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2019年pep六年级英语第二单元达标试卷一. 读一读,选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. eastB. westC. earD. north( ) 2. A. museumB. post officeC. musicD. library( ) 3. A. planeB. cinemaC. bikeD. bus( ) 4. A. turn rightB. go homeC. turn leftD. go straight( ) 5. A. green lightB. yellow lightC. red lightD. Christmas light二. 根据所给首字母或汉子提示写出正确的单词,是句子完整。1. When Li Lei wants to answer teachers questions, he always puts up his r_ hand.2. Go down this street, and t_ the first turning on the left.3. You should read the text for twenty _ (分钟).4. - Where is the post office? - Its n_ to the cinema.5. The post office is east o_ the cinema.三. 单项选择( ) 1. _, I cant help you with your Japanese. I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. A. Excuse meB. SorryC. Good( ) 2. _ I must have a good rest. A. After a classB. After classesC. After class( ) 3. We can borrow books and magazines from the _. A. hospitalB. science museumC. library( ) 4. - _ is the bookstore, please? - Its on the left of the cinema. A. WhereB. WhenC. What( ) 5. - Is it far _ here? - No, it isnt. A. fromB. toC. near( ) 6. - You can go _ bus. - OK. A. takeB. byC. in( ) 7. - How do you go to school? - I often go to school _ foot. A. byB. onC. in( ) 8. - Excuse me, where is the library? - Its _ the cinema. A. nextB. next toC. at( ) 9. - Where is Shanghai? - Its in the _ of China. A. eastB. southC. north( ) 10. 你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问:_ A. Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please? B. Excuse me. Where is the school, please? C. Excuse me. Where is the post office, please?四. 连词成句。1. to, the, next, its, hospital ( . )2. to, get, I, how, cinema, the, can ( ? )3. on, left, the, is, the, bookstore ( . )4. I, by, sometimes, go, bus ( . )5. you, go, do, how, there ( ? )五. 根据所给情景,选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 A. next B. Im new here C. Thank you D. Excuse me E. Go straight F. Youre weleAmy: Excuse me. Where is the post office?Mike: Im sorry. 1 You can ask the policeman.Amy: Thank you all the same.()Amy: 2 Can you tell me the way to the post office?Policeman: 3 You can see the KFC.Amy: And then?Policeman: Its 4 to it.Amy: Oh, I see. 5 Policeman: 6 六. 根据对话内容判断对()错(X)。(A) Liu Yun is asking a policeman.Liu: Excuse me. Where is the Zhongbai Supermarket, please?Policeman: Its in the west of the hospital.Liu: Is it far from here?Policeman: Yes.Liu: How can I get there?Policeman: First, turn left and take the No. 16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) then street. Youll be in front of the supermarket.Liu: Thank you.Policeman: You are wele.( ) 1. The supermarket is not far.( ) 2. The supermarket is in the west of the hospital.( ) 3. Liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.( )4. Liu Yun asks a policeman for help.(B) Today is Amys birthday, and five children are going to her house to take part in(参加) her birthday party. They take the No. 18 bus, get off at the cinema and go straight to a pink house. Its Amys house. They are happy, because the birthday cake is very big. There are twelve candles(蜡烛) on the cake.( ) 1. Today is my birthday.( ) 2. Amy is 12 years old.( ) 3. Amys house is pink.( ) 4. Four children go to the birthday party.( ) 5. They are not happy.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页


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