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2020年三年级英语下册LessonDLetsplayagame教案3川教版让 我 们 玩一个游戏 Title: Lets play football.一、 (课题:让我们踢足球。) Thought: English is very important.(思想教育:英语很有趣) Knowledge:-Lets play football/basketball. Lets go swimming. -Ok! Lets play./Yes, I like football二、.(知识:学习并运用句型Lets/Ok! Lets/Yes, I like.) Ability: To improve the pupils ability of listening 、speaking and reading English.三、(能力:提高学生听、说、读英语的能力。) Main point: Lets play football/basketball. Lets go swimming. 四、(重点:Lets play football/basketball. Lets go swimming. ) Difficult point: words: basketball, football, swimming Drills: Lets play Lets go (难点:单词 football, basketball. 句型Lets play Lets go) Key point: Understanding and learning.(关键:理解,学说) Teaching aids: a tape recorder, a basketball, two footballs, a piece of colorful paper, tape, a ping-pong and a bat, three boxes, 五、教具准备four cards, some stickers, a toy, three headgears and CAI. (教具:录音机,篮球一个,足球两个,彩纸一张,胶带,乒乓球一个,球拍一个,礼盒三个,单词卡片四个,粘贴若干,玩具Gogo,三个头饰及课件) 六、Teaching steps:(教学过程) I 、Organization and Revision(组织教学与复习) 1、Greetings.(问候) 5 2、Sing and do the actions: (1)Heads, shoulders. (2) Point to the window.(唱歌律动启情) 3、Say the chant: Bounce the ball.(复习韵文引新知) II 、Presentation and understanding(新授理解) 25 1、 Learn to say : Lets play basketball.(学说让我们打篮球) (1) ballthe object: basketball the card: basketball(练熟后板贴 basketball)the card: playstick the word:play(练熟后板贴play) Lean to say: play basketball(身体语言,各种形式练熟)( 板写Lets) Lean to say:Lets play basketball(各种形式练熟). (2)T: Lets play basketball.Ss: OK! T:OK. Lets play. Ss: Lean to say OK! Lets play.(引导学生学说OK! Lets play) (3)Ask and answer in pairs, rows or groups: Lets play basketball.(同桌,前后排或男女生问答) (4)A game between boys and girls: Lets play basketball.(问、传、接、答游戏) 2、Learn to say : Lets play football. (学说让我们踢足球) (1) Guess, whats this? Is it a basketball? (No, it isnt. Its a football.) the object: football the card: football(练熟后 板贴football)Lean to say: play football(身体语言,各种形式练熟) Lean to say: Lets play football(各种形式练熟). (2) T: Do you like football? I like football.( With body langue.) Ss: Lean to say I like football. T: Lets play football.S: Yes, I like football. (3) Ask and answer in pairs, rows or groups: Lets play football. (4)A game between boys and girls: Lets play football.(问、传、接、 答游戏) 3、Learn to say : Lets play ping-pong.(学说让我们打乒乓球) (1)T: Close your eyes. Open your eyes. Guess, whats in the box? Is it a basketball? Is it a football? (Look! Its a ping-pong) ping-pong (板贴ping-pong) play ping-pong(模拟声音) Lets play ping-pong. OK! Lets play. (3) Make a dialogue in pairs : Lets play ping-pong. (打给学生,接球回 答) (4)Lets play ping-pong. 导:No, Im hot.(With body language) 4、Learn to say : Lets go swimming.