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2019年一年级英语下册单元检测试卷2Class Name Number 笔试部分一、看图、连线(12分) watch violin shirt dress umbrella pants sweater watermelon二、看图片,选出正确的单词。(12分)1、( ) A、watermelon B、apple2、( ) A、sister B、socks 3、( ) A、milk B、watch4、( ) A、shoes B、shirt 5、( ) A、violin B、sandwich6、( ) A、dress B、clothes三、看图片,选择正确的句子,并把序号写在括号内。(12分) What are these?( )1、 A、They are shoes. B、Its a sandwich.What are these?( )2、 A、Its a shirt. B、They are pants.What are these?( )3、 A、Its a sweater. B、They aresocks. ( )4、Whats this?A、Its a watch. B、Its a dress.( )5、Whats this?A、Its a watermelon. B、Its a banana. ( )6、Whats this? A、Its an umbrella. B、Its a violin. 附送:2019年一年级英语下册单元检测试卷5 一正确抄写下列单词:1. skip 2. kite3. ride 4. rope 二写出下列字母的左右邻居:大写:1. _D_2. _H_3. _ _ Z4. O _ _小写:1. g_ _2. _r_3. e_ _4. _n_大小写:1. Bb _ _2. _ Ii _3. Qq _ _4. _ _ Ww 三按顺序默写字母Ll-Tt:四看图,将下列单词填写完整:1. 2. 3. 4. b_cycl_k_ _ epl_ _ l _5.6.7.8.r_d_s_ _ pf_ _tb_lldr_w五选出不属于同类的单词,将字母代号填在括号里:X( )1.A. singB. ropeC. skipD. read( )2.A. girlB. kiteC. bicycleD. doll( )3.A. sunny B. rainyC. footballD. cloudy( )4.A. can B. danceC. drawD. sing( )5.A. drawB. orangeC. danceD. play( )6.A. readB. redC. blueD. yellow六判断下列句子是否与图片一致,对的用“”表示,错的用“”表示:1. He can fly a kite. She can ride.( )2. Can she skip a rope? No, she cant.( )3. What can Kitty do? She can draw and sing.( )4. Can he play football? No, he can play basketball.( )七看图读句子圈出括号中的单词,并将单词填入横线:1. A: Can _ ( she, you ) sing? B: _ ( Yes, No ), she can.2. A: What can he _( do, like )? B: He can _ ( read, ride ) a bicycle. 3. A: What do you need, Kitty? B: I need a kite. I _( like, can ) fly.八选出最合适的答案,将字母代号填在括号里:( )1.What _ you do? I can read.( A. areB. can )( )2.What can Danny do? _ can sing.( A. HeB. She )( )3.Eddie can play _ football.( A. aB. / )( )4.Can you fly a kite? No, I _.( A. cantB. can )( )5.Look, he can _ a bicycle very well.( A. readB. ride )( )6.I am Alice. _ can dance.( A. SheB. I )( )7.Kitty is a super girl. _ can draw.( A. SheB. I )( )8.I need a rope. I can _.( A. skipB. eat )九将下列问答句正确配对( )1. What do you like?A. I need a blue bicycle.( )2. What can you do?B. No, she can skip a rope.( )3. What can Alice do?C. I like bicycles.( )4. What can he do, Kitty?D. Yes, I can.( )5. What do you need?E. He can ride a bicycle.( )6. Can you ride?F. I can skip a rope.( )7. Can she fly a kite?G. She can sing a song.A. ride B. fly C. play D. like E. skip F. cant十选择方框中的单词完成短文,将字母代号填在横线上:A: Look at my kite. Its beautiful. I can _ my kite. What can you do, Amy?B: I can _ my bicycle. Look, this is my bicycle. Its super. I _ it.C: I can _ football. Can you play with me, Mike?D: Sorry, I _. But I can _ my rope very well.十一阅读短文判断,正确的用“”表示,错误的用“”表示:Hello, Im Kitty. I can dance very well. My father can ride a bicycle in the park. My mother can sing. My grandmother can draw. But I cant draw. My grandfather can fly a kite. Peter is my brother. He likes playing football. ( ) 1. Kitty can dance.( ) 2. Kittys mother can sing.( ) 3. Kittys father can fly a kite in the park.( ) 4. Kitty can draw.( ) 5. Kittys brother likes football.


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