2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Turn right教案 (新版)湘少版.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 6 Turn right教案 (新版)湘少版一、教学目标:1、掌握“left right”的用法,理解policeman、solider等含义;2、能应用所学单词询问他人职业;3、能理解掌握对话中出现的名词单复数形式的不同表达。二、教学重点及难点;1、运用句型询问职业;2、对“left right”作出快速反应;3、复数的规则变化及表达。三、教学步骤:Step 1 Warping up :1、师生问候;2、reviewStep 2 Presentation and drill1、Dragon game :Ss count the numbers one by one ,(1.2.3)Ss say the expressions like :1 bird. 2birds .3 flags2、Ss practice the expressions with “teacher s/ doctors”T acts a solider:! Turn left /right ! Look ! What am I now ?3、Ss observe and guess .4、 Study the new words “solider .soldiers/”Study :Left ,right .Ss say and act with T , then play a game .Use the same way to learn “policeman/ policemen” 5、Order a students to act with T, then learn to say “what are you / we?-You/ we are _”Step 3 Practice :Listen to the recorder;Read after the recorder;Practice in groups.Step 4 Consolidation :1、Game :Little actors :Ss act like some jobs, and practice the dialogue : Look ,what are we? - Are you _? -Yes ,we are / No , we are not .2、Do the exercises;3、Homework : read and act the dialogue.Period 2一、教学目标1、巩固所学职业名称;2、能初步掌握对话中出现的名词单复数形式的不同表达。3、能听懂指令,做动作。二、 教学重点及难点1、分辨左右,听懂指令;2、名词单复数形式的不规则变化;三、教学步骤:Step 1 : Warming up :1 .Greetings;2. Game: Monkeys see ,monkeys do; Hands up /down ; Left / right ; Turn left/ right . Go ,stop,go .stop . Step 2 :Presentation and drill :1. Ss act, T asks : What are they ?Are they soliders ?Ss: No, they arent.T : You are right .they are policemen.2. Ss learn to say the word “policemen” 3. Ss find out some other words: woman / policeman / fireman / postman .T and a student act like a traffic police :Stop! Turn right! (拦车检查动作)What are we ?Ss : Are you policemen / soldiers ?T : No. We are traffic police.Ss learn to say the new word.Pay attention to : a traffic police , some traffic police.Step 3. Practice :1. Listen to the recorder ,read the new words in Part B after it .2. Game :Guess !(Part C)3. Read the story in Part C , then try to act.Step 4 : Consolidation:1. Make dialogues: You meet your classmates after 20 years, what will you be ? How about the others ? Imagine and make the dialogues2. Ss act . Step 5 :1 . Do the exercises ;2 . Homework : Copy and read the words.Period 3一、教学目标1、能掌握字母组合在单词中的发音,能理解新单词;2、能掌握新单词的书写;3、能表演课文部分的歌曲,感受学习英语的乐趣。二、教学难点及重点重点:字母组合在单词的发音;学习歌曲的演唱;难点:理解新单词。三、教学步骤 Step 1 warming up1、Greeting ;2、listen to the song in Part F;板书:F部分 将带有s的单词标红。T用拼读法读出单词。学生从听从说出s的语音。单个学生奖励。Game: 金耳朵。老师读单词 学生听,如果有含s的音 学生说yes,没有说noTea sister father book doopGame: 老师写单词,学生拼读Dot tip teacher 挑战单词: turn , tick, ,toot, tock, timeStep 4 Consolidation 1、Do the exercises;2、Homework :copy the words附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 7 Christmas Part A教案 闽教版一、教学目标语言知识目标1.学习单词:Christmas,robot,tree。2.学习句型:What presents do you want?I want a.3.学唱歌曲:A Merry Christmas!4.学习字母组合ow的两个基本读音。5.功能:询问,表达喜好,描述圣诞节习俗。语言技能目标1.能根据实物或图片说出:a Christmas tree,a Christmas card,a robot。2.能使用What.do you want? 句型征询对方的需求。3.能诵读含ow的单词,并归纳ow的读音。情感态度1.培养感知外国文化的兴趣。2.根据实际需要表达自己的合理愿望,不向父母等长辈提过分的要求。文化意识让学生了解圣诞节与我国春节不同的风俗习惯。二、教具准备1.单词、词组图片和卡片:Christmas tree,Christmas card,robot等。2.