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2019年六年级英语下册unit5whatishelike单元测试卷陕旅版一、选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。( ) 1. _ _ tgoing A. ou B. or C. uo( ) 2. se _ _ ous A. re B. ra C. ri( ) 3. t _ _ ch A. ee B. ea C. ae( ) 4. sm _ l _ A. i; e B. a; e C. e; i( ) 5. w _ th _ ut A. i; a B. i; o C. i; /二、将下列单词分类。clever teach Mrs. outgoing hard-workingunderstand get Ms. friendly serious1. 形容词:_2. 称呼:_3. 动词:_三:给图片选择对应的答语。( ) (1) A. in the classroom( ) (2) B. get up( ) (3) C. go into the classroom( ) (4) D. get on the bus四、单项选择。( ) 1. My favorite _ is Math. A. food B. subject C. drink( ) 2. What do you think _ her. A. of B. for C. to( ) 3. She is _ serious. A. little B. many C. a little( ) 4. She teaches very _. A. good B. well C. better( ) 5. He is outgoing _ he likes to talk with us in Chinese. A. and B. but C. from五、选择恰当的疑问句补全对话。A. Why B. What C. Whats D. Who( ) (1) -_ is he like? -He is kind to us.( ) (2) -_ is your Math teacher? -Mr. Black.( ) (3) -_ do you like it? -Because I like my Math teacher.( ) (4) -_ your favorite subject? -My favorite subject is Chinese.六、翻译下列句子。1. What do you think of Kitty?_2. Sure is a clever 6-year-old girl._3. She is wearing a skirt._4. 我最喜欢的科目是数学。_5. 多么努力的一个男孩啊!_七、看图,补全对话。1. -What is she like. -She is _ with _. 2. -What is she like? -She is _ with _ _.She is _ a _.3. -What is she like? -She is _ with _.八、阅读理解 Li Ming got up late this morning. He ran to the school. He got to the classroom at eight thirty. His English teacher was very serious. What should he say to his teacher? Yes, He should say sorry to him first and then having the class carefully.根据短文内容判断正()误()。( ) (1) Li Ming rode a bike to school, so he was late.( ) (2) He got to the classroom at eight oclock.( ) (3) His English teacher was serious.( ) (4) Li Ming should say sorry to the classmates.( ) (5) Li Ming should have the class carefully.参考答案:一、1-5 ACBAB二、1. clever, outgoing, hardworking, friendly, serious2. Mrs. , Ms. 3. teach, understand, get三、(1)-(4) CABD四、1-5 BACBA五、(1)-(4) BDAC六、1. 你觉得Kitty怎么样?2. Sue是一个聪明的6岁女孩。3. 她穿着一件短裙。4. My favorite subject is Math.5. What a hard-working boy!七、1. short; short hair2. tall; long hair; wearing; dress3. tall; glasses八、(1)-(5) 附送:2019年六年级英语下册Unit5WhatIshelike导学案陕旅版学习目标:1. 能听、说、读、写单词outgoing, clever, kind, shy, friendly, hard-working, serious, lazy。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型Whos your art / English / math / science / music / teacher?,Is he / she young / old / funny / kind / strict / ?,激发学生进一步了解各科老师的欲望,融洽师生关系。3. 培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意思和能力,帮助学生树立学好英语的自信心。学习重点1. 能听、说、读、写单词outgoing, clever, kind, shy, friendly, hard- working, serious, lazy。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型Whos your art / English / math / science / music / teacher?,Is he / she young / old / funny / kind / strict / ?,激发学生进一步了解各科老师的欲望,融洽师生关系。学习难点1. 利用教材提供的对话情景,以旧引新,引导学生进入学习状态。2. 能准确判断各科老师的性格。学习流程1. 课前热身Listen and do Touch nose /hair /head/2. Free talk (简单介绍各科老师)T:出示英语课本:Whats this ?Ss: Its an English book . T: Today I teach you English ,so I am your Ss: English teacher .新课呈现导入:抢答我最快1. (1)T: What is one and two ?Ss: Three.T: You are clever .(老师竖起一个大拇指)T: What is three and one ?Ss: You are very clever.(老师竖起两个大拇指)(2) 师出示图片: Is he clever? 当学生读出clever时,老师可鼓励学生勇敢并大声读出单词:clever1. (1) 师走向一学生问:Are you clever?若是学生回答Yes .就夸赞:Oh,you are very clever. T: Do you have friends? S: Yes. T: Do you often play with them ? 如果学生回答:Yes .师就说:OH, you are outgoing .(2).出示图片: Is Wu Chen outgoing? 引导学生理解单词outgoing.4. (1)找一个性格内向的女孩:What is she like ? she is shy .找出几个性格内向的学生写出这个单词并鼓励:Dont be shy, have a try !(2) 展示图片:What is she like ? 5.师走向一学生:Do you love your grandma ? Is she kind? 展示图片:W hat is she like ?Is she kind ?6. 师可问学生:Who often help old man ? 如果有学生举手,师可及时表扬:You are really a good boy/girl. You are friendly .I like you very much .展示图片:What is he like ?7.直接展示图片:What is he doing ? (He is working ,right? )若学生回答Yes.师:Yes .he is hard woking .Do you want to be a hard-working student? 8.展示图片:Can you guess what is he ? (teacher ,worker ,boss) Look at him .What is he like ? (serious )9. T: Do you often play? 如果有学生回答Yes .师可说:Oh ,you are lazy . 再走向另一个学生:Do you want to be a lazy boy? 如果学生回答no .师可表扬:You are a hard-working boy . 听力我最棒1. 播放Lets learn 部分的听力,让学生认真听录音,模仿正确语音语调。2. 我是小老师:让读的好的学生教读其他学生。3. 学生齐声读单词。知识巩固1. 师可以让学生介绍各科老师,激发学生的兴趣。T: Who is your Math teacher? S: Miss T: What is he like ?让学生大胆去说,培养学生的自信心与英语口语能力。游戏我爱玩1.对号入座 老师将提前准备好的单词卡,随意给每组两个学生两张,然后贴在相对应的位置,找对一个给一分。(Who can help me find the picture? 让学生将放在对应的图片下。)2. 比赛猜单词每个小组上黑板写一个单词:让小组成员猜,猜对一个记分。


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