2019年五年级英语上册 Lesson 18 练习题(无答案)冀教版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 Lesson 18 练习题(无答案)冀教版一、补全对话。Li Ming wants to go on a trip to Beijing. He is talking with his mum:Li Ming: Mum, _ _ go on a trip to Beijing?Mum: Yes, _ _.Li Ming: Mum, _ _ go _ Tiananmen Square?Mum: Yes, _ _.Li Ming: Mum, _ _ go _ Wangfujing?Mum: _, _ may.Li Ming: Mum, _ _ live _ Bejing?Mum: _, _ _ not.二、听录音补全对话。1.: _ _ _ _ Tiananmen Square? : Yes, Li Ming, _ _!2.: _ _ go to a _? : Yes, _ _!3. : _ _ live _ _, Mum? _ is so great! : No, Li Ming, you _ _!4.: Mum, _ _ go on a _ to _? : To _? I dont know, Li Ming.三、阅读理解,正确的画“”,错误的画“”。Today is Sunday. I want to play out. So I ask my mother, “May I go to the park, Mum?” “Yes, you may.” My mother says. “May I fly a kite?” “No, you may not.” My mother says. Im so sad.( ) 1. Its Sunday today.( ) 2. I want to go to school.( ) 3. I want to go to the park, my mother says, “you may!”答案:一、1. may, I, you, may, may, I, to, you, may, may, I, to, Yes, you, may, may, I, in, No, you, may二、1. May, I, go, to, you, may 2. May, I, hotel, you, may 3. May, I, in, Beijing, Beijing, may, not 4. May, I, trip, Beijing, Beijing三、1. 2. 3. 附送:2019年五年级英语上册 Lesson 23 练习题(无答案)冀教版一、补全单词。1. arr_ v_ 2. tr_ p 3. tr_ _n 4. h_ t_ _ 5. _ _ _ plane 6. l_ _ ve 7. ab_ _t 8. c_m_ 二、选择填空。( ) 1. - _ I go shopping?- Yes, you may.A. Can B. Would C. may D. May( ) 2. Lets _ a train.A. take B. on C. at D. with( ) 3. I want _ to Beijing.A. to go B. goes C. go D. ( ) 4. We leave for Beijing _ February first _ the morning.A. onon B. inin C. inat D. onin( ) 5. I want Danny and Jenny to e on our trip to Beijing. May I invite _, Mum?A. them B. they C. her D. him三、用适当的词填空。 1. How far is it _ China _ Canada?Its about _ (8500) kilometers.2. How far is it _ Shijiazhuang _ Beijing?Its about _ (278) kilometers.3. How far is it _ Edmonton _ Shijiazhuang?Its about _ (9600) kilometers.4. How far is it _ your home _ the school?Its about _ (860) kilometers.四、用faster或slower填空。五、找出句中的错误并改正。1. Is airplane faster than a train?_2. Is Beijing the capital city in our country?_3. How many bus are there?_4. e and leave. Is they the same?_六、连词成句。1. is, a, faster, train, than, bus, a_2. bus, than, slower, A, is, bicycle, a_3. to, a, May, go, hotel, I_4. from, is, far, to Beijing, How, Shijiazhuang, it_5. do, we, When, leave_6. do, the, we, When, airport, arrive, at_答案:一、1. arrive 2. trip 3. train 4. hotel 5. airplane 6. leave 7. about 8. e二、1-5 DAADA三、1. from, to, eight thousand five hundred2. from, to, two hundred (and) seventy-eight3. from, to, nine thousand six hundred4. from, to, eight hundred (and) sixty四、1. faster 2. slower 3. slower 4. slower 5. faster五、1. Is an airplane faster than a train?2. Is Beijing the capital city of our country?3. How many buses are there?4. e and leave. Are they the same?六、1. Is a train faster than a bus? / Is a bus faster than a train?2. A bicycle is slower than a bus.3. May I go to a hotel?4. How far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang? / How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?5. When do we leave?6. When do we arrive at the airport?

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