八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 4 语法篇_学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点语法,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。 形容词副词最高级的特殊用法(1)最高级前可用序数词,二者共同修饰后面的名词,其结构为:the+序数词+形容词最高级+名词单数。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国的第二长的河。(2)最高级前可加one of ,即:one of +the +形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最.的之一。 He is one of the smartest students in this school. 他是这所学校中最聪明的学生之一(3)有时被最高级修饰的名词前还可用不定冠词,但这时不含比较的意思,只是表示非常很。如: Their performance was a greatest success. 他们的演出非常成功。1. English is one of_ spoken in the world.A. the important languages B. the most important languagesC. most important language D. the most important language2. Tom, are you _ boy in your class? No, but John is. Im shorter than him.A. the tallest B. the shortest C. the youngest D. the oldest3. She prefers football because she thinks its _ among all sports.A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting4. - Who ran of all in the sports meeting?- Hector did, I think.A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. more fast5. The Changjiang River is longer than river in China.A. anotherB. anyC. otherD. any other答案:解析:one of +the +最高级+名词复数形式,故选B2. 比较的范围为班里所有的学生,为最高级的用法,故选A。3. 比较范围为所有的运动,为最高级的用法,故选C。4. 比较的范围为所有人,为最高级的用法,故选C。5. 考查比较级表最高级的用法,因为长江在中国范围之内,比较时要排除自己,故选D基础演练1. 黄河是中国的第二长的河。The Yellow River is _river in China. 2. 你是你们班最高的学生之一吗? (词数不限)Are you in your class?3. 李梅比她班里的其他任何学生都高。Li Mei is taller student in her class.4. 李明是我们队个子最高的队员,他(球)打得也最棒。Li Ming is player in our team, and he plays .5. 天安门广场比北京任何其他广场都大。Tiananmen Square is bigger than square in Beijing.6. 位于中心大街的那家超市拥有最好的服务。The supermarket on the Center Street has service.7. 城里哪家店的衣服最贵?Which has the clothes ?8. 你们认为这个城市的空气怎么样? do you the air in the city?9. 我的相机比你的价格便宜得多。My camera is yours.10. 成龙是最受欢迎的动作片演员之一。Jackie Chan is one of action movie actors.1. the second longest2. one of the tallest students3. than any other4. the tallest, the best5. any other6. the best7. most expensive, in town8. What, think of9. much cheaper than10. the most popular 巩固提高1. 李华的鞋子和张慧的一样便宜。Li Huas shoes are Zhang Huis.2. 当夏季来临时,白天越来越长。When summer comes, the days get .3. 在考试中,我们越细心,我们犯的错误就越少。In our exam, the careful we are, the mistakes well make.4. 自行车运动不如跳水运动有趣。Cycling is interesting diving.5. 丹东的街道比以前干净多了。The streets in Dandong are than before.6. 你越仔细,你犯的错误越少。 you are, you will make.7. 北京的冬天和纽约一样冷。(词数不限)The winter in Beijing is that in New York.8. 空气污染越来越严重。The air pollution is getting .9. 为了开会不迟到,我比平常早了20分钟出门。I left home so that I would not be late for the meeting.1. as cheap as2. longer and longer3. more, fewer4. less; than5. much/a lot/even/far cleaner6. The more careful, the fewer mistakes7. as cold as8. worse and worse9. twenty minutes earlier than usual一、单项选择(共5小题;共5.0分) 1. Which is , the sun, the earth or the moon? A. bigB. biggerC. the biggestD. biggest 2. Of all the cities, Dalian is . A. very beautifulB. the most beautiful C. beautifulerD. beauty 3. He is the most popular all the players. A. inB. ofC. onD. / 4. The store sells their clothes in town. A. cheapestB. the cheapest C. the most cheaplyD. the cheapliest 5. - A number of volunteers willing to teach in Chinas rural areas.- Yes, the number is getting . A. is; bigger and biggerB. are; bigger and bigger C. is; more and moreD. are; more and more二、完形填空(共10小题;共15.0分) Are the days 6 in summer or in winter? In China the days 7 longer in summer. There are 8 than sixteen 9 of daylight in the middle 10 summer. In 11 there are only about eight hours of 12 . When is the weather warmest in China? It is the 13 during the summer months. During the winter it is often very 14 . In spring and autumn the weather is usually neither very hot nor very cold. The south has a 15 summer. The north has a cold winter. 6.A. longerB. longestC. longD. short 7.A. isB. amC. areD. be 8.A. manyB. muchC. mostD. more 9.A. daysB. hoursC. yearsD. months10.A. ofB. onC. atD. for11.A. springB. winterC. summerD. autumn12.A. dayB. lightC. daylightD. clouds13.A. hotB. hottestC. hotterD. cold14.A. wetB. hotC. coolD. cold15.A. windB. rainC. hotD. warm答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B二、完形填空 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B10. A11. B12. C13. B14. D15. C_5中月考卷(单选,完型部分)一、单项选择 1. - Tom, do you like playing piano?- No. I like playing chess. A. a; theB. the; /C. /; theD. the; a 2. Would you please pass those magazines? A. weB. usC. ourD. ours 3. stay with your uncle this winter holiday? A. Are you going toB. Do you C. Were you going toD. Are you 4. - your summer vacation?- I loved every minute of it. A. How isB. How did you think of C. What wasD. How did you like 5. This year we will have holiday. A. a 8 daysB. a 8-dayC. an 8-dayD. an 8-days 6. - did you surf the internet?