2019届高考英语一轮优化探究话题部分话题14必修2 Unit1Culturalrelics课件新人教版.ppt

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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究话题部分话题14必修2 Unit1Culturalrelics课件新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究话题部分话题14必修2 Unit1Culturalrelics课件新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019届高考英语一轮优化探究话题部分话题14必修2 Unit1Culturalrelics课件新人教版.ppt_第3页
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核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 必修2 Unit1Calturalrelics 基础知识回顾 remove select decorate select selection decorations doubt survive explode doubt doubtful doubts survived survivor fancy worth amazed amazing valuable informal valuable debate design designers designed evidence reception evident evidence receptionists reception receive 稀罕的 稀有的 珍贵的 朝代 王朝 本地的 当地的 审判 审讯 试验 下沉 沉下 风格 风度 类型 以前的 从前的 军队 群 组 to as into apart of to for belongingto taken apart in in at by think highlyof insearchof less rather Inreturn mayhavevoted Therewasnodoubtthat howtocorrect nordomyclassmates 核心考点突破 wonders belonging as reception wasremoved redesigned Unfortunately what basis which belonging belongs belongings for in by should beremoved wereremoved isdesigned by by doubt whether reading toread tosurvive on by tosay remains tobuy 随堂巩固提升 that designed highly amazed valuing belonging tochoose the the to evidence considering ofbeingconsidered isworthy isworth isworthyto beconsidered whichisspeciallydesignedtotakecareofoldpeople speciallydesignedtotakecareofoldpeople insearchof searchfor intheirsearchfor

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