2019中考英语 句型转换导学案 牛津版.doc

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2019中考英语:句型转换教学内容1.17-4-词形转换做题方法及易错题分析一.句型转换【知识梳理】1.题型分析句型转换是目前英语中考的一个常见题型,主要考查学生对不同句子结构(语法)的语言运用能力。学生只要掌握英语句子的基本结构和单词拼写,该大题得满分并不难。2.解题技巧 (1)熟练掌握英语的基本句子形式,如陈述句,各种形式的否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反意疑问句,感叹句,主动语态和被动语态结构等。请看下面的例句和分析:如:The T-shirt cost five dollars.(改为一般疑问句) _the T-shirt_ five dollars? 该句的cost 是过去式,不需要加s。本句应用Did, cost. 英语有几个动词过去式和现在式同一形式,set,cut,put,let,fit,read,spread等,要看清楚再做。如:The photo near the door is the best.(就划线部分提问)_ _is the best?本句用Which photo,因为near the door 用作定语修饰名词 photo,别认为near the door 是地点而用错 where。如:We have studied in this school for four years,(改为特殊疑问句)_ _have you studied in this school?本句虽没有划线部分,但根据句子其他部分意思,可以看出是对for four years 进行提问,肯定用How long.如:Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon.(改为反义疑问句)Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon,_ _ ?如:He could hardly see the words on the blackboard. (改为反义疑问句)He could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _?祈使句的反义疑问句,仅Lets句型用shall we,其他都用will you. 而一般疑问句改反义疑问句应注意,若句子的主要部分用肯定,附加部分用否定,反之则相反。第六句应用could he.(2)要熟悉“保持句意”的改写,如:简单句和复合句的转换,两句并一句,形容词,副词比较等句型,不用句型的转换,词语的不同搭配。请看下面的例句和分析:如:It was eleven oclock when he finished his homework last night.He _finish his homework _ it was eleven oclock.本句是改为not until 句型,用didnt, until.如:He is the tallest in his class.No one _in his class is as _ as he.本句是最高级句型改为原等级句型,用else, tall.如:He didnt make as many mistakes in his homework as you.He _ _ mistakes in his homework _ you.本句是 as(so)as 句型改为用带than的句型,用made fewerthan. Mistakes 是可数名词,别误用修饰不可数名词的less。如:These stamps belong to my elder brother.These stamps are elder_ .原句中的belong to 改为are ,动词转换,用法不同,应用brothers.如:The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.The box isnt _ _for me to carry.本句是复合句改为简单句,且否定结构的位置有变化,需要用heavy的反义词,故用light enough,误用成tooto结构。如:The question is very difficult. No one can answer it.The question is _difficult_ _ _ answer.本句为两句合并成一句,原句有否定意义,应用toofor anyone to,别误用成so that anybody can. 如answer后it,才可用sothat结构,因tooto结构句子是简单句,而so.that是复合句。3.初中英语同义词归纳(1) glad=happy=pleased (高兴的) difficult=hard=not easy (困难的) (2) of course=sure=certainly (当然) give a talk=make a speech(作一次演讲) (3) given name =first/middle name(名字) How about=What about (什么怎样) (4) hold=have (举行、进行) fast=quick (快的) (5) still=all the same(仍然) come on=be quick=hurry up(赶快) (6) drop=throw(扔) drop=land(使落下) drop=give up(放弃) (7) rather= quite (相当) right now=now(现在) (8) right now=just now(刚刚) right away=at once (立刻、马上) (9) except=but(除.之外) (10) prefer A to B =like A more /better than B (相对B来说,更喜欢A) (11) Hands up=put up ones hands=lift ones hands (举手)(12) return=go back(回去) return=come back=get back (回来) return=give back(归还) (13) past=through(过、通过) (14) help sb with sth=help sb(to) do sth (帮助某人做某事)(15) while=when(当.) (16) several=a few=some (数个、若干) anywhere=in any place(任何地方)(17) everywhere=here and there(到处) arrive(inat)=reach=get(to)(到达)(18) no hurry=take your time(不急、慢慢来) order=turn(顺序)(19) over=more than(超过、多于) shop=store(商店)(20) rush=run very quickly(冲、奔跑) shop=workshop(车间)(21) center=middle(中心) join=be in=Take part in(参加)(22) take a look= have a look(看一看) as soon as possible=as soon as sb can(尽快)(23) hate=dislike(不喜欢、讨厌)(24) learn sth by oneself=teach oneself sth(自学.)(25) fail=not pass(不及格、失败)(26) give sb a call=give sb a ring=call sb=ring sb up =telephone sb(打电话给某人)(27) look after=take care of(照顾)(28) fly to=go to by air=go toby plane(乘飞机去。)(29) in a minute=in a moment=very soon(一会儿、马上)(30) almost=nearly(几乎)(31) just then=just at that time(正在那时)(32) no one=none(没有一人)(33) hear from=receive a letter fromget a letter from=have a letter from.(收到.的来信)(34) also(用于句中)=too(肯定句末)=either(否定句末)(35) plant=grow(种植)(36) expensive=dear=not cheap(昂贵的)(37) so far=up to now(直到现在)(38) billion=a thousand million(十亿)(39) century=a hundred years(世纪、百年)(40) a bit of+unc.