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2019年五年级奥数题:小数的巧算(A) 年级 班 姓名 得分 一、填空题 1计算 1.135+3.346+5.557+7.768+9.979=_. 2. 计算 1.996+19.97+199.8=_. 3. 计算 9.8+99.8+999.8+9999.8+99999.8=_. 4. 计算6.11+9.22+8.33+7.44+5.55+4.56+3.67+2.78 +1.89=_. 5. 计算 1.1+3.3+5.5+7.7+9.9+11.11+13.13+15.15+17.17+19.19=_. 6. 计算 2.894.68+4.686.11+4.68=_. 7. 计算 17.4837-17.4819+17.4882=_. 8. 计算 1.250.322.5=_. 9. 计算 754.7+15.925=_.10. 计算 28.6767+32286.7+573.40.05=_. 二、解答题 11. 计算 172.46.2+27240.3812. 计算 0.0001810.00011 963个0 1028个0 13. 计算 12.34+23.45+34.56+45.67+56.78+67.89+78.91+89.12+91.23 14. 下面有两个小数: a=0.000105 b=0.00019 1994个0 1996个0求a+b,a-b,ab,ab.答 案 1. 27.785 2. 221.766原式=(2-0.004)+(20-0.03)+(200-0.2)=222-(0.004+0.03+0.2)=221.766 3. 111109提示:仿上题. 4. 49.55 5. 103.25原式=1.1(1+3+9)+1.01(11+13+19)=1.125+1.0175=103.25 6. 46.8 7. 1748原式=17.4837-17.4819+17.4882=17.48(37-19+82)=17.48100=1748 8. 1原式=(1.250.8)(0.42.5)=11=1 9. 750原式=754.7+5.3(325)=75(4.7+5.3)=7510=750 10. 2867原式=28.6767+3228.67+28.67(200.05)=28.67(67+32+1)=28.67100=2867 11. 原式=172.46.2+(1724+1000)0.38 =172.46.2+17240.38+10000.38 =172.46.2+172.43.8+380 =172.4(6.2+3.8)+380 =172.410+380 =1724+380 =2104 12. 181是三位,11是两位,相乘后18111=1991是四位,三位加两位是五位,因此1991前面还要添一个0,又963+1028=1991,所以0. 0001810.00011=0.0001991 963个0 1028个0 1992个0 13. 9个加数中,十位、个位、十分位、百分位的数都是19,所以原式=11.11(1+2+9) =11.1145 =499.95 14. a是小数点后有(1994+3-1=)1996位的小数,b是小数点后有(1996+2-1=)1997位小数. a+b=0.0001069 a-b=0.0001031 1994个0 1994个0 ab=0.0001995 ab=105019= 3990个0附送:2019年五年级奥班英语创新题一、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(5分)( )1. A. hear B. heard C. near D. dear( )2. A. climb B. blow C. baseball D. job( )3. A. house B. loudly C. cough D. thousand( )4. A. quickly B. cry C. fly D. sky( )5. A. food B. cook C. good D. foot二、单项选择。(35分)( )1 There are on the playground. A. eight hundred student B. hundred of students C.hundreds of students D. eight hundreds students( )2 - bread do you want? -Two pieces of bread, please.A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How tall( )3. I sing dance.A. cant, and B. can, or C. cant, or D. dont can, or( )4. We talk our .A. with, mouth B. in, mouth C. use, mouths D. with, mouths( )5. Jenny goes to school every day. Its 5 minutes walk from her home.A. by bus B. by plan C. on foot D. on feet( )6. I can English. I can it in English.A. speak, say B.speak, speak C. speak, talk D. tell ,say( )7. My sister wants ping-pong.A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( )8. Is time go to bed? -Yes, its time bed.A. to, to B. to, for C. for, to D. for, for( )9. The girls red are my .A. with, friends B. in, students C. in, sister D. on, friend( )10. This is pencil, is over there.A. my, mine B. her, her C. your, his D. yours, hers( )11. Tom and Ben Beijing next week.A. is going to visit B. will go C. want to visit D. are going to go( )12. are in class.A. Lucy and I, same B. You and Lily, the same C. Lucy and you, the same D. you and I, different( )13. Mr. Smith has three children and are students.A. one of them B. both of them C. all of them D. either of them( )14. She has to books. A. some time, read B. some times, read C. sometimes, read D. sometime, read( )15. His grandpa is too old. He can do . A. something B. anything C. nothing D. some things( )16. One of is my sister. A. girl B. the girl C. girls D. the girls( )17. having a picnic outside? A. What about B. Lets C. Shall we D. Can we( )18. I free tomorrow. A. will B. wont C. will be D. wasnt( )19. My mother is a good . She a big meal yesterday. A. cooker, cooked B. cook, cooked C. cook, cook D. cooker, cook( )20. You can borrow some books the library. A. in B. to C. from D. at( )21. The doctor said Ben a cold. A. have B. has C. having D. had( )22. He read a story book after he his homework. A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. finishing( )23. John and Bob workers. A. are both B. both are C. all are D. are all( )24. There is “o” and “h” in the word “hour”. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an ( )25. Mrs White is mother. A. Lily and Lucys B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy( )26. This is my to visit Beijing. A. second time B. the second time C. second times D. two times( )27. We Chinese people usually clean and decorate(装饰)our house Spring Festival. A. at B. on C. before D. after( )28. Mr Smith is a friend of . A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )29. Your shoes are dirty. , please. A. put them on B. take them off C. take off them D. take it off( )30. man on the right is old teacher. A. A, the B. The, an C. The, / D. A, an( )31. She stayed up late, shes tired. A. because B. and C. so D. but( )32. I like English. A. too B. either C. also D. so ( )33. , can you tell me the way to the bookstore? A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. All right( )34. You dress is very beautiful! - . A. No, it isnt B. Thats right C. Thank you D. Thats all right( )35. It is a fine day. Lets go for a walk. - . A. Good idea B. Good luck C. Youre right D. Thank you三、完形填空。(10分)Peter get up very early in the morning. He dresses, 1 , and 2 out to run in the open air. Then he has breakfast. Every day he goes to school 3 . 4 four classes in the morning. 5 class he reads some books. 6 is at twelve. After lunch he 7 a short rest. In the afternoon he has two classes. Then he has an hour 8 sports. He plays ping-pong 9 football. In the evening he does his 10 at home. He goes to bed at 10:30.( )1. A. cleans B. washes C. plays D. jumps( )2. A. go B. e C. goes D. es( )3. A. on bike B. by his bike C. on his bike D. rides the bike( )4. A. Have B. Has C. There is D. There are( )5. A. At B. After C. Before D. For( )6. A. Lunch B. Breakfast C. Meal D. Supper( )7. A. catches B. is taking C. take D. has( )8. A. in B. on C. to D. for( )9. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )10. A. works B. housework C. homework D. homeworks四、阅读理解。(A) Mr. Black is our English teacher. He always asks the same student to answer his questions because he doesnt look at the students at all. Yesterday he questioned Dick three times. Dick was very angry. After class Dick asked me, “What shall I do?” I told him a good idea. Now we are having an English class. Mr Black wants one of us to read text. “Dick, please read the text.” “Dick isnt here today.” Dick stands up and says. “Oh, I see. You read it, please.”根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )1. Mr. Black teaches us . A. Chinese B. physics C. math D. English( )2. He always asks the same student to . A. clean the blackboard B. read the text C. hand in the homework D. answer his questions( )3. Yesterday he questioned Dick . A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times( )4. What happens to Dick now? A. He doesnt have to read the text. B. He reads the text. C. He isnt in class today D. His classmate reads the text.( )5. Is the idea really good? A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesnt. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isnt.(B) Kate is an American high school student. One day in September, her English teacher, Mr. Smith, said to the students in his class, “I think you learned a lot of things during the summer holidays. Write about one of them in about 150 words and bring it to me next week.” Kate thought and thought about the homework, but she couldnt think of anything good. At last she called her friend Mary on the telephone and asked her about the homework. Mary said that she was writing about swimming in the lake. Soon after that, Kate tried to write about watching birds. Her father took her to the park to watch birds in July. It was not easy to write about it in about 150 words, but she did her best. In the English class, Mr. Smith said that Kates story was interesting and told her to read it to everyone.根据短文内容,选择正确。