 2 narrow 4 aware 5 tasty 6 scare 7 shallow 9 neat 10 boundary 1 dimension 8 suck 方面 侧面 维数 狭窄的 3 awosome 使人敬畏的 意识到的 可口的 好吃的 恐吓 肤浅的 吮吸 好的 整齐的 界限 分界线 目标 3 1 usedtodo 2 betrapped caughtin 3 withsthinone shand 4 wakeup 5 allkindsof 6 mindsbdoing 7 so that 8 getcloseto 9 waitfor 10 lookdown 1 过去 常常 做 2 被困于 被陷于 3 手里拿着 4 叫醒 唤醒 5 各种各样的 6 介意某人干 7 如此 以至于 8 靠近 接近 9 等待 等候 10 向下看 4 12 逃跑 11 haveagoodrelationshipwithsb 11 与 关系友好 12 fleeaway 13 在世界范围内禁止 13 haveaworldwidebanonsth 14 思考 回忆 14 reflecton 5 15 神奇的一天 16 崭新的生活空间 17 意识到 19 感到吓得要死 18 上下翻转 20 全额赔偿 15 adayofpuremagic 16 anewdimensionoflife 17 be becomeawareof 18 upsidedown 19 feel bescaredtodeath 20 afullrefund 6 unit4Anewdimensionoflife 7 Followmetohaveasnorkelingtripintothedepthsoftheocean 8 seahorse What sthis 9 What sthis AJellyfish 10 Oh someotherdifferentoceanicanimals Seaflower SeaStar Coral 11 clam Sea slug 12 Parrotfish 13 turtle 14 eel 15 Asharkiscoming Dangerous scaredtodeath 16 Skimming Underlinethecreaturesinthediaryandtrytonumbertheparagraphtopics 2 1 3 4 5 6 17 scanning 18 Fillintheblankswithinformationfromthetext fantastic shapedlikefans plates brains lace mushrooms branchesoftrees hornsofdeer orangeandwhite thathidinthewavinglongthinseaweed Yellowandgreenwithhardbird likemouth hangingupsidedown Yellow spottedred 19 Blue Largewise looking Withstrongsharpteeth Giant Grey oneandahalfmeterslong 20 1 Thecoralswerefantastic theywereshapedlikevariousthings suchasfans plates mushroomsandsoon 阅读课文判断下列句子正 T 误 F 2 Thefishseemedtowelcometheauthor sswimmingamongthem T F 修改 Thefishdidn tseemtomindmeswimmingamongthem 21 3 Thereweresomebigfishthatcleanedthebodiesofsmallerfish 4 Theauthorlikedtogetclosetoeelswithstrongsharpteeth F F Andalsolovedthesmallfishthatcleanthebodiesoflargerfish Ididn twanttogettooclosetoaneelwithitsstrongsharpteeth 22 5 Althoughthesharkswerenotdangerous theauthorstillfeltscaredtodeathforamoment 6 Comparedtotheocean ahumanbeingisnothingbutatinyspot T T 23 1 充满魔力的一天2 奇特的美景3 这是我所做的最奇妙的事4 心跳得厉害5 全身的细胞都被唤醒了6 我觉得吓得要命7 犹如发现了生活中崭新的一面 adayofpuremagic extraordinarybeauty Myheartwasbeatingwildly Everycellinmybodywokeup Ifeltscaredtodeath BeautifulWordsandExpressions Itwaslikediscoveringawholenewdimensionoflife ItwasthemostfantasticthingIhaveeverdone 24


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