八年级英语上册 Unit 9 Can you come to my party导学案(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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Unit 9 Can you come to my party?第1课时 Section A (1a -2c)学习目标 知识目标: 1 口笔头掌握以下句型A: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? B: Sure, Id love to . / Sorry , I cant . I have to help my parents.A: Can she go to the movies? B: No, she cant . She is reading.2 熟练掌握以下词汇:prepare, exam, flu, available, until 3熟练使用情态动词 can 和have to 技能目标:能够听懂提出邀请及应答邀请的会话,并能使用它们有礼貌地发出邀请,接受邀请或拒绝邀请。情感态度:培养学生有礼貌地与他人交往的能力。课前准备I 朋友要举办一个晚会,你有什么拿手的节目吗?回想你学过的相关动词及短语(包括音乐,体育,美术等方面)。如:I can sing English songs . I can dance. I can play the guitar.II 列举出你的一些课外活动Play the guitar _ _ _ _ III 你能猜出下面短语的汉语意思吗?借助手中的词典或课本的词汇表,试着译一译: go to the doctor_ have the flu _help my parents_ meet my friend_study for a test_ thanks for asking _ have too much homework_ another time_IV想一想,如果你的朋友周六举行一个party,根据你的日常安排,你愿意去的话,该如何表达?_ 若不能去,又该如何拒绝呢?_学习过程 Before listening1 交流、检测课前准备的情况,写出你的问题。2 学生看课本1a,小组核对答案。 3 假设老师要在本周末举行一个晚会,邀请你来参加。请运用课前准备IV的内容,和同伴共同讨论如何邀请和应答。While listening1 看图片听录音完成1b,小组核对答案 2 Anna 要举办一个聚会,她想邀请朋友参加。读2a中的句子,听录音,完成2a.3 听第二遍录音,Anna是怎样邀请朋友参加聚会的?朋友们又是如何做出应答的?和同伴讨论一下吧!4 再听一边录音,完成2b4 听录音并跟读,注意模仿Anna发出邀请时的语音语调。观察与思考:对话中表示发出邀请的句式是_。如果接受对方的邀请我们可以回答_.如果拒绝对方的邀请,一般不直接说_,而应该说_,以示礼貌,然后说明_5 大声朗读2a,根据听力内容选择正确的答案来补全下列句子Jeff _ (cant/can) go to the party, because he has to _. Marry_ (can/cant) go to the party. May _(can/cant) go to the party, because she has to_. Mei Ling _(can/cant) go. She has to _.Paul _(can/cant)go to the party, because he has to _观察与思考请仔细观察下面几个句子,你能看出have to 的用法吗?I have to help my parents. He has to study for a test.Have to /has to 后面要接_ 汉语意思是_ 强调_ (主观/客观)原因。而must意为“必须,”强调_(主观/客观)原因。完成下列小练习。回味一下句中have to 的用法(1 )Its too late.She _ _ go there by bus.(不得不)(2)I have to clean the room right now.(改为否定句)I _ _ _ clean the room right now.After listening 1 如果主人向你们发出邀请,你们能参加他的聚会吗?四人一组,表演对话。2 本周末你打算干什么?Miss Lin 邀请大家去参加音乐会,谁愿意去?同伴互相问答,参考句型:A: Hey, can you come to the concert on Saturday? B: Im sorry, I cant .I have to.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time. B: How about you ?知识巩固 I 用所给词的适当形式填空1_you play tennis? Yes , I can. 2.Mary is ill , she _ (have)_ (go )to the doctor.3.Look! Some people _ (take) photos here. 4.Thanks for _ (cook) for me .5.She often _ (help) me with my English .II 完成下面的句子1-Hi , Jeff. Can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,I cant .I _ _ _ _ _ (得去看我的阿姨)on Saturday .2 - Hello, Marry. Can you come to my party on Saturday?-_ _ _(我愿意).3 -May Lee ,can you come to my party tomorrow?- Im sorry I_ _ _ _ _ (得帮我妈妈).4 - Claudia, can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,I_ _ _ _ _ (要去看电影).5.-Hey, Paul._ _ _ to my party_ _?(周六你能来参加我的聚会吗?)- Id love to . 