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北京市石景山区中考英语一模试题一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下列各题所给的A、B、 C、D四个选中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 .Tom is a big boy now. This coat is too short on _ .A .her B .himC it D .them2 .I met Lily a bookstore yesterday.A. onB. to C. inD. of3 .The music was too loud, I turned it down.A .so B. becauseC .hutD. or4. you get over here in about the minutes?-Oh, no, I cant come now. Im busy.A .CanB. Should C. MustD . May5 .Look! The kids about the park.A .runB. ranC .were runningD .are running6 .Wu Dajing _a gold medal I n February,20 1 8 at the Winter Olympics.A. winB. wonC. has wonD .will win7 .I 3 00 stamps since last yearA. collectB. collected C .have collected D. will collect 8 .The shoes at this store are muchthan at the other.A. cheap B. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest9. The flower show at the park two weeks ago.A. holdsB. held C. was held D. is held10. The teacher told us a report about the animals in danger.A .writeB. wroteC. writing D. to write11. You the chance if you go home now.A. will missB . missedC. missD. have missed12.I am not sure to the party tomorrow.A. when did he comeB. when he cameC. when will he comeD. when he will come二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A little holiday magicChristmas Eve has always been my favorite day of the year. December 24,xx, I decidedTo 13 a little last-minute shopping before joining my family at my mothers.I bought a large basket of cheeses and a bottle of wine. On my way down, the elevator(电梯)stopped at the third floor. where everybody but an older couple and me got off-and whereA tall, handsome man 14 We started down again; then suddenly the elevator stopped. Wewere stuck-on Christmas Eve! 15 there was a phone. arid the old man called someone in maintenance(维修),whotold us that we had to be in for a 1ong wait.At that point. We-the older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Philips; John, the handsome man; arid I-sat down on the floor and began 16 Christmas memories. An hour passed, then two; wefound ourselves so involved in the conversation that we forgot we were stuck. I shared mybasket of cheeses and wine with them. I didnt realize at the time we were creating anotherspecial Christmas 17 After five hours, the elevator finally moved .When the doors opened, the worried storemanager was surprised to find us in such 18 spirits, Saying our good-byes, the four of usexchanged addresses and promised to send holiday greeting to each other in the years to come.I got to my mothers for our traditional family Christmas-a bit late, 19 I got there.Christmas evening I returned to my apartment. Waiting for me was a single red rose and amessage: I really miss the cheese basket. Job. At the bottom was his phone numberJohn and I were married the following Christmas Eve. And we are 20 exchangingChristmas greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. And I still wake up every Christmas EveMorning filled with excitement at the magic of the day.13.A. make B. do C. show D. accept 1 4. A. got up B. got down C. got off D. got on15. A. Sadly B. Proudly C. Luckily D. Strangely16. A. sharing B. losing C. comparing D. studying17. A. accident B. game C. record D. memory 18. A. high B. low C. common D. true19. A. so B. but C. or D. because 10. A. even B. already C. still D. yet三、阅读理解(共26分,每小题2分)阅读下面 的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案.AJOIN TODAY!What are you going to do this year? There are lots of after-school clubs for you to choose from! Make New Friends Are you friendly and talkative? Then the Welcoming Committee is just for you_ Come and meet new or younger students who are quiet and shy. Talk with them every Monday and help them make new friends.Laughter is the Best Medicine Can you make people laugh? You should join the Comedy Club. We meet every Tuesday to play games and learn new jokes. We also go to the childrens hospital to play games with children who are sick.Fun with Sports Are you good at sports? Then come to the Sports Club every Friday! You can join the basketball, football. or swimming teamPainters Paint Together Are you good at drawing? Every Sunday, members of the Art Club get together to take art lessons. Once a month, we go to the art museum to see all the famous paintings there. Sometimes, we go _to a home for older people and make things for them.Go to the school website and join a club today!21. If you are friendly and talkative, the is just for you. A. Art Club B. Sports Club C. Welcoming Committee D. Comedy Club 22. Students in the Comedy Club often get together to A. learn new jokes B. take art lessons C. make new friends D. make things for old people 23. Students in the Sports Club meet every A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Sunday BThink Before You Speak It was a sunny day. Everyone in the station was waiting for the train to arrive_ There was a group of friends, youngsters who were on board for vacation. The train entered the station and the group ran to get their seats before anyone could