2019年五年级英语下册Unit8Haveagoodhabit教案陕旅版 .doc

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2019年五年级英语下册Unit8Haveagoodhabit教案陕旅版教学目标:学习“四会”单词:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line. 并用所学单词描述自己或他人平时习惯。教学重点: 能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述平时习惯行为。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line. 并用这些短语描述平时习惯行为。 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新Part A Think and tick or cross.二)阅读方法自学短语,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。三)互助释疑同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。四)探究出招同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 展示交流(10分钟)一) Part A Talk in pairs and group the pictures. 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)学生开火车读单词。三)完成Part C Listen and tick or cross. 课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清把你认为的好习惯和坏习惯填写到下列对应表格中。Good habit Bad habit板书设计:第二课时教学目标:学习句型 1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees.教学重点:1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees.教学难点:灵活应用祈使句和情态动词should表达应该做某事和不应该做某事。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees. 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新1 .默写单词二)阅读方法用Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt 句型做对话。三)互助释疑读对话 Part A Lets talk,划出陌生单词以及句子,相互交流。四)探究出招学唱歌曲,Part B Lets sing 展示交流(8分钟)小组展示 Part C Discuss in groups and give some advice.指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型做对话。 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)小组内分角色读对话。三)上讲台表演对话。 课堂作业(7分钟)作业当堂清英汉互译play games _ 吃许多冰激凌 _制造噪音 _ keep quiet _穿过马路 _ see a doctor _好好休息 _ read in bed _wait in line _ 保护好眼睛_litter on the floor _ 课堂上大声说话_speak with mouth full _ 说谎_有一个好的习惯_ 保护好树木_板书设计:第三课时教学目标:1 学习句型:Its bad for your eyes.2. 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学重点:1 学习句型:Its bad for your eyes.2. 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学难点:灵活应用本单元所学句型进行对话。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新Part B Lets paly 二)阅读方法应用本单元所学句型进行对话Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt三)互助释疑同桌间相互交流Part B Lets learn more, 划出不懂的单词和句子。四)探究出招自主学习对话,Part B Lets learn more, 了解对话内容。 展示交流(8分钟)班级展示扮演角色进行对话。 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)小组内分角色读对话。三)上讲台表演对话。 课堂作业(7分钟)作业当堂清:阅读短文.Su Nan: Good morning, Liu Zhaoyang! What do you often have for breakfast?Liu: Nothing. I get up late and I have no time to eat anything.Su Nan: Nothing? Its a bad habit. Its not good for you. You should eat something in the morning. Liu: All right.Su Nan: You can have some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.Liu: I see. I will. Thank you so much. 根据短文内容填空。Liu Zhaoyang doesnt often have breakfast in the morning. He gets up late and he _. It is _.Su Nan tells him to have _for breakfast. And Liu Zhaoyang thanks Sun Nan.板书设计:第四课时教学目标:1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice.教学重点:1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice.教学难点:进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学方法:高效课堂模式。学习方法:自主学习,合作探究教学准备:1教师准备:录音磁带。 2、 学生准备 配套练习册教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice. 自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新Part B Lets sing .一起说唱歌曲。(一) 阅读方法 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt(三)互助释疑Part B Read and think. 小组内相互讨论不会的单词和句子。 展示交流(10分钟)班级展示分角色读对话 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)Part C Look and write your advice.课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清连接对应的句子。Hows the weather tomorrow? I am sorry, I wont.See you, Miss Lu. Its sunny.Whats the weather like? See you.Whats wrong with you? I feel cold. I have a headache.Dont tell lies. Its a bad habit. It will be cloudy.板书设计:附送:2019年五年级英语下册Unit8Haveagoodhabit教案陕旅版教学目标:学习“四会”单词:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line. 