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2019年北师大版小学三年级数学计算题一、 口算。310 8040 185 40603010 134 2520 16043005 7209 166 720018020 090 1040 1250855 573 08 3230705 254 156 63094505 1240 2406 16608442 60050 5003 09302730 8412 4203 91039159 1170= 10005 7515320180 3040= 40580 5604=951 48090 5107 2004724 80002 10220 400050125252 5008 75255 32471245555 70(4032) 9053 1010306(10398) 730 514642028 750(70+80) 30025二、笔算。(乘法不用验算,除法要验算)5463 2538 3619 77485082 3705 1947 90052334 3924 3605 32682039 6336 2638 77056962 8824 8098 56796428 8203 6306 4584= 40.6= 7.32.9= 100.7= 8.2-5=6.5+4.7= 1.2-0.3= 4.6+2.4= 3.8+6.6=三、估算。2386 8763 4176 75358930 3248 4322 52688909 45950 41760 35156511 7611 2719 45195321 8421 3821 3521四、计算与换算。3日( )小时 48个月( )年 35天( )星期 4时20分=( )分 五月份=( )天 5年( )月3平方米( )平方分米 32平方分米( )平方厘米3厘米( )分米 138秒( )分( )秒300公顷( )平方千米 80000平方米( )公顷1元2分=( )元 6厘米=( )米 13平方千米=( )公顷1990是( )年,2月有( )天。 9分米=( )米6.02米=( )米( )分米( )厘米1.6元=1( )6( )五、脱式计算。439467 248418 67(966)2517120 (450175)5 268+29659481352 3153453 574(12517363 560-1224 37552426+686 85+576 52+697 103+134 55+713 87+263 75+355 55+373 86+173 26+262 78+873 23+527 90+563 99+273 88+283 99+283 77+293 76+38366+272 77+819 99+292 66+856 66+386 22+396 88+371 22+306 25+323 77+28399+722 55+363 66+883 88+353 121+636 55+863 77+262 33+436 111+293 55+386 89+66 33+693 67+263 99+783 29+316 77+327 88+375 73+154 90+762 52+16367+125 29+153 83+268 50+933 23+409 80+732 12+573 86+262 353+553 15+533 55+282 37+686 55+162 66+386 121+49266+376 55+563 81+309 33+264 51+187 19+849 87+268 95+312 59+778 91+723 93+293 75+375 59+565 24+223 36+63678+737 57+855 99+595 75+53358+537 19+883 61+525 31+353 69+833 69+656 85+589 83+646 96+886 75+556 29+736 89+922 66+767 93+333 82+66299+593 82+873 51+223 86+363 85+29263+282 29+373 82+663 23+875 28+366 87+186 100+322 79+646 56+375 893+354 74+596 563+374 93+183 92+273 256+576123+132 93+233 71+896 236+126 55+263 1462517120 (4579175)5 75240(2015)315674 103(50405) 1258775254 (4852)20 224221 213410 402174 147728 2804 12052 202369 94420 305240 附送:2019年北师大版小学三年级第一单元测试题以及答案听力部分一、听写字母(10分)_ _ _ _ _二、听音,画圈。请你用“”圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1、 bear 2、book 3、duck 4、cake 5、 ruler 6、gift 7、great 8、body 9、one 10、 blue笔试部分(80分)一、 看图,把正确单词的序号填在括号中。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Amouse B. bag C. rubber D. apple E. pencil F. dog二、 用所给字母组成单词。(8分) a t c _e l o lh _ e d s k _e m a n _三、 正确抄写下列句子。(6分)1. Hello. Whats your name? Im Danny._2. How are you? Fine, thanks._3. Dont be late for school again._四、 看图,为每幅图找到正确的英文说明,把序号写在括号中。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Goodbye. D. Clean the table.五、 读英语,写数字。(10分)1. seven six four three _ 2. one five ten nine _ 3. eight two four six _4. three nine seven two _5. five eight four ten _六、 选出相应的答句。(10分)( )1. Good morning, Miss Fang. A. I m Danny.( )2. How are you? B. Good morning.( )3. Whats your name? C. Goodbye!( )4. Goodbye! D. Fine, thanks.七、 选择填空。(15分)( ) 1. Alice Wangs mother is _. A. Miss Wang B. Mrs. Wang C. Mr Wang( ) 2. - _ Kitty Li. - No, Im Alice Wang. A. Im B. Youre C. Whats ( ) 3. The blackboard is dirty ( 脏的 ). _ the blackboard, please. A. Close B. Open C. Clean( ) 4. Look _ the clock. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. Its cold ( 冷 ). _ the window, please. A. Open B. Close C. Clean八、 阅读理解,用T或F判断。(15分)Hello! Im Ben. This is my classroom. There is a table in my room. The table is yellow. There is a blackboard on the wall. There is a door and two big windows. They are clean. There are 20 desks and chairs. I can see pencils, pens, rubbers, rulers, books and bags in my classroom. Miss Fang is my teacher. I like Miss Fang. I like my classroom.( ) 1. This is Bens classroom.( ) 2. The door is yellow. ( ) 3. The windows are clean.( ) 4. Ben can see a box in the classroom.( ) 5. Miss Fang is Bens teacher.Unit One B卷答听力部分一 A H J K F L M N S X b c d e g p t v o u二 1、bear 2、duck 3、ruler 4、great 5、blue笔试部分一、 BFDEAC二、 1、cat 2、desk 3、hello 4、name三、1. Hello. Whats your name? Im Danny.2. How are you? Fine, thanks.3. Dont be late for school again.四、DBAC五、 1) 7、6、4、3、 2) 1、5、10、9、 3) 8、2、4、6、4) 3、9、7、2、 5). 5、8、4、10、六、BDAC七、BBCCB八、TFTFT

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