get into the train.An old man with a young boy aged around 15 came mining to catch the train. They entered the train and the train started to move, They had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so surprised to see everything. He acclaimed (欢呼) at his father,“Dad. the train is moving and the things are moving backwards. ”His father smiled and nodded his head. As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed,“Dad. the trees are green in colour and run backward very fast. ” His father said., Yes, dear and smiled. Just like a kid, he was watching everything with great excitement and happiness. A fruit seller passed selling, apples and oranges. The young boy said to his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought him apples. He said, Oh. apple looks so sweet and I love this colour. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problems? Why is he behaving so differently? A friend from the group made fun of him and shouted, “His son is mad I think.” The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friend-group, My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he was operated and got the vision. He is seeing so many different things in his life for the first time. The young friends became very quiet and said sorry to the father and son.24. Where did the story happen? A. At a bus station. B. At a fruit shop. C. On a train. D. In a hospital. 25. The young group the boy after they knew his story. A. made fun of B. said sorry to C. shouted angrily at D. became impatient with 26. What do we know about the boy? A. He was 10 years old. B. He had an eye operation. C. He felt mad about the group. D. He was one of the groups friends. CIn life we sometimes have disagreements with people. It could be with your parents, or with a friend. When this happens, the important thing is to try not to let a calm (平静的) discussion turn into a heated argument. But of course this is easier said than done. The first thing is that the way you begin the conversation is very important. Imagine you are a student and you share a flat with another student who you think isnt doing her share of the housework. If you say, Look, you never do your share of the housework. What are we going to do about it?, the discussion will very soon turn into an argument. its much more helpful to say something like, I think wed better have another look about how we divide up the housework. Maybe theres a better way of doing it. The second piece of advice is simple. If youre the person who is in the wrong, just admit (承认) it This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument. Just apologize (道歉) to your flatmate, your parents, and move on. The other person will have more respect for you in the future if you do that.And the final tip is that if necessary, call“Time Out”,like in a sports match. If you thinkthat an argument is getting out of control,then you can say to the other person, Listen, Idrather talk about this tomorrow when weve both calmed down.You can then continue thediscussion the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less angry. That way there ismuch more chance that you will be able to reach an agreement.One last important thing. Some people think that arguing is always bad. This is not true,Conflict(冲突)is a normal part of life, and dealing with conflict is an important part of anyrelationship, whether its three people sharing a flat, or just two good friends .If you dont learnto argue properly, then when a real problem comes along, you wont be prepared to face ittogether. Think of the smaller arguments as training. Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly. Itwill help your relationship become stronger and last longer.27. According to the passage, if you apologize for your mistakes, you will A .feel much better than beforeB .get lots of help from othersC. make the arguments heatedD. win more respect of others28.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that_.A .people are more Iikely to reach an agreement with calmB .its necessary for friends to argue with each otherC. its better to deal with an argument very soonD .friends argument is just like a sports match29. Whats the passage mainly about?A .Reason why people argue a lot.B. The results of arguments in our life,C .The importance of conflict in our life.D .Advice on how to deal with disagreements,DEarly in the morning, Feldman would deliver some bagels and amoney basket to a companys snack room; he would return before lunch topick up the money and the left bagels.He had also designed a beautiful economic experiment. By checking the money collected against the bagels taken, he found it possible to tell just how honest hiscustomers were.He considered that a company was honest if over 90% of the people paid. Between 80 and90% was what he considered to be normal .It was only if a company paid less than 80% that hewould feel he had to do something. First he would leave a note, kind of giving them a warning、and then, if things didnt improve, he wouId simply stop selling there.So what does the bagel data(数据)tell us? Well, first