(学说让我们去游泳) (1)引:swimming(板贴swimming)(板书go)go swimming(板书Lets) Lets go swimming. (引导)Yes! Lets go. 附送:2020年三年级英语下册LessonDLetsplayagame教案4川教版 教材分析1. 语言功能:学习邀请别共同游戏。2. 语言结构:学习句型Lets play ./Lets go ;四个关于运动的词组;3. 教学目标:1)学习新句型Lets play ./Lets go ;2) 能正确流利地运用这两个句型问答;通过各项变式练习培养学生听、说、读的能力;3)使学生通过学习学会生活、学会合作、学会交流;进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣。4. 教学重难点:重点:句型Lets play ./Lets go ;和四种运动的词组。难点basketball 和swimming的发音。 学生分析本课教学对象是一年级新生,他们初步接触英语,对英语学习有十分强烈的好奇心和新鲜感。他们比较活泼、大胆,但是独立性较差,只有少数同学才能零星说出几个单词;他们喜欢上英语课,特别是游戏、韵律小诗更受他们的欢迎,但他们有意注意的时间还是较短的,好动也好玩。因此,教师应抓住这些特点,精心设计每个环节,使每个学生都能主动参与其中,让他们在“学中玩”,“玩中学”。设计理念1. 创设学习英语的气氛,发挥学生的主动性和创新性。2. 现在课堂上倡导学生是学习的主体,教师是教学活动的组织者和引导者,本课的教学活动通过比一比、玩一玩、说一说、做一做等多种形式展开的,其目的就是为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣。3. 手、脑、口、眼在“活动”中并用学习英语,加深学生对新知识的记忆。4. 采用合作学习的方式,利用学生间的信息差,通过伙伴合作,一起努力,更好得学习本课知识。5. 设计任务,学生在游戏中运用新知识,发挥学生的想象力,提高兴趣。教学准备录音机、磁带、卡片、实物(足球、篮球、乒乓球、卡片等)、课件教学过学步教骤设计意图一、Warming up and revision. 1. Greetings.2. Lets count from 1-12.二、Presentation and understanding . 1. T:Its a fine day today. I want to do some sports. Do you want to play with me? Ss : Answer .2.创设情境:突然滚出一个足球。师惊奇地拿起足球,Oh, a football! I like football.Lets play football.OK?利用肢体语言让学生领会意思。引导学生回答OK! 3.Ask and answer with one student.Then play football with him/her. 4. I hear Sam and Daming playing now.Lets go to have a look ! One question : What are they doing ? 5.学生看大屏幕,并回答问题。 6. T: How interesting ! Lets play together! 7 .a T:Lets play football. Ss :Repeat.b T出示卡片新授单词football.和play 引导学生学习词组play football并加上动作领会意思。师完成板书并引导学生说出完整句子。 c. 师生间对话。 d. 和伙伴练习问答,并指生表演。 8. a. 师拍篮球上来。Is it a football ? Ss answer. T :Whats this ? b. 新授单词 basketball.引导学生说出词组play basketball并结合动作记单词。完成板书,引导学生说出完整句子。 c.指生对话。 d. 同桌练习,指生表演。 e. Lets play a game : Pass the basketball.f. Pass it to teacher. “I like basketball.”新授单词“like”. 9. a. T :Close your eyes ,please ! Guess ! Whats in my hand ! Ss guess ! b. 新授单词。 c.引导学生想动作。出示实物,带学生做动作。 d.指生对话,引出答语”No, Im hot .”新授单词hot.10. a. T :师做动作,学生猜出游泳。引出句子Lets go swimming. b. 新授单词swimming . go swimming . c. 结合动作说句子。11Do actions .12. Listen to the tape-recorder,find Lets.13. Listen again,then repeat.14. Listen and say.三、Consolidation and summary . 1. Read the cards,then put them on the blackboard. 2. Play a game : What do I say ?3. Play a guessing game .4. Have a chant . 带领学生数数,简短而有力,复习Lets . 试着征求学生的意见,拉进师生间距离。自然地创设一个情境,师生轻松地进入学习状态。 师生共同游戏即提高了兴趣,又顺便流露出本课内容。 让学生先整体感悟本课内容,进入情境。 带着问题听提高学生注意力,有目的性。 结合上一个内容简单过渡到下一个环节。让学生自己尝试读新单词,知道词的来源,加深记忆。 伙伴合作,提高兴趣,增强合作意识。 变换新知识呈现方式,提高学生学习兴趣。将知识溶入游戏中,即达到练习的目的,又使学生愿意学。结合动作教学提高学生学习兴趣,集中精神使他们边学边玩。 听课文,整体学习本课知识。将知识转化为游戏使学生真正能在“玩中学,学中玩。”利用chant 中的新单词教学来巩固新授句型。

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