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2019年小学六年级英语词组和句型练习题汇总1.散步_2.环顾_3.拾起_4.上来_5.公园看守人_6.脱下_7.吹灭_8.手机_9.刚才_10.一副眼镜_11.体育运动日_12.赛跑_13.一副耳机_14.拔胡萝卜_15.元旦_16.儿童节_17.春节_18.吃月饼_19.在前面_20.下车_21.警察局_22.在后部_23.国庆日_24.五一国际劳动节_25.装扮_26.美味的食物_27.中秋节_28.一个多数人喜爱的节日_29.一部光盘随身听_30.片刻以前_31.六月四日_32.在八月_33.一份生日礼物_34.使让开_35.发出喧闹声音_36.问和答_37.公共标志_38.给奶牛挤奶_39.去年_40.摘橘子_41.尝个苹果_42.一部有趣的卡通片_43.在圣诞树下_44.吃一顿丰盛的午饭_45.上个复活节_46.喝茶_47.赏月_48.特别喜爱的节日_49.去农场_50.在一个野营地_51.拍照_52.寻找_53.举行一个圣诞聚会_54.果树_55.浇树_ 56. 参观一个农场_57.拜访我的亲戚们_ 58.在那边_59.禁止吸烟_60.在地上_61.去游泳_62.午饭后_63.在五月三日_64.在草坪上_65.我的皮夹子_66.他的父母亲_67.一卷胶卷_68.在照相机后面_69.在星期四_70.收集鸡蛋_71.a ten-yuan note_72. point to a sign_73.walk in the mountains_74. dress up in costumes_75.on the phone_76.a VCD of Chinese cartoons_77.Keep off the grass_78.have a good time_79.at the weekends_80.Youre wele!_81.catch grasshoppers_82.talk to his students_83.have a long holiday_84.this morning_85.whose mirror_86.Dragon Boat Festival_87.go to parties_88.play with lanterns_89.so many presents_90.plant flowers_91.Be quiet_92.tell her about my family_93.the twelfth of October_94.wait and see_95.on different holidays_96.a beautiful teapot_97.dragon boat races_98.Mums hairdryer_99.walk to the driver_100.under the seat_6A综 合 练 习 (一)一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。sit_ swim_ go _make _run _ write_ cry_ study _watch_ wash_ say_ play _二、用do does填空1、_ you ride a bike after school? Yes, I _.2、_ your sister like PE? No, she _ not.1、What_ the students have? They have some pens.2、How_ Linda go to school? She goes to school on foot.3、He _ not speak English. He speaks Chinese.4、_ they watch TV on Sundays? Yes, they _ .5、My father and mother _ not read newspapers on Saturday.三、用一般现在时填空。1、 What _ he _ (have)? He _ (have) a toy plane.2、 My mother _ not_ (like) English. She _ (like) Chinese.3、 _ you _ (go ) to school by bus? No, I _ (go) to school by car.4、 Miss Wang _ (swim ) every day.5、 I _(like) English . Tom _ _ _(not like ) English.6、 The moon _ (go) around the earth.7、 When_ you _ (go ) to school? I _ (go) to school at five every day.四、写出下列动词的现在分词。sit_ swim _ run _ jog_read _ watch _ sing_ do_ski _ stop _ write _ dance_go_ e _ smoke _ make _五、用进行时填空。1. I _ _ (read ) English now.2 . He _ _ (go) to the park now.3. We _ _ (have ) an English class.4. What _ they _ (do ) ? They _ _ (sit) in the park.5、 My mother _ _ (clean ) the room now.六、写出下列动词的过去式sit_ swim_ read _ make_watch_ sing_ do_ has _go _ watch_ clean_ are _study_ stop_ is _ e _wash_ jump_ get _七、用一般过去时填空1.I _(go) to the cinema last Saturday.2.He_ (is ) ill yesterday.3.We only_ (have ) a lesson yesterday.4.What _ your uncle _ (do) yesterday morning?He (get ) some friuts.5. She _ (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon.八、用动词的适当形式填空。1、 My mother _(wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2、 Please _ (have) some oranges.3、 Its seven oclock. I _ (get) up now.4、 School is over. The students can _ (play) games.5、 _ you _ (go) to school every day?6、 Dont _ (run) in the school now.7、 We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing)8、 Let me _ (go) to the cinema.9、 “Mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now?” Yes.10、My hands are dirty. Let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them.11、Look, Miss White _(have ) an English lesson.We _(like) English.12、The workers _ (want) some tea. They are thirsty.13、Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park?14、The old women _(run) every morning.15、 I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.