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2019年六年级英语竞赛试题(初赛)试卷注意: 1、全部题目在一小时内完成。2、答案写在答题卡上。听力部分一、听读对话一次,根据听到的内容选择有关的信息。(10分)(1) A. peters parents have four children. B. peters parents have three children. C. peters parents have two sons and one daughter. D. peters parents have three sons and two daughters.(2) A. Canada is 9,967,139 square kilometers. B. Canada is 9,976,139 square kilometers. C. Canada is 9,976,319 square kilometers.D. Canada is 9,976,193 square kilometers.(3) A. thirty-six classes.B. twenty-six classes.C. forty-six classes.D. twenty-seven classes.(4) A. The 28th Summer Olympic Games were held in XX in China.B. The 27th Summer Olympic Games were held in XX in France.C. The 28th Winter Olympic Games were held in XX in ChinaD. The 27th Winter Olympic Games were held in XX in France.(5) A. The old house is cleaner than the small house. B. The new house is smaller than the old house. C. The old house is nicer than the new house. D. The new house is newer than the old house.(6) A. The the number of students in Guangzhou in XX was 1,090,563. B. The the number of students. in Guangzhou in XX was 1,990,563.C. The the number of students in Guangzhou in XX was 1,092,536.D. The the number of students in Guangzhou in XX was 1,091,563.(7) A. A train can run nearly 300 kilometres per hour. B. A plane can run about 400 metre per minute. C. A train can run over 350 kilometers per hour. D. A plane can run 245 metres per minute.(8) A. Take the first turning on your left. B. Take the second turning on your right. C. Take the second turning on your left. D. Take the third turning on your right.(9) A. There are two toy animals on the table. B. There are five toy animals in the basket. C. There are three toy animals in the basket D. There are five toy animals on the table.(10)A: It takes me 20 minutes.B: Its half an hour. C: Its about 35 minutes.D: Its an hour.二、听问题一次,选择问题的正确答案。(20分)(11) A: spring B: autumn C: summer D:winter(12) A. They would talk about the flowers.B. They would talk about the family.C. They would talk about the animals.D. They would talk about the weather.(13) A. Only one. B. Two. C. Four. D.five(14) A. Its in America. B. Its in Japan. C. Its in Rome. D. Its in Thailand.(15) A.Good luck to you B. Well done. C. What a pity. D. I am sorry to hear that.(16) A. The Antarctic. B. Asia. C. Africa. D. Europe.(17) A. Tokyo. B. Paris. C.Sydney. D. Moscow.(18) A. Twenty-nine days. B. Thirty days.C. Twenty-eight days. D. Thirty one days.(19) A. Lin dan. B. liu xiaong. C. Zhu fangyu. D. Ma lin.(20) A. Its very hot there. B. Its cold too. C. Its sunny. D. Its warm there. (21) A. Foxes. B. Elephants. C. Dolphins. D. Tigers.(22) A. Kangaroos. B. Koalas. C. Kiwis. D. Elephants.(23) A. May. B. September. C. November. D. December.(24) A. Where do you live? B. How are you?C. What can I do for you? D. How old are you?(25)A. a bird B. traffic lights C. the wind D. a lion(26) A. Forty-one. B. Fifty-two.C. Fifty-seven. C.sixty-five.(27) A. Green and red. B. Red and yellow. C. Red and white. D. Blue and red,(28) A. 4 B. 8 C.13 D.14(29) A. 14,801,622 B. 13,131,622C. 14,796,622 D. 15,141,522(30) A.Christmas B. May day C. Mothers day D. Easters三、听句子一次,选择听到的描述图的句子, 把正确句子的英文大写编号写在括号内。(5分)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)31.( ) 32.( ) 33.( ) 34.( ) 35.( )四、听对话和问题一次,根据对话选择问题的正确答案。(10分)36. A. cinema B.park C. zoo D. shopping37. A. a story book and shoes B.a cartoon book and a new watch. C. a school bag and a pen D. a novel and a dictionary.38. A. 10 hours B. 11 hours C. 12 hours D.13 hours 39. A. Chinese B. English C. maths D.P.E 40. A. by bus B. by bikeC. on foot D. by subway41. A. teacher.B. doctor. C. scientist. D. driver42. A. Tomorrow morning. B .This afternoon C. This evening. D.Tomorrow evening43. A. 7:30 B. 7:15 C.7:00 D.6:4544. A. Sixteen dollars. B. Eighteen dollars. C. Nineteen dollars. D. Twenty- one dollars.45. A. 32995104. B. 82920241 C. 82990241 D.82995104五、听短文一次,根据短文的内容选择问题的正确答案。