of all, it shows that smaller officesare more honest than big ones. An office with twenty to thirty employees(雇员)generally pays3 to 5% more than an office with two hundred employees. This seems to be because in asmaller company people are more worried bout. being dishonestprobably because theywould feel worse if they were caught.The bagel data also suggests that your mood, how you feel, affects(影响)how honest youare .For example, the weather is a really important factor. When the weather is unusually good,more people pay, but if its unusually cold or rainy. fewer people pay. And people are alsoaffected by public holidays, but in different waysit depends on which public holiday. BeforeChristmas and Thanksgiving, peopie are less honest, but just before the 4th of July and LabourDay they are more honest. This seems to be because holidays like the 4th of July, are just a dayoff work, and people always look for-ward to them. But Christmas and Thanksgiving areholidays where people often feet quite stressed or unhappy. So their bad mood makes them lesshonest.The other thing Feldman believes affects how honest people are is the morale in an office,When employees like their boss and like their job, then the office is more honest.But in general the story of Feldmans bagel business is a really positive one. Its true thatsome people do steal from him, hut most people, even though no one is watching them , arehonest.30. From the bagel data, we know that A. people in big offices are more dishonest B. Feldman didnt like the people in big offices C. Feldman was unsuccessful in his bagel business D. Fewer people in small offices pay for their bagels 31. The underlined word morale in Paragraph 6 probably means A. argument B. competition C. spirit D. movement 32. According to the bagel data, Feldman had better sell bagels A. before Christmas B. before Labour Day C. on Thanksgiving Day D. on a very cold rainy day 33. What could be the best title for the passage? A. Start the bagel business. B. Build the bagel company. C. Rich or not? Get the bagel data. D. Honest or not? Take the bagel test. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)Theatre began with the ancient Greeks. They used to have shows called plays, which tell a story by people acting out what happened in it. They had big theatres which were outside, and you could have up to 17.000 people some and watch it. These outside theatres were round in shape, with stone seats going down to the centre, when they had the stage. The Romans also built theatres, and there are several you can visit in England, Greece, Italy and Turkey. Greek used to have a person to explain the story to the people who were watching, and the actors used to wear pictures on their faces, some with happy faces, some sad. There were not any theatres in Europe in the Middle Ages, but groups of actors (or players, as they used to be called) travelled around the country putting on shows and singing songs in the towns and in large private houses. Many large houses from this time have a special area in it where the players would do their shows.In England between 1558 and 1603, the ruler was Queen Elizabeth I. During this time, theatres would be built outside the city walls because some people thought they were not safe places to be and that people caused troubles there. They were usually round, and people would stand up to see the show. Rich people had seats to sit on. People used to eat and drink during the show. They used to shout out to the actors and sometimes throw food at them.In Elizabethan times, a theatre group had 12 men and one writer in it, Women were not allowed to be in the show, so young boys used to wear dresses and play the female roles. Theatre in London today is very popular, even if tickets are very expensive. Many American stars want to perform in London, and in the last few years Kevin Spacey, Nicole Kidman and Kathleen Turner have all acted in plays in Londons theatres. 34. Who began theatre? 35. Where did actors put on shows in the Middle Ages in Europe? 36. Why were theatres built outside the city walls in Elizabethan times? 37. How many people did a theatre group have in Elizabethan times? 38. What_ is the passage mainly about? 书面表达(共10分) 五、文段表达(10分) 39从下面两个题目中任选一题根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写 作。文中己给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名 和姓名. 题目随着国外游客日益增多,历史博物馆决定聘用部分中学生在假期为他们提供英语讲解的服务。假如你叫李华,想应聘这份工作,请用英文写一封自荐信,表达自己应聘的愿望,说说自己的优势,并陈述你应聘的理由。 提示词语:right ,history, easy -going, communicate, improve, introduce, culture 提示问题题;.Would you like to take this job? .What are your strong points?Why do you want to take this job?Dear Sir,Im writing to apply for the job. Im looking forward to your early reply.YoursLi Hua题目初中生活即将结束,很多美好的回忆都留在脑海里。某英文报社正在举办“我最难忘的班级活动”的征文比赛。假如你是李华,请你用英文写篇短文给报社投稿,说说你最难忘的班级活动是什么,你们在活动中都做了什么,以及你的感想和体会。提示词语:trip, sunny, climb the hill, take photos, picnic,excited提示问题:Whats your most unforgettable class activity?.What did you do?.How did you feel?There are many class activities in my memory

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