=a little+unc. A bit+adj=a little+adj(41) call=name(命名、名叫)(42) maybe=perhaps(也许、可能)用于句首(43) never mind=It doesnt matter=Its not important(不要紧、没关系)(46) famous=well known著名的 hear of=know=learn about听说(48) have classes=have lessons(49) have a good time=have a very nice time=enjoy oneself玩得开心(50) do ones best=try ones best尽某人的努力 start=begin(51) do well in=be good at在.做得好 not forget=remember(52) catch a bus=take a bus赶公共汽车 hope=wish(53) last night=yesterday evening table=form表格(54) do sport=take exercise运动 photo=picture(55) tonight =this evening look around=look round四处看看(56) at last=in the end=finally最后、最终 (57) have to =must large=big(58) nobody=no one没有人 somebody=someone有人、某人(59) anybody=anyone任何人 everyone=everybody每个人(60) I think=Im afraid 恐怕. (61) No.1=number one(62) thats all right=thats ok=You are welcome=not at all不必谢(63) walk to.=go toon foot步行到.(64) ride to.=go toby bike骑自行车到.(65) America=the USA (66) be from=come from (67) be over=end 结束(68) a lot=lots of=many(c.)=much(unc.)许多(69) whats wrong=whats the trouble=whats the matter?怎么了(70) just a moment=just a minute=wait a minute等一会(71) take a look at=have a look at=look at看一看(72) take a rest=have a rest休息一下(73) the other day=a few days ago几天前 (74) ever=at any time(75) stop sb(from)doing sth.=prevent/keep sb from doing sth. 阻止某人干谋事(76) on both sides=on each side=on either side在每一旁(77)in three days time=in three days在三天内(78) short for=a short way of saying 简称为 .(79) beside=next to=near to在.旁边(80) can=be able to能够(81) what do you mean by this words=what does the world mean=Whats the meaning of this words?这个单词是什么意思?How do you like?=What do you think of?你认为/觉得.怎么样4.常见考点(1)肯定句变否定句:常考的考点:have 、do句型例如:He has lunch at school. (改为否定句)He _ _ lunch at school.本句动词have 不表示“有”而是表示动作,应用doesnt have,不能用has not.(2)反义疑问句:常考的考点:带有否定副词的句子。(3)主动变被动常考的考点:一般现在时、一般过去时、以及含有情态动词的被动语态(4)同义句转换常考的考点:这里对于学生是难点,主要考考纲的近义短语、常考的初中句型。(5)对划线部分提问常考的考点:how long/soon/ far, how much/ many的区别和联系。(6)肯定句变感叹句常考的考点:近年来考的比较少了,how/what 的修饰用法。(7)两个句子合并为一句,复句变为简单句常考的考点:结构状语从句,宾语从句的使用。注意改写句子的细节问题。【例题精讲】例1.(上海徐汇区一模)Millions of people visited the website to purchase things at the shopping gala.(改为被动句)The website _ _ by millions of people to purchase things at the shopping gala.例2.(上海黄浦一模)We must do something to stop the case from getting even worse.(改为被动语态)Something must _ _ to stop the case from getting even worse.例3.(上海徐汇区一模)Did Maggie fly to New York on her own? He wondered.(合并两句为一句)He wondered if Maggie _ _ to New York on her own.例4.(上海黄浦区一模)How does learning take place in our mind? Scientists are not quite sure. (改为宾语从句)Scientists are not quite sure how _ _ place in our mind.例5.He didnt tell me when we should meet tomorrow. (改为简单句)He did tell me_ _ meet tomorrow .例6. (上海静安区一模)Emma walks her pet dog in the nearest park twice a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does Emma walk her pet dog in the nearest park?例7.(上海虹口区一模)The baby pandas weigh about 150 grams on average. (划线部分提问)_ _ do the baby pandas weigh on average?例8.(上海静安区一模)This black iPhone 7 plus cost John more than 7,000 yuan.(改为一般疑问句)_ this black iphone 7 plus_ John more than 7,000 yuan.例9.(上海虹口区一模)The Blacks set off for Hangzhou early yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)_ the Blacks_ off for Hangzhou early yesterday morning?例10.(上海徐汇区一模)My brother seldom put his toys in the right place.(改为反义疑问句)My brother seldom put his toys in the right place, _ _ ?例11.(上海静安区一模)As it is said by Joyce, the link method is a basic way of improving our memory. (保持句意不变)_ _ Joyce, the link method is a basic way of improving our memory.例12.(上海徐汇区一模)The thief finally said that he stole the valuable necklace from the lady.(保持句意基本不变)The thief finally _ _ the valuable necklace from the lady.例13.(上海徐汇区一模)Michael borrowed 3 books from the school library last week.(保持句意基本不变)Michael _ _ 3 books from the school library for a week.例14.上海普陀区一模Its so pleasant to visit an old friend from time to time. (改为感叹句)_ _ it is to visit an old friend from time to time!例15.Its really amazing to have pet dogs as our close friends in life!(改为感叹句)_ _ it is to have pet dogs as our close friends in life!例16.