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Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 39: Ring Up or Call?教学目标1. 能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:bathroom,spell,pronunciation,grammar,translate,American,Australian,pronounce。2. 能介绍自己知道的英国英语与美国英语的差别。教学重难点1. 掌握一些与介绍英语有关的重点词汇:spell,pronunciation,grammar,translate。2. 运用所学知识介绍自己知道的英国英语和美国英语的差别。3. 掌握以下重点句子:(1)We have been asked to write a report on Asia.(2)There are quite a few differences between your English and my English.(3)Sometimes we describe the same thing in different ways or use different words.(4)There are also some differences in pronunciation and even in grammar.教学准备录音机,幻灯片,图片。教学过程Step 1 Lead-inSpeak different kinds of English.Let the students check in groups and ask questions about the subject. Then ask them to present some in front of the class.Step 2 ListeningListen to the tape and know about the main points of the dialogue. At the same time, fill in the blanks with the words you hear:1. Brian has to write a report on _.2. “To ring up someone” is the British way of saying _.3. Some Canadians use the word “eh” at the end of _.Finish the task in class orally.Step 3 ReadingRead the dialogue and answer the following questions:1. Whats the meaning of “ring up”?2. Do “washroom” and “bathroom” have the same meaning?3. Can we express “autumn” in another way?Read the dialogue and finish the task in class orally.Step 4 PracticeMake a note to introduce the differences between British English and American English.Work in groups to finish the task. After a while, some groups present their notes in front of the class.When the students are writing, the teacher walks around the classroom to solve the problems that probably happen.Step 5 Come to “Lets Do It!”Listen to the tape and finish off Exercise 1 together.Read the lesson again and ask the students to do Exercise 2 together.Step 6 Homework1. Finish off Exercise 3 in “Lets Do It!”2. Write a note to introduce more differences between British English and American English.


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