并用所学单词描述自己或他人平时习惯。教学重点: 能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.教学难点:通过学习,用这些单词描述平时习惯行为。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)能听懂、会写、会读、会说:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line. 并用这些短语描述平时习惯行为。 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新Part A Think and tick or cross.二)阅读方法自学短语,做到会读,会拼,会写,不会的画出来。三)互助释疑同桌间或小组内轮流读单词,探讨单词的读音和写法。四)探究出招同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 展示交流(10分钟)一) Part A Talk in pairs and group the pictures. 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)学生开火车读单词。三)完成Part C Listen and tick or cross. 课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清把你认为的好习惯和坏习惯填写到下列对应表格中。Good habit Bad habit板书设计:第二课时教学目标:学习句型 1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees.教学重点:1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees.教学难点:灵活应用祈使句和情态动词should表达应该做某事和不应该做某事。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)1,Dont littler on the floor.2, You shouldnt tell lies.3, Wed better keep quiet.4, We should take care of trees. 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新1 .默写单词二)阅读方法用Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt 句型做对话。三)互助释疑读对话 Part A Lets talk,划出陌生单词以及句子,相互交流。四)探究出招学唱歌曲,Part B Lets sing 展示交流(8分钟)小组展示 Part C Discuss in groups and give some advice.指名两人一问一答练习句型,用所学句型做对话。 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)小组内分角色读对话。三)上讲台表演对话。 课堂作业(7分钟)作业当堂清英汉互译play games _ 吃许多冰激凌 _制造噪音 _ keep quiet _穿过马路 _ see a doctor _好好休息 _ read in bed _wait in line _ 保护好眼睛_litter on the floor _ 课堂上大声说话_speak with mouth full _ 说谎_有一个好的习惯_ 保护好树木_板书设计:第三课时教学目标:1 学习句型:Its bad for your eyes.2. 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学重点:1 学习句型:Its bad for your eyes.2. 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学难点:灵活应用本单元所学句型进行对话。教法:高效课堂教学模式学法:自主探究 合作交流教具准备:小黑板 单词卡片 录音机教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt 自主学习(15分钟)一)温故知新Part B Lets paly 二)阅读方法应用本单元所学句型进行对话Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt三)互助释疑同桌间相互交流Part B Lets learn more, 划出不懂的单词和句子。四)探究出招自主学习对话,Part B Lets learn more, 了解对话内容。 展示交流(8分钟)班级展示扮演角色进行对话。 点拨升华(8分钟)一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。二)小组内分角色读对话。三)上讲台表演对话。 课堂作业(7分钟)作业当堂清:阅读短文.Su Nan: Good morning, Liu Zhaoyang! What do you often have for breakfast?Liu: Nothing. I get up late and I have no time to eat anything.Su Nan: Nothing? Its a bad habit. Its not good for you. You should eat something in the morning. Liu: All right.Su Nan: You can have some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.Liu: I see. I will. Thank you so much. 根据短文内容填空。Liu Zhaoyang doesnt often have breakfast in the morning. He gets up late and he _. It is _.Su Nan tells him to have _for breakfast. And Liu Zhaoyang thanks Sun Nan.板书设计:第四课时教学目标:1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice.教学重点:1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice.教学难点:进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt教学方法:高效课堂模式。学习方法:自主学习,合作探究教学准备:1教师准备:录音磁带。 3、 学生准备 配套练习册教学环节: 学习目标(2分钟)1. Part B Read and think. 2. Part C Look and write your advice. 自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新Part B Lets sing .一起说唱歌曲。(一) 阅读方法 进一步学习句型 : Dont . ,Youd better . , We should. 和 We shouldnt(三)互助释疑Part B Read and think. 小组内相互讨论不会的单词和句子。 展示交流(10分钟)班级展示分角色读对话 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放对话录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)Part C Look and write your advice.课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清连接对应的句子。Hows the weather tomorrow? I am sorry, I wont.See you, Miss Lu. Its sunny.Whats the weather like? See you.Whats wrong with you? I feel cold. I have a headache.Dont tell lies. Its a bad habit. It will be cloudy.板书设计:


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