- Twice a week. A. How many timesB. How long C. How oftenD. How soon 7. The old man told me there. It was very dangerous. A. not goB. to goC. not goingD. not to go 8. - National Day is coming. Do you have any plans?- Yes. I a second language. A. am going to learnB. was learning C. learntD. am learnt 9. My father loves football. He often late into night to watch games on TV. A. go to bedB. wakes upC. falls asleepD. stays up10. - She sent some flowers to you.- Im not going to them because Im still angry with him. A. acceptB. receiveC. getD. have11. you half an hour this newspaper. A. Take; to readB. Cost; to readC. Use; to readD. Take; reading12. There a sports meeting after National Day. A. are going to beB. is having C. is going to haveD. is13. Correcting mistakes in your exercise is a good of learning. A. advantageB. goalC. helpD. habit14. - Hello, may I speak to Tim?- Sorry, he isnt in. ? A. I am Lucy. Can I leave a message B. This is Lucy. Can I leave a message C. I am Lucy. Can I take a message D. This is Lucy. Can I take a message二、完形填空 At 18, I left my home and studied history at Leeds University in England. It was a hard time in my 15 as I was learning to deal with the pain of my fathers recent death. One day at the marker, I saw an elderly gentleman having difficulty holding onto both his walking stick and his bag of apples. l rushed over and 16 him. Thanks. Dont worry, Im quite all right now, he said, smiling at me with a pair of bright eyes. May I walk with you? I asked and so began my friendship with Mr. Burns, a man whose 17 and warmth very soon came to mean great deal to me. When we arrived at this house, I insisted on helping him prepare for his meal and asked if it would be all right if I came back again. I thought I should help him. With a smile he replied, Ive never been one to 18 an offer from a kind-hearted girl. I visited Mr. Burns twice a week, always on the same days and at the same time. I told Mr. Burns regretful I felt about being 19 with my father two weeks before his death. After about a month, when I went to his house at a different time, I saw him working in his garden, moving around 20 . I was very surprised. How? I began, I thought. I know what you thought. When you first saw me at the market, I hurt my ankle earlier that day. But When were you able to 21 normally again? Ah, no long after our first meeting. But 22 ? I asked. When you came around for the second time, I saw how unhappy you were feeling 23 and sad. I knew you were telling yourself that you were visiting me for my sake and not your own. I didnt think you would come back if you knew I was 24 and I knew you really needed someone to talk to, and someone who knew how to 25 . Mr. Burns, the man Id set out to help, helped me. He gave the gift of his time and kindness to a young girl who needed 26 .15.A. familyB. lifeC. worldD. education16.A. heldB. reachedC. helpedD. pushed17.A. smileB. luckC. welcomeD. hope18.A. rememberB. forgetC. acceptD. refuse19.A. strictB. angryC. satisfiedD. pleased20.A. easilyB. directlyC. carefullyD. safely21.A. travelB. walkC. runD. go22.A. whenB. whatC. whyD. how23.A. shamefulB. hurtC. lonelyD. tired24.A. happyB. poorC. busyD. healthy25.A. imagineB. discussC. readD. listen26.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none一、单项选择 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D10. A11. A12. D13. D14. D二、完形填空15. B16. C17. A18. D19. B20. A21. B22. C23. C24. D25. D26. A三、阅读理解(共5小题;共10.0分) Last year, Wang Ming was away from school for more than four weeks. This year he doesnt ask for leave at all. Now he is taller and much healthier than he was before. He always gets to school very early. Sometimes he is the earliest to get to class. His home is a little farther from school and it often takes him half an hour to walk to school every day. He says, Its good for my health to walk every day. He usually goes to bed before ten oclock at night. He never watches TV for more than one hour every day. He does about six hours of sports every week. He drinks milk, eats a lot of fruit and vegetables every day.27. Last year Wang Ming was away from school because he . A. had something important to doB. was ill C. didnt want to go to schoolD. was busy28. Now he is getting . A. taller and much healthierB. tall and healthier C. much fatter and healthierD. much fatter and taller29. How does he go to school every day? A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.D. By car.30. What does he often have every day? A. Fruit.B. Vegetables.C. Milk.D. A, B and C.31. Which sentence is NOT true? A. He often does exercise. B. He has good eating habits. C. He goes to bed early. D. He usually watches TV for too long.BACDD

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