2019年三年级英语下学期Lesson 4-6习题精选(无答案) 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下学期Lesson 4-6习题精选(无答案) 冀教版姓名 班级 I.Look and match.(连线)1. sleep 2. fish 3. vegetables4. fruit5. rice6. chicken7. dumplings8. noodlesII.Choose the right word to feel in the blanks.(选择)1.Jenny doesnt like ( ), she likes ( ).A. meat B. pork C. chicken D. fish2.Tom gets up in the ( ), he goes to bed in the ( )A. Sunday B. morning C. afternoon D. evening3.Jenny ( ) school, she does her homework in the ( ).A. likes B. doesnt like C. afternoon D. evening4.I like carrots and tomatoes, theyre ( ).A. noodles B. fruits C. dumplings D. vegetablesIII.Answer questions.(根据实际情况回答问题)1. Do you like vegetables?_2. Can you write three kind of fruit?_3. When do you get up?_4. What do you do in the afternoon?_IV.Draw your favourite fruit and vegetable.(画出你最喜欢的水果和蔬菜)答案:一、(1)vegetables (2)fruit(3)sleep(4)fish(5)chicken(6)rice(7)noodles(8)dumplings二、(1) D, C(2) B, D(3)A, C(4)D三、略。四、略。三年级英语下学期Lesson 5习题精选一、听录音,判断对错,对的写“Yes”,错的写“No”。1.thirteen 2.eighty 3. sixteen 4. nineteen二、根据实际情况回答。1. How many books do you have?2. How many erasers do you have?3. How many pencils do you have?4. How many markers do you have?三、读一读下面数字的英文表达,组合算式,说一说,?+?=sixty?ten twenty thirty forty fifty 答案:一、1. thirty No 2. eighty Yes 3. sixteen Yes 4. ninety No二、略。三、1. ten + fifty =sixty / fifty + ten =sixty2. twenty + forty =sixty / forty + twenty=sixty3. thirty + thirty=sixty三年级英语下学期Lesson 6习题精选I.Write the food you often eat for breakfast.(写出你经常吃的早餐)II.Fill in the blanks.(补全单词)1. j_ _ce2. b_ e_d3. p_ rr _ d_e4. t_st and jamIII.Match the pictures and the words.(连一连)1. juice2.bread3.cereal4.eggsIV.Fill in the blanks.(补全句子)1. I like eggs _ breakfast.2. _ you like juice?3.Jenny puts _ and sugar on porridge.cereal4.The porridge is _(美味的)。V.Draw your favourite food.(画出你最喜欢的食物)答案:一、略。二、1.juice 2.bread 3.porridge 4.toast三、1.bread 2.cereal 3.eggs 4.juice四、1.for 2.Would 3.milk 4.delicious五、略。小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页

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