可作为礼物的物品或图片,如:puter,football,sweater,violin,pen,pencil,ruler,crayon,bag等。3.圣诞老人的帽子一顶和礼物盒一个。4.录音机或教学光盘。三、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.师生进行对话活动:Good morning/afternoon.I like noodles. Do you like noodles/potatoes/tomatoes.?I like my presents. Do you like your presents?教师出示礼物盒,复习单词present及其复数形式presents。Step 2 Revision1.游戏Whats in the box?游戏规则:教师将部分已学过的可作为礼物的物品或图片,放入一个礼物盒中,请学生猜盒中的礼物,以此复习单词,如:puter,football,sweater,violin,pen,pencil,ruler,crayon,bag等。2.欣赏歌曲:A Merry Christmas!教师播放歌曲,并出示一些圣诞节物品,如圣诞帽、圣诞贺卡等,引导学生明白这首歌曲的意思。3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 7 Christmas Part AStep 3 Presentation(一)词汇教学1.教学单词Christmas。(1)教师介绍圣诞节,如:时间:December 25,代表人物:Santa,风俗习惯:exchange presents,send Christmas cards等。(2)教师出示单词卡片Christmas,示范发音,请学生认真倾听,引导其发现字母t不发音,然后用升降调朗读。(3)教师指向课题Christmas,学生识字,告诉学生节日名称的首字母要大写。 2.教学词组a Christmas tree和a Christmas card。(1)教师出示圣诞树的图片说:“Look! A Christmas tree!Its beautiful!”由词组a Christmas tree,引出tree 教学。教师示范朗读tree,请学生观察教师的嘴型,特别强调/i:/的正确发音,快速交替出示词组卡片a green tree,a yellow tree,a Christmas tree等,请学生朗读。(2)出示单词卡片three和tree,区分three和tree的音和形。(3)复习字母组合ee的发音,引导学生说出已学过的含有字母组合ee且读成/i:/的单词,如:sheep,green,queen,three等。(4)出示图片教学a Christmas card。拓展学习a birthday card,a New Year card,引导学生说句子:Its a beautiful (birthday/New Year/Christmas)card.(二)句型教学1.教师说:“Christmas is a big holiday in the USA. How does Sally spend Christmas? Lets have a look.”2.翻开课本第50页,教师播放课文教学光盘,学生认真听。教师问学生:“When is Christmas?Can you tell me?”学生可以用汉语回答。教师出示12月份的日历,用红笔圈出25号,板书句子Christmas is ing.并教学。游戏摇头晃脑。游戏规则:全班同学跟着教师的指令,摇头晃脑地说句子。当教师立正时,全班要起立说句子。教师奖励做得好的小组。3.教师说:“Christmas is ing. What presents does Sally/Ben/Kate want? What presents do they want?”再次播放录音给学生听,然后请学生说一说对话中的三种礼物,引出新词robot的教学。(1)教师出示单词卡片robot,示范发音,提醒学生注意字母o的不同发音,并请学生一边模仿机器人的动作一边读robot。(2)游戏不许动。游戏规则:全班同学一起边用升降调朗读robot,边做机器人的动作。当教师读降调的时候,必须将动作“定格”下来,教师表扬及时“定格”的同学。4.教师戴上圣诞节的帽子,说:“Hello, kids. Im Santa. Christmas is ing. I have many presents for you. What presents do you want?”板书:What presents do you want? 教师背上礼物袋,全班反复说句子What presents do you want? 教师在某位学生面前停住,引导该学生用I want a.来回答。游戏梦想成真。游戏规则:教师将部分学过可作为礼物的图片和今天所学的a Christmas tree,a Christmas card,robot等卡片放入袋中,引导全班同学一起问:“What presents do you want?”学生A回答:“I want a.”如果学生A抽中的正是他/她所说的礼物的图片,教师要奖励他/她两颗星,未抽中的话,可奖励一颗星。(三)课文教学1.教师播放课文录音,学生逐句模仿跟读。2.教师请一位学生扮演圣诞老人,完成课本第51页的Look and say.部分。3.学唱歌曲:A Merry Christmas!(1)再次欣赏歌曲:A Merry Christmas!(2)出示wish和 merry单词卡片,初步教学。(3)全班翻开课本第54页,教师播放歌曲录音,学生跟录音齐唱。(四)语音教学1.教师出示window和yellow的单词卡片,反复朗读,引导学生发现ow的读音,尝试听音拼读出slow,row,low,bowl等新词,或出示这几个新词请学生尝试朗读。游戏循声寻迹。游戏规则:教师将window,yellow,slow,row,low,bowl等单词卡片贴在黑板上,请两位学生上台来,教师读词,学生抢单词卡片。教师奖励拿到正确单词卡片最多的学生。2.用同样方法归纳出新词cow,how中ow的读音,尝试听音拼读出bow,now,wow,pow,owl等新词,或出示这几个新词请学生尝试朗读。游戏手拉手。游戏规则:教师请六位学生到讲台前,请他们面对面站好,将单词卡片window,yellow,cow,how,now,slow发给他们,要求他们将单词卡片放在胸前。教师举起自己手中的单词卡片window,全班齐读,拿着单词卡片yellow和slow的学生要迅速走过去,与手持window卡片的学生手拉手。教师更换卡片,游戏继续。教师奖励正确反应的学生。Step 4 Extension综合活动:礼物大派送。教师展示下列情境:Christmas Day,Childrens Day,New Years Day,a birthday party。出示一些school things,clothes,food类图片,将学生分成四人或六人一小组,选择一个话题,在小组中开展对话活动:A:.is ing. What presents do you want? B:I want a.Step 5 Homework1.听课文录音并模仿跟读。2.完成活动手册上本课的练习。3.和你的朋友用今天所学的句子聊一聊圣诞节或新年想得到的礼物。

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