(上海普陀区二模)my, often,during,I,with,go travelling,parents,holiday(连词成句)_【课堂练习】1.The girl does her homework at the weekend.(改为否定句)The girl _ _ her homework at the weekend.2.(上海徐汇区一模)We can make cartoon faces come to life by giving them different expressions.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you make cartoon faces come to life?3.(江苏南通中考真题)Everything will be all right in a few days.(对划线部分提问)_ _ will everything be all right?4.(上海虹口区一模)The nurses took care of the patients in the hospital.(改为被动语态)The patients _ _ care of by the nurses in the hospital.5.“Will you visit Mr. Read next week?” Tom asked Mary.(改为宾语从句)Tom asked Mary_ she_ visit Mr. Read next week.6.The speaker spoke loudly. All audience could hear him.(合并为一句)The speaker spoke loudly_ _ all the audience could hear him.7.The teacher didnt tell us whether we should go on with the discussion or not. (改为简单句)The teacher didnt tell us _ _ go on with the discussion or not.8. (上海静安区一模)Do you respect all living things? Our geography teacher asked us.(合并成一句)Our geography teacher asked us_ we_ all living things.9.I will buy a T-shirt for my father. I dont think of a better idea for a present.(保持句意基本不变)I will buy a T-shirt for my father_ I_ of a better idea for a present.10.Were not able to give up the life of the poor girl for the time being.(保持句意基本不变)Were not able to give up the life of the poor girl_ _ .11.They started early in order to attend the lecture on time. (保持句意基本不变)They started early_ _ they could attend the lecture on time.12.We care for our physical health. We also care for our mental health.(保持句意不变)We care for our physical health_ _ _ our mental health.13. We are going to say goodbye to him at the airport. (保持句意基本不变) We are going to _ him _ at the airport.14.(上海黄浦区二模)for a coffee, after work, you, go out, do, with your friends(连词成句)1.(xx上海长宁一模)is, interesting, snowman, to, it, a, very, make. (连词成句)_.1.(上海静安区一模)November 11 is a happy day for them to buy a lot of things.(改为复合句)They are_ happy on November 11_ they buy a lot of things on that day.2.(上海静安区一模)Our laws protect the innocent people in all fields of life.(改为被动语态)The innocent people_ _ by our laws in all fields of life.3.I will call the police if that noise doesnt stop in a short while. (保持句意基本不变)I will call the police_ that noise_ in a short while.4.Our English teacher likes black coffee better than green tea? (保持句意基本相同)Our English teacher_ black coffee_ green tea.5.The American film begins at 8:30 p. m. (改为一般疑问句)_ the American film_ at 8:30 p. m.?6.The red car belongs to my mother. (对划线部分提问)_ _ belong to your mother?7.Few of them went to see the film. (改为反意疑问句)Few of them went to see the film, _ _ ?8.He likes playing ball games. (否定句)He_ _ playing ball games.9.All of the teachers are friendly to their students.(改为否定句)_ the teachers are friendly to their students.10.The students had a geography lesson yesterday morning.(改为否定句)The students _ _ a geography lesson yesterday morning.11.Classes end at 3:05 p.m. (保持原意)Classes_ _ at 3:05 p.m.12.The 22nd Winter Olympic Games took place in Sochi Russia.(保持句意基本不变)The 22nd Winter Olympic Games_ in Sochi Russia.13. The railway joins London and Edinburgh. (保持句意不变)The railway_ London _ Edinburgh. 14. There was something wrong with the machine as soon as the engineer left. (保持句意不变)The machine _ _ as soon as the engineer left.15.I think wealth is less important than health. (同义句转换)I_ think wealth is_ important than health.16.I bought a storybook two weeks ago. (保持原句意思)I _ a storybook for two weeks.17.Lets go shopping,_ _ (反问疑问句)18.(xx上海闸北一模)terrible, me, something, to, that day, happened (连词成句)_19.(xx上海黄浦一模)saw, at McDonalds, lady, him, the young. (连词成句)_20.上海普陀区一模The fisherman tied a piece of grass around the birds neck. (改为被动语态)A piece of grass _ _ around the birds neck.21. She had a lot of work to do last week.(改为否定句)She _ have _ work to do last week.22.The singer not only writes his own song but also plays the guitar. (保持句意不变)The singer writes his own songs and plays the guitar _ _ .1.17-6-基础题热点难点集锦


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