2019中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编题(4).doc

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2019中考英语完形填空精编题(4)及答案【实战训练】 AA story tells that two friends were walking through the desert( 沙漠). During the trip they had a 1._ , and one friend hit the other in the face. The one who was beaten was hurt, but without saying 2._ , he wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me in the face.They 3._ on walking until they found a lake, where they decided to take a bath(洗澡). The one, who had been beaten, fell into the lake and started drowning(溺水), but the friend saved him. After he came back to life from the near drowning, he wrote on a 4._ : Today my best friend saved my life.The friend who had hit and 5._ his best friend asked: 6._ I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone, why? The other friend 7._ : When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand 8._ wind can blow it away. 9._ , when someone does something good for us, we must write it down in stone where no 10._ can ever blow it away.( ) 1. A. talk B. joke C. fight D. picnic( ) 2. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything( ) 3. A. kept B. continued C. lasted D. tried( ) 4. A. sand B. stone C. tree D. wall( ) 5. A. killed B. hurt C. saved D. made( ) 6. A. Before B. While C. Until D. After( ) 7. A. replied B. asked C. questioned D. required( ) 8. A. which B. how C. where D. when( ) 9. A. Although B. Or C. But D. If( ) 10. wind B. water C. air D. sand【参考答案】8、1-5 CCABC 6-10 DACCA【实战训练】 B xx中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会历史类完形填空。阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. Butcan give them a clear answer, because there is no wallthe university. The university is a city. You can find classroom buildings, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are theand teachers of the university. Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachersthe place 800 years ago. It grew up by the river “Granta” onceriver “Cam”. Awas built over the river as early as 875 and so the town gotname“Cambridge”. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century. Cambridge became a city in1951 and now ita population of over100,000,000. Many young students in other countriesto study at Cambridge.【小题1】A. someone B. anyone C. no one【小题2】A. around B. between C. near【小题3】A. cinemas B. parks C. libraries【小题4】A. parents B. farmers C. students【小题5】A. get to B. reached C. arrived【小题6】A. said B. called C. spoken【小题7】A. bridge B. building C. station【小题8】A. their B. it C. its【小题9】A.has B. is C. grows【小题10】A. have B. need C. hope【实战训练】 C阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项.An old man was fishing on the bank of a river. A child came to see him fishing. The old man was really good. 36 fishing and it didnt take long for him to 37 a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish. But the child 38 her head. The old man was 39 and asked, “Why dont you want the fish?” The child answered, “I want the fishing rod (杆) in your hands.”The old man asked, “Why do you want the rod?”“It doesnt take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go 40 by myself and I wont be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.I think you will 41 say that the child is very smart. Wrong! If she doesnt know 42 to fish, she can not have fish to eat, even though she has the fishing rod. Its 43 to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the 44 important, not the fishing rod.Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life, they will 45 fear the wind and rain. They are just like the child, who thought that if she had a fishing rod, she would have fish to eat.36. A. in B. at C. with D. for37. A. catchB. bring C. take D. carry38. A. nodded B. shook. C. carried D. lifted39. A. excited B. worried C. surprised D. interested40. A. fish B. fishes C. fished D. fishing41. A. certainlyB. mainly C. finally D. exactly42. A. what B. how C. when D. where43. A. homeless B. harmless C. careless D. useless44. A. more B. most C. least D. less45. A. not longer B. not long C. no longer D. no long【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文中讲述了一位老人很擅长钓鱼,不一会儿钓了一筐鱼。一个小孩过去观看,老人打算送给他一筐鱼。没料小孩拒绝收下,原来他中意的是钓竿。小孩认为送的鱼会很快吃完,但有了钓竿自己就可以不用担心鱼吃会完了。但作者认为除了钓竿,更重要的是学会钓鱼的技能。文章告诉我们,我们的生活中除了要拥有“鱼竿”这样的物质条件,更重要的要努力学习各种技能,提高我们自身的竞争实力,才能真正创造我们想要的生活。36. B 根据下文很快钓到一筐鱼,可知是擅长于钓鱼,用词组be good at,故选B。37. A 根据句意是钓鱼、抓鱼用catch; B .bring 带来;C. take带走; D. carry 携带,故选A.38. B 据下文老人问为什么不要鱼可知,小孩是摇头。A .nodded点头 ;B. shoot摇头;C. carried 携带;D. 举起,故选B。39. C 根据句意老人给小孩鱼,小孩摇头,可知老人是惊讶并且问为什么。excited 感到兴奋的;worried担心的; surprised感到惊讶;,interested 感兴趣,故选 C。40. D 根据句意是我能自己钓鱼 ,钓鱼go fishing,故选D。41. A 根据上下文,作者认为我们肯定会说这个小孩聪明。certainly肯定;mainly 主要地; finally 最后;exactly 确切地,故选A.42. B 根据句意,如果她不知道怎么怎么钓鱼,她就没鱼吃。what 什么或者指内容;how怎么样;表方式;when时间;where地点,故选B。43. D 从下文钓鱼技巧是最重要的,而不是鱼竿可知,仅有鱼竿是没用的。homeless 无家可归的;harmless 无害的;careless 粗心的;useless无用的,故选 D.44. B 根据句意,钓鱼技巧是最重要的,而不是鱼竿。more 更;most 最;lest 最少;less 更少,故选B。45. C 根据句意,太多的人认为如果生活拥有“鱼竿”,他们就不不再害怕风和雨。不再no longer,故选C。【实战训练】 D阅读下面的短文,用所给词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一次。Know,work,lucky,child,proud,interest,decide,problem,good,he,Martin Murray is a school boy and he is fifteen years old. He used to be a “problem child. He used to give his mother many_1_. However, After his fathers death,Martins life became much more difficult. His mother couldnt afford to pay for her _2_ education. She had to work,and so was often not at home. His mother tried her best to look after him. Unfortunately,Martin still caused trouble. He was not _3_ in studying and he often got into trouble with the police. _4_, his mother was very patient and didnt give up trying to help him. In the end,she made a difficult _5_ to send him to a boys boarding school. Martin hated it and caused a lot of trouble. One day,he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother,but to his surprise,this conversation changed his life.“It was exactly what I needed,”he said.“I_6_ how much my mother had given me. She also told me that even though my father was not with us,he was watching me and would always take_7_ in everything good I do. Thats when I decided to change.”Now Martin has really changed. He_8_ hard and gets“As in all subjects. He is now one of the_9_ students in his class. His mother helps him to feel good about _10_,and as he says,“Its very important for parents to be there for their children.”1._ 2._, 3. _, 4. _, 5. _, 6. _, 7. _,8. _,9. _,10. _【解题技巧】本题是选词填空型,通读后可知本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了一个名叫Martin Murral的小男孩。他过去 被称作问题少年,常常惹麻烦,直到他毋亲与他进行一次长谈,才彻底改变了他,将一个问题少年变成一个优等生。1.problems。名词考查题。“他过去常常给他妈妈带来许多麻烦”,“问题,麻烦”应用problem,在这里应使用其复数形式、所以正确答案为problems,2. childs 名词所有格考查题。她承担不起她孩子上学的费用”,孩子的”应用名词所有格,所以正确答案为childs3. interested。形容词考查题。“他对学习不感兴趣。短语be interested in表示“对感兴趣”,所以正确答案为形容词interested.4. Luckily.副词考查题。“幸运地,他的母亲对他很有耐心,并没有放弃他”,“幸运地”用luckily, 在句首,首字母要大写。所以正确答案为Luckily.5. decision.名词考察题。“最后她做了一个艰难的决定”,“做决定、下决心“用make a decision,此处为名词、并用其单数形式。所以正确答案为decision.6. know。动词考查题。“我知道我的妈妈为我付出了很多”,“知道know,在这里用一般现在时,所以正确答案为know.7. pride。动词短语考查题。此句为“他的父亲一直在关注他,并为他做的每一件好事而感到自豪,动词短语“对感到自豪”take pride in, 短语中间应使用名词pride。所以正确答案为pride.8. works。动词考查题。“他努力学习,并各科都得到了A,and前后并列动词短语时态保持一致,都用一般现在时的单三形式。所以正确答案为works.9. best。形容词考查题。“他现在是班级中最好的学生之一”,“最好的用形容good的最高级best,所以正确答案为best.10. himself。代词考查题。“他的妈妈帮他感到自信,“感到自信”用feel good about oneself,这里的代词用反身代词,所以正确答案为himself.


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