2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson 22 how old are you教案 冀教版.doc

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2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson22 how old are you教案 冀教版共一课时教学目标:1、学生应争取掌握下列词汇:brother, sister, old, young.2、学生能够理解并口头应答下列用语:How old are you? I am years old.教学重点:学生掌握 brother , sister, old, young. 教学难点:学生理解并口头应答 How old are you? I am years old.教学用具:图片,录音机。教学过程:一、问候二、新概念1、 This is my sister. This is my brother.(1) 学生看图并描述,尽可能多地用英语引导学生讨论Jenny相册中的照片和句子。(2) 问学生能认识照片旁边句子中的哪些词,并让他们猜猜句子的意思。(3) 播放录音,学生看书跟读。2、 Old or young?(1) 展示给学生两张卡片,一张画有老人,另一张画有年轻人。(2) 教师指着图片教读Old /young ,学生跟读。(3) 师生对话T: Is he /she old or young ?S: He/She is .3、 How old are you ?(1) 把How old are you? I am years old. 写在黑板上,和学生一起重复这些用语。(2) 教师与个别学生进行对话。T: Hello! My name is . Whats your name?S1: My name is . T: Nice to meet you ! Im years old. How old are you?S1:./ Im .(3) 引导学生分组编演对话。(4) 师生一起看课本第三部分。问: How old is Jenny ? How old is LiMing?How old is Danny?帮助学生说出He/She is years old .和 forty, thirty-two这两个词。(5)播放录音,学生看书跟读。(6)师生一起大声地朗读每个句子。三、播放歌曲I love you, you love me,师生齐唱。板书: sisterbrotheroldyoungHow old are you? I am years old.课后习题: 1.写单词:年老的_ 年轻的_2.填空: How _ _ you? _ nine years _.附送:2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 Family Lesson23 Happy Birthday习题 冀教版一、Interview. (用所学知识作个小调查。)1. family mebbersMy fathers birthday is_. My mothers birthday is_. My birthday is_.2. classmates NameAgebirthday二、Try to tell the story to your friends.(试着把图中的故事讲给你的朋友听。)三、Make a birthday card for your parents and write your wishes.(为你的爸爸妈妈做生日贺卡,并写上祝福的话。)答案(略)


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