附送:一、单词辨音 找出每组单词中划线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)1. ( ) A. third B. circle C. turn D. Saturday2. ( ) A. colour B. pencil C. can D. cake3. ( ) A. know B. brown C. low D. window4. ( ) A. cook B. good C. food D. look5. ( ) A. season B. please C. eat D. great6. ( ) A. elephant B. eleven C. evening D. envelope二、单项选择 从下列每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1、They are reading about an English boy _ the newspaper.A. on B. at C. in( )2、Can I have _ postcards?A. any B. a C. some( )3、Who do you want to _?A. write B. write to C. writing( )4、I _ lots of people in the park yesterday afternoon.A. saw B. see C. am seeing( )5、Yang Ling and I _ have the same hobbies.A. all B. both C. are( )6、You _ me about it yesterday.A. tell B. told C. talked( )7、Are you going to take part _ the meeting?A. on B. at C. in( )8、There _ a concert in the school tomorrow.A. is B. are C. have( )9、Which season do you like _?A. better B. good C. best( )10、The car is _ than the old one.A. nice B. nicer C. very nice三、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. by the way _ 2. a quarter to one _3. do more exercise _ 4. of course _5. 去散步 _ 6. 在公共汽车站_7. 在秋季 _ 8. 上课;有课 _9. 写一封信 _ 10. 下个星期 _四、单词填空 从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. The students are listening to the teacher _ (quiet)in class.2. Whose b is this? Its _ (she), I think.3. Its 2:00 in the afternoon. The children _(make) a kite.4. Let usgo and join _ (they).5. That girl can _ (sing) French songs.6. What is in the basket? There _(be) some apples in it. (be)7. How many _ (read) rooms are there in this building?8. Miss Li lives on the _ (two) floor in this building.9.My sister likes _ (run) very much.10. Helen _ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.五、句型转换 将下列句子按要求改写。(共6小题,每小题1.5分.,满分9分)1.He does well in Maths. (改为否定句)2.I know his telephone number. (改为一般疑问句)3.I get up at six thirty every day. (用yesterday morning 替代every day)4.They are going to see a film tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)5.She is an English girl. (变为复数)6. the, like, what, weather, June, is, in (?)_?六、完成句子 根据所给的中文意思,完成其英文句子。(每空一词,每词0.5分,满分10分)1. Jack只有四岁但他总是有许多的问题。Jack is only _ years old but he _ has a lot of _.2. Tom比你跑得快吗? 是的。不过他比Janny跑得慢。 _ Tom _ _ than you? Yes, he _ . But he _ _ than Janny.3. 今天是运动日。所有的学生都很兴奋。Su Hai 和Su Yang 正在看跑步比赛。It is Sports Day. _ the students are very _. Su Hai and Su Yang are _ the running race.4.春天天气暖和。树变绿。It is _ in spring. The trees turn _.5你可以在电影院前乘8路公交车。You can_bus No. 8_ _ _the cinema.6. Su Yang比我小了二十分钟。Su Yang is 20 minutes _ than _.七、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(A)Mr. Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by school bus every morningThere are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“”表示,不相符的用“”表示。( )1. Mr. Green is Canadian.( )2. He likes teaching very much.( )3. He goes to work by bike every morning.( )4. He speaks Chinese in class.( )5. He likes his students very much.(B)This is a picture of a family. The grandmothers name is Harry Smith. The grandfathers name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The fathers name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mothers name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The sons name is John Smith and the daughters mane is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. Its a very good family.( )1. Lake Smiths parents are .A. Americans B. American C. America( )2. Johns father is .A. 44 B. 40 C. very old( )3. Marys mother is a .A. teacher B. policeman C. doctor( )4. They are in the school.A. some B. same C. any( )5. The family has children.A. six B. two C. four八、写作.(15分)以My family为题,写一篇不少于5个句子的作文答案一、DBBCDC二、CCBAB,BCACB三、1. 顺便说 2. 12:45 3.做更多的练习运动 4.当然 5. go for a walk 6. at the bus stop 7. in autumn 8. have school 9. write a letter 10. next week四、1. quietly 2. hers 3. are making 4. them 5. sing6. are 7. reading 8. second 9. running 10. picked五、1. He doesnt do well in Maths.2. Do you know his telephone number?3. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning.4. What are they going to do tomorrow?5. They are English girls.6. What is the weather like in June?六、1. four, always, questions 2. Does, run, faster, does, runs, slower3. All, excited, watching 4. warm, green 5. take, in front of 6. younger, me七、,AAABB一、听音,完成句子。(10分)1.Whyisthesnakeoutofthebox?2.Thereisapicturebookinthisphoto.Iphotobooks.3.Doyoulikereadingbooksnow?Yes,.4.TherearemanyChineserestaurantsinthiscity.IlikeeatingChinese.5.DoyouwanttovisittheUNinNewYork?6.Doyouwanttogo?7.Idonthecaneheresoearly.8.Pandasareveryfatandkind.Theylike.9.Allthepeopleallovertheworldwanttobringtotheworld.10.Lookatthelibrary.Itsays,“Donttalkinthelibrary.”