2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 29-30)教案 人教精通版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 29-30)教案 人教精通版.doc_第1页
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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 I like those shoes(Lesson 29-30)教案 人教精通版、教学目标1在情景中学习运用:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.等语言点进行交流。2学习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes3学习歌曲Where is my hat? 激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元教学内容。二、教学重点本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.三、教学难点:语言点:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.的掌握运用。四、课前准备1准备表演对话用的实物和图片。2制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。五、教学过程:1Warm-up出示卡片,复习本单元所学词汇。2Presentation(1)呈现课文内容。教师通过表情、动作、语言揭示下列语言点的含义:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please?要注意把May I try them on? 和Can I try it on?从数量上作比较。告诉学生Sure和Certainly意思相同。(2)Just read and writeA) 出示图片:shoes,教学生说出这个词汇,再出示卡片,领读。当学生能够说准这个新词后,可以鼓励学生把它用到学过的句子中,如:Please show me those shoes. Can I have a look at those shoes,please? Wherere my shoes? I like those shoes. B)同样的方法教学:socks。3Practice(1)Lets play: Where isare?句型及表示衣物的单词。(2)Lets sing: Where is my hat?(3)完成配套练习册 4 Homework:(1)自编商店购物的对话(2)单词六英一中Lesson 30一、教学目标1通过趣味故事Fun story的形式复习,对本单元的知识点进行归纳、总结,本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I cant walk! You look funny.2复习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes,jacket,cap,sweater3通过画、剪、做、说的任务形式激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元内容。二、教学重点本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I cant walk! You look funny三、教学难点:语言点:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I的掌握运用。四、课前准备1准备表演对话用的实物和图片。2制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。五、教学过程:1Warm-up(1)Lets sing:Where are you from? Where is my hat? (2)Lets chant: (3)出示词汇卡片复习词汇:socks,shoes,jeans,trousers,vest,dress,blouse,cap,hat,T-shin,shim,skirt等。2Presentation1)学生根据自己的理解简述故事大意。2)以讲故事的方式,边描述、边表演。(由于在上一节课的歌曲中学生已经接触了Where is?Here it is.和Where are? Here they are两个问答句式,所以本课中,教师稍加强调即可。)I cant walkYou look funny则可通过“教师的动作、表情展示出来。在介绍过程中,随时要求学生进行模仿练习。3Practice(1)pair work:两人一组做训练和情景表演展示。(2)Lets makea. 准备材料:彩笔、图画纸、手工剪刀、胶棒b. 教师根据学生的动作速度发出指令:Draw a dollDraw the vesttrousersshoesCut the vesttrousersshoesPut on the vesttrousersshoesc. 展示作品,谈论这些衣物:学生介绍自己的作品。例:Look! She has a pinkgreenblueyellow dressvestskirtblouse4 Homework:完成配套练习册附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 5 safety(lesson26-27)教案 新人教版Teaching Aims: 1.can say the words about the safe.2.can say the chant well.3.can say the safe rules well.4.can say “Be careful Dont”“Use the Its safe”“DontIts dangerous.”Teaching Main Points. 1.words2.The main sentencesDifficult Points: can say the sentences about the safe wellTeaching Aids: cards, recorder, tapeStep : one1.greeting.2.Do you remember the English songs about the safe?3.TPR: say SAFE or DANGBROUS.Step: twoLearning new lessonConversation:T: Now, lets learn the new picture.(show the picture)What is he doing?What is she doing?Review the words: SAFE and DANGEROUS:Draw the face: If Its safe, you can draw a circle like a If Its not safe, you can draw a circle like a ?Learn the new words: sidewalk, underpass, footbridge, crosswalk, fence, traffic light, safe, use .cross, stop, cilmb.Step three:Learn the chant:He safe, be safeUse the footbridge, Use the underpass, Use the sidewalkDont climb over the fence .Its dangerousThe light is red, please stop.He safe, be safeListen to the tapePlay a gameActing and chant.Step four: Practice the sentences.Be care carefull Dont cross the street here. Its dangerousSorry. I wont do that againPlease use the underpass over there. Its safe.Oh, yes. Thank you ,Gocdbye.Step five,read and batchlets play about the safety rules.Step six Lets write:Dont _the fence .Its _Please use the crosswalk. Its _

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