2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasn’t a clock here before教案 外研版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before教案 外研版1. Warmer2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before教案 外研版主要内容 Words: for different bench then playgroundSentence: There was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施There was/wereThere wasnt /werent根据图片同桌进行操练。目标达成 S can listen,read and speak the words and sentences.课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:know the new words B级:read the new words.教学反思高年级学生更需要激发他们的兴趣。Teaching steps:1. WarmerDo and say.2. Check the students previewing.3. New wordsPlay games and learn the new words: for different bench (大小声游戏) Ask the students to read the new words after the teacher.Ask the students to make new sentences with the new words in groups.Copy the new words on the notebook.4. New textListen point and find “there?”Listen again and read these sentences: there was a big mouse. There was a house. There wasnt a clock here before.Listen and answer: what was the park like before? What is the park like now?Then listen and repeat.Read the key sentences by several students.周次 1课型新授 课 题 Module1Unit1 There wasnt a clock here before.主要内容 Words: for different bench then playgroundSentence: There was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施There was/wereThere wasnt /werent根据图片同桌进行操练。目标达成 S can listen,read and speak the words and text.课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:read the textB级: read the text.教学反思高年级学生更需要激发他们的兴趣。Teaching steps:I:review1.Show the cards and let students read together.2.Then read one by one.II;1.Listen to the text and repeat2.Practice:A: there was/wereB: there is/are3.Listen to the text and repeatRead the text in pairs and check 2 pairs4. Pair workLook at the pictures in P4and then ask and answer in pairs.6. Go over this lessonRead the words and text.师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。III. HomeworkTry to recite the text and memorize the new words.主要内容 Words: for different bench then playgroundSentence: There was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施There was/wereThere wasnt /werent根据图片同桌进行操练。目标达成 S can listen,read and speak the words and text.课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:read the textB级: read the text.教学反思高年级学生更需要激发他们的兴趣。Read by several students.Recite the words and sentences.Show some pictures and sentences patterns. Practice in pairs.Write the words and sentences.主要内容 Words: for different bench then playgroundSentence: There was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施There was/wereThere wasnt /werent根据图片同桌进行操练。目标达成 S can listen,read and speak the words and text.课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:read the textB级: read the text.教学反思多读多背,培养语感。做练习册,讲解练习册,默写单词句子。主要内容 Words: then playgroundThere was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。There was/wereThere wasnt /werent目标达成 S can listen, read and speak the words .课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:熟读单词B级:熟读单词课文教学反思同桌问答、师生问答更能提高课堂效率。教学过程I. review the important words1. read the new words for three times.2. Check some students.II review the text.1.read the text following the tape .2.read the text group by group .3.recite the important sentences in groups.III New wordsPlay games and learn the new words: then playground (大小声游戏) Ask the students to read the new words after the teacher.Ask the students to make new sentences with the new words in groups.Copy the new words on the notebook.New textListen point and find “there?”Listen again and read these sentences: there were little trees before. There are tall trees now. there was a small playground before. There is a big playground now.Listen and answer: what was the school like before? What is the school like now?Then listen and repeat.Read the key sentences by several students.主要内容 Words: then playgroundThere was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。There was/wereThere wasnt /werent目标达成 S can listen, read and speak the words .课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:熟读单词B级:熟读单词课文教学反思同桌问答、师生问答更能提高课堂效率。教学过程I:review1.Show the cards and let students read together.2.Then read one by one.II;1.Listen to the text and repeat2.Practice:A: what was the school like before?/what is the school like now?B: 3.Listen to the text and repeatRead the text in pairs and check 2 pairs4. Pair workLook at the pictures in P7and then ask and answer in pairs.6. Go over this lessonRead the words and text.师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。III. HomeworkTry to recite the text and memorize the new words.Write the words.主要内容 Words: then playgroundThere was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。There was/wereThere wasnt /werent目标达成 S can listen, read the text .课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:熟读单词B级:熟读单词课文教学反思同桌问答、师生问答更能提高课堂效率。Practice : A: what was the school like before?/what is the school like now?B: Show by several students.Read the text.Recite the words and sentences.Show some pictures and sentences patterns. Practice in pairs.Listen and do the practices of M1.主要内容 Words: then playgroundThere was/wereThere wasnt /werent重难点及突破措施师生问答,同桌问答进行操练。There was/wereThere wasnt /werent目标达成 S can listen, read the text .课程资源开发与利用 CD-Rom, Word cards, Picture cards作业设计A级:熟读课文B级:背诵课文教学反思同桌问答、师生问答更能提高课堂效率。做练习册,讲解练习册,默写单词句子。附送:2019年五年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 There wasnt a clock here before教案1 外研版课 题Module1Unit1 There werent a clock here before. 学 习目 标1、能够听说读写新单词:for, different, bench,then.能够听说读写句子: There werent any benches here before.There was a house.2、熟练朗读或背诵、表演课文。3、通过以前和现在的对比,准确地用过去和现在时态表达某处有某物,以及相应否定句的用法。重 点难 点能听懂对话中的主要信息,通过以前和现在的对比表达某处有某物。预习案学法指导一、 开动脑筋,想一想我们学过的表达过去的时间词语有哪些,把它们写下来。 _ _ _二、 我的预习和收获1、 听一听,圈一圈,并且翻译。(1) different_(2)bench_ (3)clock _(4) feed_(5)pigs house_ (6)cats house_(7) for_ (8)look different_(9)lets_通过预习我学习到了_2.通过预习,我的疑问:_自我评价: 家长签字:_探究案 用这些表示过去的时间词语造句子,注意时态的运用。借助听音,学习不会的单词并且纠正发音,将汉语意思写在横线上,读不准的单词标注出来,并且在组内交流合作解决。小组讨论你的疑问,大家交流,将组内共同的问题整理出来。学法指导(1)找出文中的过去式,讨论一下这些句子的特点?(小组讨论)_(2)用文中的过去式和现在时态的对比句子。_合作学习要求:1、小组长统筹,讨论出你组要汇报的内容。2、小组长分工明确,确保每位小组成员都有任务,都能参与讨论。3、汇报时声音要响亮,其他小组汇报时,要注意倾听。 检测与 能力提升 一、Task A: Read the dialogue.(小组合作朗读对话)Task B: Fill in the blanks.(根据课文内容,补全对话)You _in China _two years. Does London_ now? Yes, it _. This park is _.There werent _ benches here before.There _ a house. Look! Theres a _. There_a clock here_. There is _now.There are _, too. Do you like the _now?Yes, I _. We can _the birds. Then _feed the them. Great!二Look and say.(看图,描述地图上城市的位置,并写下了。)_三、 Summary本节课我的总结和收获:_ 小组合作可以选择任务进行组内讨论和练习。小组长要做好分工,起带头作用。让所有的组员都参与到学习中来。


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