二、听音排序。根据你听到的先后顺序,给下列句子标上序号。(10分)()WhenisthisFestival?()NewYorkisintheeastofAmerica.()Whatsyourfavouritesport?( )Pleasedtomeetyou.()IvegotsomestampsfromChina.()Idontbelieveit.()DoyouwanttogotoGuilin?()Tellusmoreabouttheschool,please.()TheresChinesedancingthere.()Thererefourstationsinthepicture.2019年小学六年级英语试题及答案一、英汉短语翻译。(10分)1.联合国大厦2.tentofive3.一天十二小时4.theSummerPalace5.图书馆规则6.believeitornot7.standinline8.全世界9.端午节10.sleepinthewinter二、根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)1.Therearesomeold(建筑)inthecity.2.Please(快点).Itstentosix.3.Pandaslove(竹子).4.Thisismyemail(地址).5.He(总是)ridehisbiketoschool.6.Ivegotsomechopsticks,buttheyare(困难)7.That(听起来)nice.8.Doyouoften(清理)yourroom?9.Thereisabig(广场)inBeijing.10.Nowyoucanhave(另一个)Chinesestamp.三、根据上下文的意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.Ilike(collect)stamps.2.Ihavetwo(knife).3.Flyingkitesandreadingbooksaremy(hobby).4.TheresChinese(dance).5.Lingling(say)shewillesoon.6.(please)tomeetyou!7.Theyarefrom192(country).8.Im(send)anemailtomyfamily.9.Let(we)gotothepark.10.There(be)someorangejuiceinthebottle.四、选择填空。(10分)()1.Hecandancehecantsing.A.andB.butC.so()2.Whatinterestingfilmitis!A.aB.anC.the()3.Damingcanplaytabletennis,andhecanplayflute.A.the,theB.the,/C./,the()4.ImLinda.Pleasemypenfriend.A.amB.isC.be()5.Idontlikepears,soIeatthem.A.neverB.sometimesC.often()6.Doyouwantinside?A.goB.togoC.goes()7.Doeshewithtoys?A.likesplayB.likeplayingC.likeplay()8.Lets_toseefilms.Goodidea!A.goB.goesC.going()9.FatherChristmasgivespresentsthechildren.A.atB.forC.to()10.Ababycansleeptwentyhoursaday.A.inB.forC.to五、选择配伍(10分)从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。 ()1HowbigisLondon? AYes,Id0()2Whereareyoufrom? BNotveryoften()3Istherealetterforme? CYourewele()4DoyouwanttoChinatown? DNo,Ihavent()5Haveyougotanysandwich?EImfromCanada()6CanshespeakFrench?FItsgoteightmillionpeople()7Thankyousomuch GYes,thereis()8Pandaseatmeat,believeitornot? HNo,shecant()9Doyouoftencleanyourdesk? IItsinEngland()10WhereistheLondonEye? JIdontbelieveit六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1.about/book/got/you/have/a/America(?)2.bedroom/puter/in/is/there/a/my(.)3.to/go/do/to/you/want/Qingdao(?)4.his/is/looking/hobby/stars/at(.)5.be/your/can/friend/pen/who(?)七、补全对话。从方框中选出句子完成对话,并将答案标号写在相应空白处。(10分)ATuantuanandYuanyuanBOfcourse,IcanCTheyweresenttoTaiwanDGoodmorningEDidyoufinishyourhomework?A:_TomB:Goodmorning,Mr.GreenA:_B:Yes,IdidA:OKCanyoutellmemoreaboutpandas?B:_A:Good!Whatplacewerethetwopandassenttolastmonth?B:_A:Whataretheirnames?B:_A:Theylovebambooverymuch八、阅读理解。(20分)A:先阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。MynameisAliceImCanadaIhavegotfourpenfriendsfromChinaIknowsomethingaboutChinafromthemChinesepeoplelikeusingchopsticksandeatingdumplingsIthinkchopsticksaredifficultformeIoftenuseknifeandforktoeatMyfavouritefoodisbreadandcheeseYesterdayIgotpostcardfrommypenfriendOneisapictureoftheSummerPalace,theotherisapictureoftheWestLakeIlikethemverymuch()1WhereisAlicefrom?AAmerica BEngland CCanada()2HowmanyChinesepenfriendshasAlicegot?AThree BFour CSix()3WhatdoesAliceusetoeat?AChopsticks BAfork CHands()4WhodidgivethepostcardtoAlice?ASalesman BFireman CHerpenfriends()5WhatdoChinesepeopleliketoeat?ACheese BDumplingsCBreadB:阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello!MynameisLili.ImChinese.Imtwelveyearsold.IminClass1,Grade6.Ivegotagoodfriend.HernameisAmy.Sheseleven.SheisinClass1,too.Ilikecollectingdollsanddrawing,butshelikesplayingfootball.MissWangisourEnglishteacher.MissLiisourChineseteacher.WeareinXinhuaprimaryschool.()1.LiliisaChinesegirl.()2.Hergoodfriendisaboy.()3.Theyareinthesameclassofthesameschool.()4.MissLiistheirEnglishteacher.()5.LiliandAmybothlikeplayingfootball.九、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1.Whatsyourhobby?2.HowmanycountriesarethereintheUN?3.WhenisChristmasDay?4.WhatsyourpenfriendsEnglishname?5.WhereisQingdao?笔试部分(100分)一英汉短语翻译。(10分)每小题一分。1.theUNbuilding2.四点五十


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