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2019年五年级英语上册单元同步练习4一、单记忆擂台赛。根据提示,把单词补充完整。1. q _ i_t (安静的) 2. sl_ _ p (睡觉) 3. l_ _ d (响亮的;吵闹的)4. l_ _ k (看) 5. wi_ d_ w (窗户) 6. p_ i_ t (指,指向)二、慧眼识珠。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入前面的括号内。1. - What are you doing now? - I am _. A sleep B to sleep C sleeping 2. - What are you _ now? - I am drawing a picture. A doing B to do D do 3. - Do you see it, Li Ming? - No _ to it. A To point B Pointing C Point 三、我是小小指挥家。用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写及标点符号。1. I window am looking of the out 2. is singing a song he to mother your 3. what Danny is now doing 四、看!我的想象力很丰富看图,试着用学过的内容写句话。答案:一、1. u, e 2. ee 3. ou 4. oo 5. n, o 6. o, n.二、1. C 2. A 3. C三、1. I am looking out of the window. 2. He is singing a song to your mother. 3. What is Danny doing now?四、He is sitting. He is drawing.附送:2019年五年级英语上册单元同步练习8. Read and match. (配对)( ) (1) take a cab( ) (2) go for a walk( ) (3) feel scared( ) (4) go slowly( ) (5) buy a snacka.去散步b.买小吃c.走得慢d.乘坐计程车e.感到很害怕.Look and choose(看图并选择)a. slow b. slowly c. quick d. quickly e. feels1. The truck is slow. The truck goes _. 2. The car is _. The car goes quickly.3. The woman is quick. She walks _. The little boy is _. He walks slowly.4. Look at the cat! She _ happy.write (根据例句写句子)1. slow, bus, the, is, goes, slowly 例:The bus is slow. The bus goes slowly.2. are, quick, men, walk, quickly, the_3.slow, slowly, children, are, walk, the_. Read and write. ( 译出下列句子)1.每个人都感到很害怕。(feel, scared)2.公共汽车和大卡车开得慢。( go, slow) 答案:. (1) d (2) a (3) e (4) c (5) b. (1) b (2) c (3) d, a (4) e. 1. 例:The bus is slow. The bus goes slowly.2. The men are quick. The men walk quickly.3. The children are slow. The children walk slowly. 1. Everyone feels scared. 2. The buses and big trucks go slowly.

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