七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第2课时)Section A(3e-3c)教案 人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第2课时)Section A(3e-3c)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第2课时)Section A(3e-3c)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(第2课时)Section A(3e-3c)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 8 When is your birthday第2课时 Section A 3e-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 巩固如何询问别人的年龄。2. 复习序数词131。3. 学会询问别人生日、年龄。二、过程与方法知识归纳,小组讨论,同伴合作交流,对话表演。三、情感态度与价值观通过学习,增强与人沟通的意识。教学重点熟练掌握词汇及基本句型。教学难点熟练运用重点词汇和句型。教法导航两人小组合作来巩固知识,实践知识。学法导航学生合作与探究式学习,通过小组活动,探究新知识,复习巩固旧知识。教学准备PPT 教学过程Step 1: GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2: Revision回顾上节课所学内容。利用自己所调查的家庭成员的生日,继续练习句型When is your birthday? My birthday is .Step 3: Group work仔细看课本45页Grammar Focus: Firstthirtyfirst,小组讨论总结基数词变序数词的规律。一变 first ,二变 ,三变 ,四至十九加 。五变ve为加th,八加 ,九去 加th,二十变y为i加 。从21到29变个位数。我们可用下面的口诀记准记牢基数词变为序数词的表达法。基变序有规律,词尾多加th;一二三特殊记,词尾字母tdd;八减t,九去e,f来把ve替;遇到整十来结尾,一定将y变ie;若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。Step 4: Pair work根据实际情况,完成问题。When is your birthday?When is your grandmothers birthday?When is your grandfathers birthday?When is your mothers birthday?When is your fathers birthday?When is your uncles birthday?When is your aunts birthday?Step 5: PracticeAsk and answer in pairs.1. How old are you?2. How old is your mother?3. How old is your father?4. How old is your grandfather?Step 6: Language pointsHow old . ? 句型是用于对年龄的提问,是一个特殊疑问句的句型。例如:1. How old are you ? 你多大了?I am 17. 我17岁了。2. How old is your father? 你父亲多大年纪了?He is forty. 他四十了。Step 7: SurveyMake a survey.利用When is your birthday? 和How old are you? 句型,调查五位同学的生日和年龄。并把调查后的结果,填入下面的表格。NameBirthdayAge(年龄)Step 8: Practice利用上表的调查资料,把你的调查结果报道给大家。例如:Li Mings birthday is on October 15th. He is 13. Zhao Leis birthday is .Step 9: HomeworkFind out your classmates birthdays and ages. Line up from the youngest to the oldest.课堂作业对下面句子的划线部分提问。1. My mothers birthday is on July 21st._?2. His birthday is on May 15th._?3. Im 15._?4. My grandfather is 60._?参考答案:1. When is your mothers birthday? 2. When is his birthday? 3. How old are you? 4. How old is your grandfather?教学反思可以尝试让学生到黑板上写一下重点单词、短语和句型。这样可以很好地巩固当堂知识。


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