(5分)46. What does my father do?A.gardenerB.driver C.teacherD. worker47. How old is the baby?A. ten-month oldB. one yearC.two yearsD. three years48. What does my brothers wife do?A.teacherB.nurseC. officeD.conductor49. Where do I stand in the picture?A.on the rightB. on the leftC.at the front D. in the middle50. How many people are there in my family?A.fiveB.sixC.sevenD.eight 六、听故事一次,根据故事的内容判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F.。(5分)51. Li Ming is going to the park. ( )52. Li Ming gives the watch to a policeman. ( )53. There arent many people in the bus. ( )54. Li Ming is sitting near the door. ( )55. Li Ming stands up and gives his seat to the old granny. ( )七、听故事一次,根据故事的内容选择问题的正确答案。(5分)56. In the two pictures we can see _.A.two people B.three people C.four people D.five people57.Mr White is _.A.Anns brother B.Anns father C.Bills friend D.Bills teacher 58.Bills trousers are _.A.on the bed B.in the desk C.on the floor D.under the desk59.What colour is Anns hat?_.A.White. B.Red. C.Black. D.Brown.60.In Anns bedroom we can see a _.A.cat B.ball C.shirt D.clock笔试部分八、选用适当的单词填空,使短文有完整的意思。(10分)This is our classroom, Its not big. But its very nice. The walls are (61) and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall is a (62) and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou in it. There are some (63) on the teachers desk. They are for our (64) , Miss Gao. She is a good teacher and we all like her. Im on (65) today. I e to school early. I help my teacher (66) her books, maps and pictures on her (67) . I tell her everyone is here. But Im (68) , Liu Mei is not at (69) . I dont know (70) she is. But I think shes at home.61.A.old B.same C.fine D.white 62.A.map B.clock C.kite D.photo63. A.games B.numbers C.flowersD.lights 64. A.friend B.daughter C.mother D.teacher65. A.line B.duty C.turn D.time 66. A.know B.find C.put D.give67. A.desk B.bike C.chair D.floor 68. A.good B.young C.right D.wrong69. A.eight B.home C.tableD.school 70. A.what B.which C.where D.how九、根据中文意思,完成英文句子。(10分)71、我们学校有25个教学班, 我在6年级2班 our school, I am Two Grade Six.72、昨晚8:00的时候,马丽正在读一本故事书。Mary last night.73、在周六, 汤母经常帮助他妈妈做家务。Tom on Saturdays.74、春天到来的时候, 花园里的树木都变绿了。 in the garden.75、我一个人住,但我不感到孤单。I live alone, .十、阅读短文,根据短文回答问题。(10分)(A)A busy mother asked her young son to take his baby sister out to the garden and look after her for a while when she was cooking.The boy took the baby out, and they were playing happily. Suddenly(突然), his baby sister began to cry. Dick, whats the matter with Mary? Why is she crying? the mother shouted to her son when she heard the babys cry. She wants the coins(硬币) , answered Dick.Well, let her play with a few if they can stop he crying. said the mother. But she wants to keep them! answered Dick.No, she doesnt. the mother said. She is only a baby. She is too young to understand anything like that.I know that but she wants to keep them. Dick answered. She has already (已经) swallowed (吞下) two of them.76. The mother asked her _ to look after her baby.A.daughter B. son C. husband D .sister77. The boy and his baby sister were playing happily_.A.in the garden B. on the floor C. in the street D. in the room78. The baby cried because_A. Dick gave her some coins. B. She didnt feel well after she swallowed two coins.C. Her mother took away all her coins. D. She was hungry and thirsty79. The mother _ when Mary was crying in the garden.A. was cleaning the room B. was doing some washingC. was looking for coins everywhere D. was preparing food80.Which is TRUE about Dick?A. Dick did not like to take care of babies B. Dick never took care of his sister C. Dick was not good at taking care of babies D. Dick didnt like his sister crying.(B) Peters uncle lived a country. Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. One afternoon they went for a walk. They saw a lot of people and his uncle waved (挥手) to them all. Peter said, Uncle, do you know everyone here? No, I dont. said his uncle. Why do you wave to them all then? asked Peter.Well , Peter, answered his uncle. When I wave to someone and he knows me, he will be pleased. If he doesnt know me, he will say to himself. Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?So he has something to think about on his way, and he will not feel tired. So I make everybody happy.81. One day Peter and his uncle went _A. to stay together B. to see many people. C. for a walk D. to live in a country82. His uncle _ to all the people the saw.A. shouted B. spoke C. cried D. waved83. Peters uncle knew _ there.A. everybody B. some people C. nobody D. anybody84. Peters uncle is a very _ man.A. kind B. foolish C. strong D .bad85. Peters uncle wanted to make the people _.A. tired B. sorry C. happy D. surprised十一、按要求用不少于5句话描述图片中的内容。(10分) 附送:2019年六年级英语竞赛试题C. Spot was eight years old. D. Bill was very happy when he lost his dog.7. Which isnt right? A. Bill lost his dog on Tuesday. B. Bill and his father put the dogs picture in the shop. C. A stranger man called them. D. Bill and his father went to the mans house and got the dog back.题目听 力 笔 试合 计分数C. Spot was eight years old. D. Bill was very happy when he lost his dog.7. Which isnt right? A. Bill lost his dog on Tuesday. B. Bill and his father put the dogs picture in the shop. C. A stranger man called them. D. Bill and his father went to the mans house and got the dog back.8. Who found the dog for Bill? A. His friend. B. A woman. C. His father. D. A man.9. When did Bill get the dog back? A. On Tuesday. B. Yesterday morning. C. On Wednesday. D. This afternoon.(二)、10. Who asked Robert to a dinner party?A. A poor man. B. A rich man. C. A young woman.11. What was Robert wearing at first?A. Old clothes. B. A blue coat. C. Only a shirt. 12. Why did Robert go back home? He went back home to .A. eat some good food.B. take off his fine coatC. put on his best clothes.13. Why was the rich man very kind to Robert when he came back?A. Because he liked Roberts fine clothes very much.B. Because he thought Robert was a rich man.C. Because he thought Robert was a poor man. (三) 14. In Mr Wangs garden there arent_.A. lilies B. roses C .tulips D .sunflower15. There are some _trees in the garden.A. peach B. mango C. lychee D. longan16. _ is Mr Wangs favourite flower.A. Rose B. Sunflower C. Lily D. Peach flower17.Mr Wangs wife likes _very much.A. roses B. lilies C. tulips D. sunflowers(四)18. Is Peter is a teacher?A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he was.C. No, he is a student D. No, he is a boys father.19. How old will Peter be next year?A. He will be fourteen. B. He will be thirteen.C. He will be twenty. D. He will be twelve20. Why does Peter read newspapers?A. Because he likes read stories. B. Because he likes read all the news. C. Because he wants to know something about football match. D. Because he wants to know something about basketball match.21. Why does Peter want to stay at home?A. Because he is ill in bed. B. Because he hates to go to school C. Because his father is ill in bed. D. Because he wants to watch a football match 三、听故事一次,根据故事内容选择问题的正确答案。(12分)(一)22. _ ran into the tiger. A. A tiger B. A frog C. A lion D. A fox23. The time in the story was _. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at night. 24. The tiger cant eat the fox, because_.A. The tiger is the king of the forest.B. The fox is the king of the forest.C. The lion is the king of the forest.D. The fox is stronger than the tiger.25. All the animals ran away, in fact they were afraid of _. A. the fox B. the lion C. the tiger D. the king(二)26. The mice were _before the cat moved into the storehoude. A. worried B. happy C. sad27. The cat _some mice after he lived in the storehouse. A. save B. help C. killed 28. The mice _the cat.A. were afraid of B. loved C. liked29. The mice had a meeting to discuss_. A. how to get food B. how to kill the mice C. how to move to the other places笔试部分四. 选择适当的单词填空.(分)I think 1 likes dog. Dogs are our friend. My friend Mr Gore likes dogs very 2 . He has a big dog. Its name is Brave. Hes clever. Every Sunday morning Mr Gore takes Brave for a long walk in the street. Sometimes Mr Gore 3 Brave to the park . Mr Gore 4 the Frisbee and Brave catches it in the air ( 在空中 ) . Brave can 5 the door and close the door. When Mr Gore goes to work , Brave stands in 6 of the door waits for him ing . When he sees Mr Gore, he 7 the door and carries Mr Gores bag. What a bright dog! I like Brave 8 . I often go to Mr Gores home to play 9 him . I often give Brave 10 to a eat . We are friends. I want to have a dog like Brave, too .