2019年小学二年级第二学期期末测试卷(牛津版)I 按顺序默写26个字母大小写,注意格式,格式错误要扣分。25-II 写出下列字母的左邻右舍大小写。101. _ Gg _ 2. _ Ff _ 3. _ Qq _4. _ Yy _ 5. _ Jj _ III 写出下列单词的首字母的大小写。51. 猪 _ 2. 脏 _ 3. 桌子 _4. 杯子 _ 5. 猴子 _IV 根据中文意思,选词填空。101. 我听见牛叫声。I _(hear; see) a cow.2. 大象个子大,走得慢。The elephant is _(big; small) and _(fast; slow).3. 桌子上有两本书。There _(is; are) two _(book; books) on the table.4. 我会跑步和游泳。I can _(sun; run) and _(swing; swim).5. 我用毛巾洗脸。I wash my _(towel; face) with _(towel; face).6. 梅,吃午饭啦。May, have _(lunch; dinner). V 单词、短语连线。10(单词) I II 洗 toothpaste爬 wash 牙膏 climb云 night晚上 cloud(短语) I II clean your room 刷牙 brush your teeth 打扫房间 wash your face 吃早饭 go to school 洗脸 have breakfast 上学VI 根据中文,选择正确的英文单词。10 1. 白天(night; day ) 2. 夏天(summer; sun) 3. 牙膏(toothpaste; toothbrush) 4. 水 (water; wash ) 5. 汤 (soup; soap) 6. 熊 (bear; pear) 7. 鸭子(duck; chick) 8. 游泳(swim; swing) 9. 碗 (bowl; plate) 10. 刀 knife; fork)VII 填入正确的BE动词:is或are. 51. There _ a sofa in my room.2. There _ three girls in the classroom.3. There _ a fork and 2 plates on the table.4. There _ 40 students (学生) in the classroom.5. There _ four sheep on the farm(农场). VIII 选择正确的答句。10 ( )1. What do you see? A. I see a duck. B. I hear a duck. ( )2. How old are you? A. Im 7 years old. B. Im OK. ( )3. How do you go to Beijing? A. By plane. B. I like Beijing. ( )4. I am sorry. A. Im OK. B. Its OK. ( )5. What do you like to do? A. I like to run and dance. B. I like yellow. ( )6. Can you swim? A. Yes, I do. B. Yes. I can. ( )7. Who is your friend? A. She is my friend. B. I have a friend. ( )8. May I have a pizza? A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. ( )9. What do you want? A. I want some juice. B. I need a belt. ( )10. Lets go and play on the beach. A. OK. Lets go. B. Yes, please.IX 日常英语问答连线。5I II1. Whats your name? A. Good night.2. How are you? B. How do you do?3. Good night. C. I am fine, thank you.4. Nice to see you. D. I am May.5. How do you do? E. Nice to see you, too.X 选择正确的中英文翻译。5( )1. 让我们捡贝壳吧。 A. Lets pick up shells. B. Lets pick shells.( )2. 不要在教室里玩悠悠球。A. Dont play yo-yo in the classroom.B. Dont play yo-yo in the school.( )3. 现在几点了? A. What clock is it? B. What time is it?( )4. This is the way I brush my teeth. A. 我喜欢刷牙。 B. 我就是这样刷牙的。( )5. Its 8 oclock. A. 现在8点了。 B. 我有八个闹钟。XI 阅读理解,用T或F判断正误。5Hi, I am Sam. Im 8 years old. I am in Zhilan School(芷兰学校). I like to sing and swim. I can run and play yo-yo. There are some yo-yos in my room.I have a friend. He is Peter. He has two big eyes and a big mouth. He is my good friend.I like summer. I like to go to the beach and play on the beach. Summer is hot, but(但是) I like to have ice-creams in the summer.( )1. I am seven years old.( )2. I can play yo-yo.( )3. My friend has two big eyes and a small mouth.( )4. I dont like summer.( )5. Sam is my good friend.附送:2019年小学二年级第二学期期末测试题及答案3一个四位数,最高位是 ( ) 、百位、千位、万位41000里面有 个十 ( ) 、10个、100个、1000个5一个数十位上的数比个位上的数大1,比百位上的数少1,这个数最大是 ( ) 、987、876、543四、写数(14分)1按规律写数(每小题3分,共6分)题 号一二三四五六总 分得 分3一个四位数,最高位是 ( ) 、百位、千位、万位41000里面有 个十 ( ) 、10个、100个、1000个5一个数十位上的数比个位上的数大1,比百位上的数少1,这个数最大是 ( ) 、987、876、543四、写数(14分)1按规律写数(每小题3分,共6分)(1)234023502360 (2)4 9 1419 2用6、9、0、0写数(每个数1分,共8分)(1)最大的四位数是(),最小的的四位数是()(2)只读一个零的四位数是()(3)一个零也不读的四位数是()六、解决问题(共36分)1二(1)班有45人,二(2)班比二(1)班多7人,二(2)班有多少人?(4分)2学校庆“六一”活动,要插35面彩旗,按红、黄、蓝、绿的规律排列,最后一面是什么颜色的彩旗?(5分)3学校图书馆有90本图收,一班借走27本,二班借走30本,现在图书馆里还有多少本图书?(两种方法解答)(6分)4学习用品油画棒削笔器自动笔橡皮笔记本单价(元)15元27元2元3元( )元(1)小红想买3支自动笔和1块橡皮要用多少钱?(5分)(2)用20元可以买5本笔记本,买3本笔记本要准备多少钱?(5分)(3)李华有50元,买一盒油画棒和一个削笔器后还剩多少钱?(5分)(4)小丽有20元,要买学习用品,请你帮她设计两种购买方案。(6分)二年级数学答案:一、320 370 900 230 XX 650 200 80 11 62 650 82 74 33 17 44 4 1 28 26二、1. 3040 一千零八 2. 4999 5001 3. 8 9 6 7 4. 3 120 180 5. 1000 6. 42 7. 999 1000 1 8. 3 千 3 十 9. 三、62349382421162865=2386+479=2865 四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、1. (1)2370 2380 2390 2400 2410 (2) 24 29 34 39 442. (1)9600 6009 (2)6090 6009 9006 9060 (3) 6900或9600六、1. (人) 答:二(2)班有52人 2. (组)3面 答 :最后一面是蓝色的彩旗3. 答:现在还有33本图书4. (1) (2)(3) (4)买一盒油画棒一支自动笔和一块橡皮 152320(元) 买5本笔记本 45=20(元)