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2019年小升初英语完型填空专项39Look 1 the picture. A boat is 2 the picture .Some persons(人) are in 3 boat. They are a man, a woman 4 two girls. Oh, a cat is in it, too. Its Mimi. Its 5 6 cat. The man is 7 a brown coat. The girls are 8 hats. The woman is 9 10 .They are all very nice.( )1.A. atB. inC. afterD. to( )2.A. onB. inC. atD. behind( )3.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )4.A. orB. andC. butD. too( )5.A. anB. theC. aD. /( )6.A. blackB. yourC. herD. their( )7.A. onB. atC. inD. of( )8.A. inB. behindC. ofD. at( )9.A. onB. atC. inD. to( )10.A. the redB. a redC. an redD. red【解析】1. A at用在look后,指“看”,可接宾语,look则不可以直接加宾语。【解析】2. B in the picture在图画里,英语中,不用介词on指图画上的东西,而用in.【解析】3. C 此处特指上句的A boat。【解析】4. B 英语中,and常用来连接相同属性的人或事物。【解析】5. C 英语中,普通名词以某种颜色做修饰语,常常在颜色修饰前加不定冠词a或者an.【解析】6. A 由下文看来,应用表示颜色的词,其他物主代词与前一题的冠词不能同时应用。【解析】7. C 本题中,in可译作“戴着,穿着”。in a brown coat穿着褐色上衣。【解析】8. A in hat戴着帽子。【解析】9. C 本题主要考查介词“in+颜色”的习惯表达。“in+颜色”可译作“穿颜色的衣服”,只指颜色,忽略是上衣还是裤子。【解析】10. D 本题主要考查用颜色来代替衣服。本题red是形容词,其前不可以加冠词。BLook at the 1 . Its a picture 2 a classroom. 3 can you see 4 the classroom? I can see a 5 desk in front of the blackboard. Some books are 6 the desk. What other things can you see on the teachers desk? I can see two white 7 . There are some flowers 8 them. Where 9 the brooms? 10 are behind the door. ( )1.A. manB. pictureC. mapD. draw( )2.A. ofB. inC. atD. to( )3.A. WhereB. HowC. WhoD. What ( )4.A. inB. ofC. nearD. behind( )5.A. smallB. bigC. littleD. old( )6.A. inB. onC. underD. back( )7.A. basketB. vasesC. bagsD. bowls( )8.A. onB. middleC. inD. near( )9.A. isB. canC. areD. have( )10.A. HeB. ItC. TheyD. This 【解析】1. B 从第二句可以看出这是介绍一个教室的照片。【解析】2. A 表示无生命的东西的名词,一般用“of+名词”的结构来表示所有关系。【解析】3. D 问“什么”用What,问“哪里”用Where,问“谁”用Who ,问“怎样”用How.【解析】4. A 表示在教室里用介词in【解析】5. B 在黑板前面的书桌为讲台,应为大桌子。【解析】6. B 从下文可以看出书放在桌子上。【解析】7. B 下句说有一些花在它们里面,所以本空应填vases(花瓶)【解析】8. C 花在花瓶里用介词in【解析】9. C the brooms为句子的主语是复数,系动词用are.【解析】10. C 填They指代the brooms.附送:2019年小升初英语完型填空专项4Bob: Hello, Tom. Tomorrow is Sunday. 1 do you want to do? Tom: I dont know. Have you got any good ideas?Bob: There is going 2 a good film at People Hall. Would you like 3 the film with me? I can give you a 4 .Tom: Thats a good idea. Id like to go 5 you. Bob: How about your sister? Tom: Oh, she 6 her friends to see the magic show 7 Sunday morning. I think she is free on Sunday afternoon. Bob: You can ask her 8 the film with us when the magic show is over (结束).Tom: OK. What time is the film?Bob: At 7:00 9 the evening. Lets 10 at my home. We can go there on foot.Tom: All right. ( )1. A. How B. Where C. What( )2. A. to haveB. to be C. has got ( )3. A. to see B. see C. sees ( )4. A. book B. paper C. ticket ( )5. A. with B. and C. to( )6.A. inviting B. invite C. invites ( )7.A. on B. at C. in ( )8.A. sees B. see C. to see( )9.A. at B. in C. on ( )10.A. to run B. seeing C. meet 【解析】1. 明天你想要做什么?选择A。【解析】2. be going to=will there is going to be =there will be, 选择B。【解析】3. Would you like to do,选择A。【解析】4. 根据上文要去看电影,所以是电影票,选择C。【解析】5. with 和一起,选择A。【解析】6. she是第三人称单数,所以选择C。【解析】7. 本来是in the morning,但是因为有Sunday这个具体日子,选择A。【解析】8. ask sb. to do sth,选择C。【解析】9. in the evening,选择B。【解析】10. Lets do sth,选择C。BI am a middle school student. My brother and I are in the same school. I go to school 1 my brother. We 2 classes at eight oclock. We have 3 break at half past ten. We all have 4 lunch at school. I like school lunch, but my brother 5 like it. He likes my mums food. We 6 lessons at half past three in the afternoon. We go home 7 half past five. We have 8 at seven oclock. Then we 9 our homework and watch TV. My brother goes to bed at half past nine, 10 I go to bed at half past ten.( )1. A. with B. on C. and ( )2. A. finish B. do C. start ( )3. A. a B. an C. the ( )4. A. a B. an C. /( )5. A. isnt B. arent C. doesnt( )6.A. start B. finish C. on ( )7.A. in B. on C. at ( )8.A. dinnerB. a dinner C. the dinner ( )9.A. have B. do C. does ( )10.A. and B. or C. but 【解析】1. with 和一起,选择A。【解析】2. start class at eight oclock,在8点钟开始上课,选择C。【解析】3. have a break,休息,选择A。【解析】4. have lunch,吃午饭,选择C。【解析】5. like是动词,对动词否定要借助助动词do/does/did,my brother是个单数,所以选择C。【解析】6. finish lessons at half past three in the afternoon,下午3点半结束课程,所以选择B。【解析】7. half past five是一个时间点,选择C。【解析】8. 一日三餐不用冠词,选择A。【解析】9. do homework 做作业,根据we,排除C,选择B。【解析】10. 二人在不同时间睡觉,前后是转折关系,选择C。

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