2019年三年级英语上册《Unit 4 My friends》教案 上海本地版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册Unit 4 My friends教案 上海本地版一、教案背景学科英语版本上海牛津英语学时第一学时年级三年级二、教学课题三、教材分析本套教材包括四个模块,每个模块有三个单元。其特点如下:1、强调语言运用。本教材体现交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。2、注重能力培养。整套教材贯穿“学会学习”的主题,培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习。3、突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化,其中包括对话,歌谣,小诗,歌曲,游戏,任务,绘画。4、融合学科内容。(对其他学科的廉容并蓄)5、重视灵活扩展。充分考虑学校老师学生个体的差异。教学目标1. 能熟练掌握六个单词“fat thin big small tall short”;2. 能用所学形容词描述人的特征;3. 能流利的用英语介绍自己。教学重点 难点以及措施重点:用所学过的形容词描述人的特征;难点:用英语介绍自己根据教学内容的特点及低年级学生的年龄、认知特征,紧紧抓住课堂知识的结构关系,用活动以及游戏来吸引学生的注意力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在反复不同类型的操练中巩固所学知识,并利用一定的情景来教学。四、教学方法本节课以学生“”自主、体验、合作探究”为主要学习方式,活动设计充分注重学生的体验与参与,使学生能够主动参与、分享,使学生在活动中体验成功,在活动中得到发展。五、教学资源白板课件,设计好创设情景所用图片,问题展示图片,以及音频文件和视频文件。六、教学过程教学内容活动设计活动目标媒体使用及分析(交互式电子白板使用功能)StepI Pre-task preparation 1. Greeting.2. Free-talk3. Warm-up4. DividegroupsT: Do you like to sing /dance? Lets sing and dance.活跃课堂气氛。激发学生学习兴趣插入一个flash的动画。Step IIWhile-task Procedures1. Learn the words “fat thin ”2. Learn the words “big smal,tall, short”3.Review the six wordsa. Choose the wordsb.Match the pictures and words4.learn the boy/girl1.Learn to introduce yourselvesa.Show the picture of the cat and mouse.b.Learn the pronunciations and meanings of the words by playing some gamesc.Using body to spell “small d.Have a petitionRepeat the step from a to b where we learn the first two words.Look at the pictures and choose the right words.Ss e to the front to match the pictures and words by themselves.Look at the picture. Who can you see?Show boy and girla.Listen the voice and guess who they are. b.Learn to introduce yourselvesc.Practice with partners图片直观显示单词的意思游戏调动学生学习的积极性学生用身体部位来拼写单词,激发学生学习兴趣。实现人机互动图片直观 形象复习单词 boy 和 girl 让学生通过听录音来学习怎样自我介绍,并猜测是谁在说话,激发学生兴趣幕布功能插入了音频单词读音。局部遮挡功能答案的出现用电子笔功能。英文单词的出现用了“擦除”的功能刮奖刷运用放大镜功能批注功能插入录音文件局部遮挡批注功能StepIII Post-task activities 1.Introduce yourself 2.Writing Playing a game;One student folded his eyes es to the front,the other on e introduces himself, the first one guess who he was speaking.On the first time, the teacher and the students write together, and then the students write by themselves.游戏教学注重书写教学,打好基础。书写功能绘画功能 画出英语四线格Step IV Summary SummaryThe students talk freely and the teacher summarize.Let the students know “A life without a friend, is a life without a sun.”对本节课学习的内容进行一个复习,给学生一个较为清晰的思路。 Step V Homework 1. Write the six words the times.2. Introduce yourselve to your parents and new friends. 七、教学反思本节课围绕“高、矮、胖、瘦、大、小”这一中心内容展开教学,讲授新知环节中教学新单词时,用屏幕放大器出示一些有关地点的图片,利用遮屏功能呈现新单词,以此来刺激学生的眼球,加深印象;激起学生学习欲望,提高学生学习兴趣,激发探究问题的欲望。进而突出重点,突破难;在巩固训练环节中,利用白板的书写功能,由学生在白板上完成,其他同学改正,教师批阅。同时白板的生成作用,如实的记录了学生对知识的真实掌握情况。使得传统的预设型英语课堂随之向生成型课堂转变。本节课学生在白板上做题,将书写过程和答案保留在了白板页面上,使得教师会在第一时间记录学生的学习情况,摸清学生存在的问题,也为教师的教学提供了第一手资料。附送:2019年三年级英语上册Unit 5 My family教案 上海本地版一、Teaching aims:Beginning an interaction by introducing ones family members.二、Important points:words:grandfather grandmother father mother me sister brothersentences:This is my grandfather.三、Difficult points:Using pronouns and nouns to identify people.四、Teaching aids:TV puter DVD flashcard PPT五、Teaching steps:一、warm up:Greeting and sing a song p23二、New materials:1.I show my family photo and introduce my family members to the class slowly.T:Look, This is my grandfather. (grandmother father mother me sister brother)2. Watch TV and read after the tape.3. Write the sentences “This is my grandfather.“on the board.and let Ss repeat after me.then show the flash card and teach the new words one by one, then invite students, two by two to read the words and correct their pronunciation.三、Practice:1.Play a word game.I hide the flashcard .and choose one kid to look for it.I say grandfather.The class speak grandfather till the kid find it.Do the same with other words.2.Ss take out their family photo.choose several kids to the front to introduce their family.3.Work in pairs.SA introduce his/her family to SB,then change SB introduce to SA4.Invite several pairs to the front to introduce.5.Read the books四、Post-task activities:1.Watch PPt and read “Lets play.”2.Do the workbook Page 22五Sum up六、Homework:1.Listen to the DVD and repeat three times.P212.introduce the family photo to parents.七、板书设计: Unit5 My family P21This is my grandfather. grandfather grandmother fathermother me sister brother八、课后小结:Ss master the words well and they introduce their family members happily.

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