( ) 1. A. all of us B. everyoneC. my friend and I D. my parents( ) 2. A. much B. many C. any D. well( ) 3. A. takes B. take C. took D. taking( ) 4. A. throw B. throwing C. throws D. to throw( ) 5. A. open B. opens C. opening D. opened( ) 6.A. front B. a front C. a back D. middle( ) 7. A. close B. opens C. closing D. opening( ) 8 .A. too B. two C. either D. other( ) 9 .A. to B. for C. from D. with( ) 10.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing五、根据上一文及首字母提示,用适当的词补全短文,每条横线只填一个单词。(5分)Canada is the worlds s biggest country, Its i North America. Winter is the longest s in Canada, In some p , it lasts from the middle of November t the middle of March, Snow cover much o Canada from November to April. People can ski in many places, Spring b in the middle of March and e in the middle of May, Summer is l than spring. It lasts for about four m in the south.六、读短文。填入所缺的词。(5分)An old man travels with a wolf(狼),a sheep and _ of cabbage(洋白菜).He wants to go across _.But he has a problem _ his boat is very small. Each time he can tale _ one of the _ things to the _ side of the river. If he_ the wolf together _the sheep, the wolf may _ the sheep. If he leaves the sheep together with the cabbage, the sheep may eat the cabbage .He doesnt know _ to do.七阅读短文,选出短文的正确答案。(分)One day an old woman wants to go to London to see her son. She gets up early and gets to the small station at nine oclock in the morning. Because this is her first trip(旅行) to London, she doesnt know the train time. She is very worried. Just then(就在这个时候), she sees a little boy running to her. She stops him and asks him what time the train es and leaves(出发) for London.The boy looks at the woman, and says“tu: tu; tu: tu: tu:” just like firing(开火) a gun(机关枪). Then he runs away. The old woman is very surprised(惊讶)and gets very angry(生气). She wants to know why the boy plays a joke(玩笑)on her. She sits in a chair and thinks and thinks, then she begins to smile(微笑). She says, “ What a clever boy! He tells me the time in such(这种)a way.” Do you know the time? ( )1. The old woman _. A. never goes to London B. often goes to London to see her sonC. doesnt want to see her son at the small station D. wants to see her friends in London ( ) 2. When the woman gets to the station she stops a boy _.A.to ask when the train leavesB.to ask when the train esC.to ask when the train es and leavesD.to ask where she can get on the train ( ) 3. The boy runs away because _. A.he is afraid of (害怕)the womanB.he tells the woman the timeC.he has a lot of work to doD.he plays a joke on her ( )4. The woman begins to smile because _.A.the boy plays a joke on herB.the joke is very interesting(有趣的)C.the boy tells the time in unusual(与众不同的)wayD.the boy runs away ( )5. At last(最后)the woman knows that the boy tells her that _A.the train gets at 10:00 and leaves at 12:00 in the morningB.the train gets at 1:58 and leaves at 2:00 in the afternoonC.the train gets at 2:00 and leaves at 2:12 in the afternoonD.the train gets at 2:00 and leaves at 2:22 in the afternoon八阅读短文 ,根据短文 回答问题。(5%) Do you know the Olympics? The Olympic Games are held every four years. Each time they are in different city. It is the most important games in the world. The first Olympic Games were more than two thousand years ago in Olympia, Greece. Then the games were held about 776 BC to AD 393. There were races ad lots of different sports. People from all over Greece came to Olympic Games. At that time only men were at the Games and they didnt wear anything to have sports. The Olympic Games stopped for a very long time. In 1896, the modern Olympic Games were held again. The International Olympic mittee (IOC) chose the city to hold the games. Modern Olympic Games were held in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, Seoul, Sydney and other cities. Today more than 15000 athletes from 160 countries go to the Olympic


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