2019年六年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 8一课一练(无答案) 人教新版.doc

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2019年六年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 8一课一练(无答案) 人教新版一、Do a survey.二、Think, write and read.答案:一、让学生根据自己调查情况作答二、开放答题附送:2019年六年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson 9 On the school bus教案 冀教版 Teaching Aims:Review clothes the students have mastered, and other vocabulary, with Dress Up. (See Games. )The students have mastered the following clothing in other levels: jeans, skirt, blouse, hat, pants, sweater, shoes, socks, jacket and glasses.Key Conceptsboots, umbrelladry, wetalways, sometimes, usually, neverSuggestion for Teaching Key ConceptsIntroduceThe students are familiar with some of the new vocabulary already, especially dry (as a verb) and boots (which they saw in Level 2).Demonstrate boots and umbrella with real objects.Demonstrate wet and dry with some water and some paper. Get a piece of paper wet and pare it to a dry piece of paper.Use Number 2 in the student book to introduce always, sometimes, usually and never.See below.Use The Student Book and AudiotapePause after Number 2 in the student book. Ask the students to translate, if they can, always, sometimes, usually and never. Help them arrive at the right answers.Before you play Number 3, review the story so far. Li Ming has e to Canada to stay with Jennys family. He has learned about Jennys house. Where are Jenny and Li Ming going now?Is it rainy or sunny?Number 3 mentions school bus, bus stop and bus driver. The students know most of these words individually. What do they think they mean?PracticePlay Never Never. (See Games. ) After you have played it a few times, play Variation 1 with the new vocabulary: wet, dry, umbrella and boots.Play Opposites and include the new vocabulary dry and wet. (See Games. )Use the Activity BookNumber 3 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:Listen. Write what you hear.Sometimes, it is rainy.I usually wear my boots.My umbrella is wet.I am dry.I always go to school by bus.I never walk to school.Check for UnderstandingClass ClosingFor Your InformationStudent Book, Lesson 9: Number 1, Number 2,Number 3Activity Book, Lesson 9: Number 3

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