课堂反思:1 当朋友邀请我们去做事时,如果我们愿意做,应该说_ 或_ 。拒绝他人的邀请时我们应该有礼貌地说_,I _ I have to _ 或者_。I am doing.2 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?_家庭作业:1 结合课堂反思,熟记你还没有掌握好的单词和句子。2 根据今天所学到的知识,写出接受邀请和拒绝邀请的答语。Can you come to my party on Saturday?愿意去的答语:_ 有礼貌拒绝的答语:_3 依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。第2课时 Section A (2d-3c)学习目标 知识目标:1 熟练掌握下列句子:My cousin Sam from Xian is going to be here.I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you .Sam isnt leaving until nest Wednesday.Can you hang out with us on Monday night?Catch you on Monday 2 熟练掌握以下词汇 :hang out , catch ,invite, accept, refuse3 初步了解描述将来的计划或行动的方法技能目标:学会合理安排自己的日常活动并做出相应的计划情感态度:培养学生独立自主生活的能力。课前准备I 为自己准备一周的日程安排表。II 想一想,如果你要举行一个party , 应该如何做准备呢?首先,要选好朋友,并给他们发出_ , 以便他人事先安排好自己的事情,如果你要给朋友发出邀请,你会怎样发出你的邀请呢?III 读对话2d找出下列词组,并猜测意思?(看看谁最快)go bike riding _ last fall _have an exam _ prepare for _not .until _ hang out with sb._ 学习过程 Before reading 1 小组内互相检查课前准备II 的内容,看谁完成的质量好,做的好的同学可以获得奖励。2 根据上一个学案中的知识巩固II 的内容进行pairwork。同时导入本届课前准备I中的句子。两人一组,互相讨论并翻译。While reading 1 阅读2d并回答下列各题?(1)Who is going to be here?_(2) Why Nick cant go to Jeffs house?_(3)What did they do last fall ?_ 2. 模仿秀:跟读,模仿语音,语调。然后大声朗读、并背诵对话3. 两人一组表演对话4. 考考你的记忆力Jeff:Hey ,nick ,_ you _ _ my house _ Saturday? my cousin Sam from Xian is _ _ _hereNick: Oh,Sam,I remember we _ _ _ together last fall when he visited you.Jeff :Yes ,thats right.Nick :Id _ _ come ,but Im afraid I cant I _ _ _ on Monday so I must prepare for it.Jeff :Thats really too bad! Oh ,but Sam _ _ _ nest Wednesday .Can you_us on Monday night?Nick :Sure ,catch you on Monday!After reading 和同伴分角色扮演Eliza和Lu Qing,找一个合适的时间,相约去购物,参考句型:A: Hi, Peter, can you come to my party this Saturday?B: Party? what party?A: Its my 15th birthday.B: Really? Happy birthday to you ,Donna. Id love to .What time?A: October25th,at 6pm,at my home. Do you know my address?No.108 Green Street. If you cant find it ,give me a call,24606776.By the way, can you ask Ann to come together?Its a 1_party!For whom:2_Time:3_Place 4_ Phone number5_Come and have 6_2大声朗读Grammar Focus,最快速度就是最棒的!3迅速填充3a,小组内核对答案4. 小组内两两对话,看看那个小组以最快的速度背诵下3a的句子。5. 完成3b,并编写你的对话,写在作业本上。6. 写出下周你要做的事情,然后选出一天聚会。并编写对话。MonTueWedThurFriSatSunA: Can you come to my party? B: When is it?A: Next week, on Thursday night. B: Im sorry. I have to study for a math test.知识巩固:根据句意完成下列句子1 索菲亚这个周末要照顾她的妹妹。Sophia _ _ her sister this weekend.2 我的生日晚会将于5月6号晚上8点举行。My birthday party will be hold on May 8th _ _. 3 汤姆打算邀请琳达参加他的晚会。Tom plans to _ Linda _ his party.课堂小结这节课你学到的新知识有?怎样邀请他人进行活动,并对他人邀请做出选择。合理安排自己的日常生活,动手做一张下周的活动计划表。家庭作业1.根据今天所学到的知识,请你写一份英语晚会的邀请函2. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备第3课时 Section B (1a -1f)学习目标 知识目标1 口、笔头掌握以下句型A: Whats today? B: Its Monday the 14th.A: Can you play tennis with me?B: Sorry, I cant . I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.A: What are you doing the day after tomorrow?B: Im playing soccer.2 熟练掌握以下词汇: yesterday, tomorrow, weekday, look after3了解以下词汇的语音语义:the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday4 回顾并掌握下列有关时间的表达法:Whats today? Its Monday the 14th. When ? today .技能目标:能听懂提出邀请和做出应答的对话,并能表演相关的对话,学会制作自己的日程表。情感态度:培养学生合理安排自己时间的好习惯。课前准备:I 四人一小组准备一张日历,试着回答:How many days are there in a week? Please write them down.II借助手中的词典或课本词汇表,试着译一译:昨天_ 今天_ 明天_ 后天_ 前天_ 周末 _ 工作日_学习过程Before listening 1. 小组内交流课前准备II的内容。2. 观察1a中的日历,将本周的日历填写进去。3. 大声朗读1b中的词汇,猜猜意思,填到1a的日历4. 两人一组,试着练习下面的句型,体会它们的意义:-Whats today? -Its Monday the 14th.观察与思考:英语中问日期,常说_. 而问星期几常说_; 但在美国人的口语中问日期常简单地说_.While listening 1 Vince 和Andy 一起去打网球吗?听录音,完成1b.2 读一读1b中的单词或词组,注意听对话中是如何表达将来的计划或活动的。听第二遍录音,完成1c3 再听一遍录音,试着补全听力原文Andy: Hi , Vince?Vince : Yeah, hi , Andy!Andy: Vince, can you play tennis with me ?Vince :Uh, when ?Andy: Today .Vince ;Uh, no , sorry, I cant . I _go to the doctor and study for a test today.Andy: How about tomorrow?Vince :Sorry , tomorrow _ _ _ and I have a piano lesson.Andy: Oh .Well, what _ you _ the day after tomorrow?Vince :I have to babysit my sister.Andy: Oh, I see .Vince :Im sorry, Andy. Im really busy this week!4 模仿秀,听录音并跟读,注意模仿语音语调,尤其是Vince的回答。观察与思考:根据我们学过的语法知识判断,:“Im playing soccer.”与 “what are you doing the day after tomorrow?” 这两句的时态为 _ 其结构是_. 然而在此它的形式虽然是现在进行时,但表达的意义却是_的动作或状态,表示主观上打算在最近或将来要做的事情。5根据对话,试着汇报Vince 这三天的日程安排。你可以这样汇报:Vince have to _ today. He is _ tomorrow.After listening I. Pairwork 你能表达将来的计划或活动吗?根据1b的提示,模仿1c, 两人一组进行对话练习。可使用下列句型:A: Hi , can you play soccer with me ?B: When ?A: Today.B: Sorry, I cant .I.II. 同伴两人练习1f。并全班展示。评出哪组最优秀!知识巩固:I 用所给动词的适当形式填空1 Shed love _(go)with you.2 You _ (not have) to worry.3 Are they _ (practice) English?4 Thank you for _ (write ) to me .5 They arent _(go) to movies this evening.II 根据句意完成句子1 She often b _ her sister.2 What are you doing _(明天)?3 Are they _ (去)to movies with you ?4 When do you usually get up on _(工作日).5 -W_ is today? -Its Tuesday ,the 15th.课堂反思1 你会用英语表达本周你要做的事情吗?_2 朋友约你打网球,你会用英语拒绝朋友的邀请,并且能说出你的安排吗?_3 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?_家庭作业1 根据今天所学到的知识,用英语写出你在本周的计划或活动。(至少5句)2 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。第4课时 Section B (2a -2e)学习目标 知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握以下句型:What a great idea!She help me to improve my English so much.Im sad /glad to.Thanks so much for.I look forward to hearing from you all.2 熟练掌握以下词汇: invitation forward , preparation ,without, surprised, look forward to 3 掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:look forward to, turn down, take a trip, at the end of ,so that技能目标:会礼貌的制作,接受,拒绝邀请。情感态度:学会合理安排筹划活动,聚会。