(5分)( )1. Kate called her friend Mary on the phone because . A. she wanted to have dinner with Mary B. she didnt know how to do the homework C. she wanted to visit Mary D. she felt lonely(孤独的)( )2. Mr. Smith is of Kate. A. the father B. the uncle C. the teacher D. the brother( )3. Kate went to the park to in July. A. swim B. play games C. catch birds D. watch birds( )4. wrote about swimming in the lake. A. Kate B. Mary C. Mr. Smith D. All the students( )5. Of the following, which is RIGHT? A. Mr. Smith didnt like the homework that Kate did. B. It was difficult to write about watching birds in about 150 words. C. Kates story was not good. D. Mary read her story to everyone.(C) Lily is doing her math homework at home. She is only seven. There are a lot of numbers on her book. She cant do that. She worries about it. She thinks hard. At last she has a good idea. She takes out a piece of paper and writes some numbers on it. Then she goes to a shop with the paper. “Can I help you?” the shop assistant asks her. “Yes. Id like two kilos of apples, one kilo of oranges and three kilo of bananas,” she says. “Its six kilos and its too heavy for you. Can you carry it?” asks the shop assistant. Lily writes the answer on the paper quickly and says, “Thank you.” then runs home. The shop assistant is very surprised.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,如正确写T,否则写F。(5分)( )1. Lily worries about her English homework.( )2. Lily isnt good at math.( )3. Lily wants to buy some fruit.( )4. The shop assistant is glad to help Lily with her homework.( )5. Lily is foolish(愚蠢的)girl.(D)Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home, so he goes there on foot and es back home on time(准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?”“I was in the headmasters office.”“Why did you go to the headmasters office?”“Because my teacher asked us a question in class. Nobody could answer it, but I could.”“Its good to answer the teachers question.”“But the question was who put ink on her chair.”根据短文内容,将下列句中的单词补充完整(首字母已给出)。(5分)1. Tom is a s .2. Toms home isnt f from the school.3. Tom w to school every day.4. Tom doesnt go home e today.5. Tom puts ink on the t chair.五、根据句意及首字母补全单词。(5分)1. Thursday is the f day of a week.2. September 10th is Day.3. Ben is good at d holes. He d a hole yesterday.4. Im not a good-looking girl and Im not good at studying, e .六、判断下列句子的对错,对的填上T,错的填上F。(5分)( )1. How long is it from Jiangmen to Shenzhen?( )2. Can you count these orange?( )3. Ten dollars are not expensive.( )4. There have two books on the desk.( )5. There are so many people in the supermarket.( )6. That cloud likes an elephant.( )7. One of the children are singing a song at the party.( )8. Miss Chen teaches my Chinese.( )9. My bag is better than you.( )10. Mary puts on her coat goes out.七、用介词填空。(5分)1. Amy often helps her mother the housework.2. lunchtime, she was fishing the lake.3. They go to the park Sunday morning.4. e ! Sing a song for us.5. We sing and dance Childrens Day.6. Is July June? No, it isnt.7. Is your birthday June? Yes, its June 12th.8. The boy a book is my cousin.八、中译英。A写出下列汉语的英语简略形式。(5分)1. 上午 2. 中华人民共和国 3. 联合国 4. 美国 5. 世界贸易组织 B根据中文提示将句子补充完整,每空一词。(5分)1. Lisa,别在图书馆大声说话。 Lisa, speak loudly at the library.2. Gogo昨天在教室高兴地唱歌。 Gogo songs in the classroom yesterday.3. Tony的妈妈很担心他的学习。 Tonys mother his study.4. 江门变得越来越漂亮了。 Jiangmen is being .九、综合填空。(5分) 根据短文内容,填上合适的单词(首字母已给出),使短文意思完整,每空一词。 Tim was a boy of eight. His father w in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He l near his school. He always w to school. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very w when it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother said a , “Dont play in the water on your way home from school!” Next day Tim came home with wet and dirty clothes. His mother became even(甚至更)a . “Ill tell your father if you e back wet again,” said his mother. “hell punish(惩罚)you, you know.” The t day the little boy was dry when he came home. “You are a good boy today,” his mother was very h . “You didnt play in the w .” “No,” the boy wasnt happy and said, “there were so many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There w any room(空间) for me at all.”


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