2019年三年级英语下册 Module6 Unit1 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?教案 外研版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 Module6 Unit1 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语下册 Module6 Unit1 Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?教案 外研版教材分析: 本节课是新标准小学英语三起新版第二册第六模块第一单元的内容。这一单元的情境是星期日下午,Sam在去踢足球的路上遇到了Daming的堂兄Dalin(他是一名出租车司机,会伴随我们以后的英语学习)两人一边走一边谈论各自在星期日的活动安排。能口头运用What do you doon Sundays?来谈论周末活动安排。学情分析: 对于三年级的学生,周末活动安排及学校生活是他们再熟悉不过的,尤其是自己的周末怎么过,现在的孩子业余生活也很丰富,设计课堂教学时除课文中的play football,go swimming 等,learn handwriting, dance 也可让学生用英语初步感知。三年级的学生现在正是玩心重的时候,所以这节课中尽量准备一些游戏,活动,调动他们学习英语的积极性,在设计活动时更应注意充分考虑各个层次的学生,避免成绩差得孩子掉队,出现两极分化现象教学目标:知识目标:全体学生能理解词汇do,Sunday,swimming,go swimming,eat,in,sleep,watch,TV,watch TV。全体学生能初步运用词汇do,部分学生能初步运用词汇Sunday,swimming,go swimming,eat,in,sleep,watch,TV,watchTV。部分学生能初步运用What do you do on Sundays?来谈论周末活动安排。全体学生能够感知含有实意动词的一般现在时特殊疑问句语音语调。能力目标:全体学生能听懂、会说What do you do on Sundays?部分学生会说What do you do in the morning?会谈论周末活动安排。情感目标:学会珍惜时间,合理安排自己的日常活动。教学重点: 能运用句型What do you do on Sundays?谈论周末活动安排。教学难点:1、生活中运用What do you do on Sundays?询问别人的周末活动安排。2、ride a bike中i的发音,in the afternoon中the的读音。教具准备一体机、点读机、课本、PPT cards 教学过程:Warm upGreetingsDo and say football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises, swimming skipping, riding a bikePPT展示以上图片,师生共同做动作。出示单词卡swimming-go swimming footballplay football bikeride a bike重点教读动词。PPT展示chantSing the chant together.leadinT:I ride a bike on Mondays? Do you ride a bike on Mondays?若学生回答Yes,I do.继续问下一个学生。直到出现No,I dont.T:What do you do on Mondays?板书,点读,请学生试着跟读。请学生回答问题。T: What does the dog do on Mondays?引出活动一,listen.回答问题,利用单词卡片学习eat。Listen and repeat.出示单词卡片Sunday,点读,学习Sundays。T:What do you do on Sundays?覆盖Mondays引导学生回答。I_.T:We have no classes on Sunday.We can go outside and do some exercise. It is good for our health. What do you do on Sundays?引导学生回答。Presentation1、T:We can do many things on Sundays.What does Sam do on Sundays?Lets listen整体感知课文。2、再次听,回答问题。If you are SamWhat do you do on Sundays?引导学生回答。带领学生认识Dalin后,If you are DalinWhat do you do in the morning?What do you do in the afternoon?利用单词卡片学习sleep和watch TVListen and repeat(注意模仿语音语调)分角色朗读。PracticeMake a surveyNameSaturdaySundayin the morningin the afternoonin the morningin the afternoon五、Homework Read the text for ten minutes.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 4 页 共 4 页


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