课前准备: I 课前收集有关的主题活动聚会,并列出来,如:birthday party用本单元学过的语言来接受或拒绝邀请,并说明理由。Thank you for your invitation. Im sorry , I cant go to the concert with you.On Saturday evening, Im going to the movies with some friendsIm going to visit my aunt. I have too much homework to do.I have to study for a test.II 利用课本词汇和手中的词典,译一译下列词组accept an invitation_ make an invitation_ turn down an invitation_ at the end of_the best way to do sth._ go back to_ 学习过程 Before reading1. 和同伴互查课前准备I内容,看看谁做的好。2. 四人一组,互相探讨并翻译课前准备II 的词组,看谁理解的最准确!3. 两人一组问和答。A: Can you come to my party? B: When is it?A: Next week, on Thursday night. B: Im sorry. I have to study for a math test.While reading1 Skimming(略读) 快速阅读2b,完成2b 的任务 Why did the people write them? _2 Scanning(扫读)仔细阅读全文,判断对(T)错(F)( ) 1.She helped me to improve my Chinese so much.( ) 2.My family is taking a trip to Shanghai at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle.( ) 3.Lets have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th.3. Reading up(研读)仔细阅读全文,回答下列问题。1.) What kind of party is it? _2.) Who is the party for? _3.) When is the party? _4.) Who did David invite to the party? _5.) What can people do at the party? _ 4. Reading up(研读)仔细阅读全文,画出重点短语,并全班交流。自主学习-找出重、难点。_合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互相解答。_5.listening and reading听并跟读2b,大声朗读2bAfter reading1. 本周末你打算干什么?Miss Lin 邀请大家去参加艺术节,谁愿意去?同伴互相问答,参考句型:A: Hey , can you come to the arts festival on Saturday? B: Im sorry , I cant .I have to.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time. B: How about you ?2. 完成2d,并核对,3. 迅速完成2d上的内容,并理解发出邀请的方式。4. 大声朗读2d, 并会复述。5. writing 根据2e 完成调查报告,并就调查结果写出调查报告My favorite teacher is . ,I want to say. to him/her.知识巩固:I 补全下面的电子邮件。Hi , Henry, Thank you for your 1_.Im sorry I cant 2_ you this week. I am really busy. This evening Im going to my 3_ birthday party. And 4_ ,I have to go to the 5_ .(Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have 6_ _ with the school team. And I have to 7_ for my 8_test on Thursday. On Friday evening ,Im going to the movies with some friends. Can you 9_ to the movies with us on Friday ?Write soon.II中考链接1. Thanks a lot for _me_ your birthday party.A. invite for B. invite to C. inviting for D. inviting to2. Listen! Is Tom singing in the classroom? No, it_ be Tom. He has gone to Pairs.A. may not B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt3. Harbin is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest.So it is. Why not stay here for_ two days?A. other B. others C. another D. the anthers课后反思:1. 这节课我学会了_2. 怎样邀请他人进行活动,并对他人邀请做出选择。_ _3. 我的困惑是_家庭作业 1. 试着复述2d。2. 根据今天所学到的知识,用英语写一篇小短文。(至少5句)3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。第5课时 Section B (3a-4)学习目标知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握以下句型:I would like to invite you to .The opening will be on the morning of.Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday ,December 20th.2 熟练掌握以下词汇: opening, concert, daytime技能目标:能够根据3a写出你的邀请函,然后根据日程表中的计划安排来描述自己或他人必须做的事情。情感态度:学会合理安排自己的活动并有礼貌地拒绝他人的邀请。课前准备: I 课前制作自己本周的活动一览表。Miss Liu本周六邀请你去听音乐会,根据你的日程安排,你能参加吗?用本单元学过的语言来接受或拒绝邀请,并说明理由。Thank you for your invitation. Im sorry , I cant go to the concert with you.On Saturday evening, Im going to the movies with some friendsIm going to visit my aunt. I have too much homework to do.I have to study for a test.II 利用课本的词汇和手中的词典,译一译下列的词组would like to _ will be _after this _by _bring sth.as a gift_ go to a concert_ study for math test_III 通过本单元的学习,你能说出哪些有礼貌拒绝他人邀请的语言?试着把他们写下来?_学习过程 Before reading和同伴表演课前准备I 中的内容A:Can you come to the concert? B: When ?A: Today . B:Id love to ,But I have to visit my aunt.A:What about tomorrow?2四人一组,互相探讨并翻译课前准备II 的词组,看谁理解的最准确!While reading1 Skimming(略读) 快速阅读3a ,回答问题 Will the opening be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 8:00? _2 Scanning(扫读) (1) 仔细阅读全文,并回答3a中的六个问题。 1.) Who is making the invitation? _ 2.) What is the invitation for? _ 3.) When will the event happen? _ 4.) What will happen after this? _ 5.) Do parents have to bring anything? _ 6.) How should people replay to this invitation, and when? _(2) 仔细阅读全文,找出有用的词组(3) 细读3a,你能找出表达时间的单词或词组吗?On the morning of Wednesday,_ _ _ _ _ 3 Reading up(研读)自主学习-找出重、难点。_()合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互相解答。_观察与思考:观察一下这些表达时间的单词或词组在句中的位置,他们有的放在了_,有的放在了_。这样避免了文章句式单一的现象。我们知道在星期几的表达方法了,那在星期几的早上,中午,晚上应该怎么表达呢,一定记住用介词_哦!例如on Friday morning, on Monday afternoon.4 模仿秀,听录音并跟读,注意语音语调5根据发出的邀请函,我们应该请父母亲注意哪些事!After reading 1 根据3a,完成3b,学会礼貌的回复别人发出的邀请函,并礼貌的列出原因。2根据4提供的日程表,和同伴完成对话。每组选一组同学表演你们所说的接受,拒绝邀请的理由,比一比,看哪一组同学用的语言丰富!II 根据首字母填空1. Thank you for i_ me to your party. 2. Were going to have a c_ test tomorrow.3. His brother has many A_ pen pals 4. I have basketball t_ with my friends.5. Tomorrow is Sunday ,and Ill be f_ II.中考链接:1.Chinese climbers carried the Olympic Flame to the top of the worlds highest mountain_8th of May xx.A. on B. at C. in D. from 2. Ben, would you like to play football with us?_,but I have to wash the dishes first.A.No, I cant B. I dont want to C. Yes, please. D. Id love to.3. Great changes have taken place in China, who can tell _it would be like in _five years?A. how;other B. what; more C. how; another D. What; another 课堂反思1 我们来梳理一下表达有礼貌地接受,拒绝邀请的方式吧:“Im +v.-ing”表示_ “I have to + verb.”表示_.两种句式都可以用来委婉地谢绝别人的邀请,表示自己脱不开身。2 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?_家庭作业1 你会用“Im +v.-ing”或“I have to + verb.”的句型来表达有礼貌地拒绝吗?尽你所能来写出几个句子,告诉Miss Liu 你不能去听音乐会的理由吧。2 完成Self check中的练习。3 依据下一个学案中的学习目标,做好课前准备。


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