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Unit 2 What time do you go to school一课一练达标闯关. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its 7:00 now. Get _(dress) and have breakfast, Peter. 2. The little baby has only two _(tooth). 3. Laura usually _(brush) her shoes on weekends. 4. The old man likes to tell the children _(fun) stories in the evening. 5. We need some summer _(job) for our students. 答案:1. dressed 2. teeth 3. brushes 4. funny 5. jobs . 单项选择1. Mr Brown has a busy _, so he has much _to do every day. 导学号38504010A. work; work B. job; workC. work; job D. job; job 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:布朗先生有一份忙碌的工作, 因此他每天有很多工作要做。job是可数名词, 指职位, 可用a修饰;work是不可数名词, 可用much修饰。故选B。2. My uncle and aunt usually eat breakfast _oclock on weekends. A. in eight B. on eightC. at eight D. at seven thirty 【解析】选C。考查用介词表示时间。句意:我叔叔和婶婶在周末通常在八点钟吃早饭。表示时刻时应用介词at, oclock前只能是表示整点的词汇, 故选C。3. This is really a _story. All the students like it. A. funny B. best C. boring D. difficult 【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。funny有趣的;best最好的;boring乏味的;difficult困难的。由下文“所有的学生都很喜欢它”, 可知空白处意为“有趣的”, 故选A。 4. Do you often go to the sports club, Lisa? No, _. I dont like sports at all. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes 【解析】选C。考查副词辨析。always总是;usually通常;never 从不;sometimes有时。由答语中“No”及“I dont like sports at all. ”, 可知空白处意为“从不”, 故选C。5. Here are your clothes, Peter. _ and we must go now. A. Make friends B. Get dressedC. Excuse me D. Have a good time【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。make friends交朋友;get dressed穿好衣服;excuse me打扰了;have a good time玩得高兴。由上文“这是你的衣服, 彼得”及“我们现在必须走了”, 可知空白处意为“穿好衣服”, 故选B。


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