九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England Section C学案仁爱版.doc

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九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England Section C学案仁爱版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England Section C学案仁爱版.doc_第3页
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Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of EnglandSection C【学习目标】1、 我能听说读写下列单词:trust, unit; 我能认读理解下列单词和短语:remarry, stepmother, license, lawyer, highly, politician, elect, union, slave, shoot, walker, backwards, concern, content, failure, brief, achievement, break out, get rid of, set free, break up。2、学习并列连词either. or, not onlybut also, both.and和neithernor的用法。3、通过对Section C的学习,我能用所学语言谈论和描述历史人物,理解名人名言的含义,并以此鞭策自己:在学习上要坚持不懈,永不放弃。【重点难点】1、掌握并列连词either. or., not only.but also., both.and.和neither.nor.的用法。2、能读懂有关世界名人,如林肯的事迹,并能够获取有用信息。【学法指导】1、 能理解事件发生的顺序和人物行为,并根据事件发生的时间进行排序。2、在写作之后学会校对拼写、语法和标点的错误,也可以互相校对,完善自己的作品。【快乐预习】1、结合课后注释,在文中划出下列短语,完成英汉互译: 搬去某地 _ 学会做某事 _ 积极参与 _ 允许某人做某事_ set free _ break out _ break up _ get rid of _2、利用网络或课本资源,找到有关林肯的详尽资料,尝试收集些英语材料。3、我在预习中的疑惑: 【自主学习】 任务一:根据自己对时间发生顺序的理解,将文章前的人物事件进行合理排序。 任务二:阅读1b信息,泛读1a核实信息正误。 任务三:在1a中找出1c中的相关词汇,结合上下文,判断其意思。 任务四:为你心目中的英雄写一篇文章,包含任务简介,他/她的生平贡献,你从他/她身上学到的良好品质等。注意写完后要自己进行检查拼写、语法和标点的错误。【合作学习】1、 小组对学:分组大声朗读1a文章,相互检查文章前的事迹排序练习。 将自己的演讲文章拿来跟小组搭档分享,相互检查错误。“三人行,必有我师!”2、小组互学:相互检查1b部分的判断练习。注意各自给出文章中所找出的信息依据。做到“以理服人”。3、分组讨论:每个小组选取一个本话题学过的历史名人进行讨论,尽可能的丰富其生平事 迹,为后面的展示交流作准备。 讨论2部分林肯讲过的名言,认真体会伟大人物的宽广胸怀及百折不挠的精神。【展示交流】Its show time!挑战一:复述文章 根据小组对学结果,结合事件排序,复述林肯的生平事迹。简挑战二:Talk Show 根据自学及合作成果,每组推选出最优演讲作品,登上讲台,开始展示你们的合作成果吧。 【你探我究】观察模仿:1、 In Illinois there were neither teachers nor schools, but Lincolns stepmother encouraged him to study.译为:在伊利诺伊州,_。There be句型中neithernor连接的并列连词在此处作_语。注:此处“encourage”为动词,用法为encourage sb. to do sth.,其对应的名词为“encouragement”。如:Thanks to Mr. Yis _, I succeed in making progress in English.2、 The southern states wanted to keep the laws (that allowed them to own slaves). 括号部分为_从句。我知道它的先行词是_,关系代词还可用_,其在从句中充当_语,_省略。 译为:_。3、 Both the northern states and President Lincoln wanted to get rid of those laws. 句子中出现了并列连词_,由其连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词需用_形式。如: Both Kangkang and Li Lei _ (come) from China.4、 On April 9, 1865, the Civil War ended and all the slaves were set free. 译为:_。 句子使用的是_时态,其中all the slaves were set free使用了_语态。如:The school sports meeting _(hold) last term.【达标检测】用今天所学知识,完成下列选择题练习。( )1、His mother encouraged him _ . A. study B. to study C. studied D. studying ( )2、We should _ the school sports meet. A. took an active part in B. take an active part in C. join D.joined( )3、Less than a week _ , he was shot and died the next day from his wounds. A. after B. in C. later D. at ( )4、_ April 12th, xx, I received a law license and became a lawyer. A. From B. On C. In D. At( )5、This is the most interesting story _ I have ever read.A. which B. who C. that D.where( )6、_Lucy_ you can go to the party. One of you has to look after your grandma.A. Bothand B. Eitheror C. Neithernor D. Not onlybut also( )7、The tall building _ around a century ago.A. build B. was built C.were built D.built【学后反思】本课我学会的新词有:_;短语有: 通过这节课的学习,我了解了美国历史上杰出总统林肯的一生及其为解放黑人奴隶而做出的贡献。进一步学习了并列连词_。我这节课的困惑是:_。


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