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2019年PEP小学英语六年级下册Recycle1测试题班级 姓名 分数 一、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。(10分)( )1. A. peaB. teacherC. breadD. meat( )2. A. thirty B. math C. thank D. with( )3. A. whoB. whenC. whatD. where( )4. A.boxB. dogC. monkeyD. not( )5. A. happyB. makeC. bagD. apple二、按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。(10分)1. is(过去式) 2. have(过去式) 3. buy(过去式) 4. they(宾格) 5. can(否定形式) 6. bigger(反义词) 7. two(序数词) 8. he(形容词性物主代词) 9. they are(缩写形式) 10. get(现在分词) 三、找出不同类的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. sunnyB. farC. warmD. hot( )2. A. whereB. whenC. whoD. weather( )3. A. hospitalB. hotelC. youngD. airport( )4. A. mineB. yoursC. hersD. him( )5. A. thirdB. fourthC. eightD. twelfth( )6. A. excitedB. sadC. seasonD. tired( )7. A. learnedB. singC. rowedD. ate( )8. A. headacheB. toothacheC. earacheD. angry( )9. A. longerB. heavierC. funnierD. happier( )10. A. last weekB. this weekendC. next weekD. tomorrow四、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. We can a kite.A. flyB. flyingC. fliesD. flew( ) 2. I arrive at the station tomorrow.A. amB. didC. willD. do( ) 3. What do you want ?A. to doB. doingC. didD. do( ) 4. We can clap for together.A. theyB. them C. their D. my ( ) 5. My backpack is and than yours.A. biger , heavier B. bigger , heavyerC. bigger , heavierD. big , heavy( ) 6.Are the rulers _ ? Yes , theyre . A. your , ourB. yours , myC. yours , mineD. your , mine( ) 7._ is your family going to Kunming? We are going by plane.A. HowB. WhenC. WhereD. What( ) 8. Kunming is known “Spring City”.A. forB. toC. asD. of( ) 9. Its in front a bank.A. toB. ofC. forD. on( ) 10. I a bus to the police station yesterday.A. takingB. take C. takes D. took五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. He often (study) English in the morning.2. Stay in bed for a few days. You (feel) better soon.3. He (see) elephants in the zoo last Sunday.4. What (do) your brother do?5. What are you (look) for?六、按要求写句子。(15分)1. I went to Beijing by train.(对划线部分提问) 2. 昆明离北京远吗? Kunming Beijing?3. the, behind, cinema, is, the, just, hotel (.) (连词成句) 4. post , how , get , the , to , can, office, we (?)(连词成句) 5. When are you going to the zoo?(根据所给短语回答问题) (this weekend)七、阅读理解。(20分)AIm Mary. Im from the USA. Now I live in China. Last weekend I went to Hainan with my family. I had a lot of fun in Hainan. On Saturday, we went to the beach and took pictures. On Sunday morning, we went shopping and ate lotsof delicious food. On Sunday afternoon, I bought some postcards for my friends. I love Hainan. Its a beautiful city.阅读短文,判断句子对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。( ) 1.Mary is from Canada.( ) 2. Mary lives in China now.( ) 3.On Sunday morning, she went to the beach. ( ) 4. On Sunday afternoon, she ate lots of delicious food with her family.( ) 5. Mary loves Hainan.BOctober 7thDear Diary,It was a long holiday. We left Nanchang on October 1st and got to Hong Kong by plane on the 2nd. On the first day, I went to a park with my parents. I took many beautiful pictures. On the 3rd, we went to Disneyland. It was crowded(拥挤), but we enjoyed ourselves. On the 4th, we went to the Ocean Park. I saw dolphins in the park. On the 5th, I bought a lot of presents for my friends. We went back to Nanchang by train on the 6th. We had a good time.Mike根据Mike的日记,回答下列问题。1. Where did Mike go on his holiday? 2. How did he go there? 3. What did Mike do on the 3rd? 4. What did Mike see in the Ocean Park? 5. When did Mike and his family go back to Nanchang? 十、阅读理解。10%It is nine thirty in the morning. Mr Green and his students are going out on a picnic. Theyre now in the park. The children are having a good time at the moment. Look, the girls in the beautiful dresses are Su Hai and Su Yang. Theyre singing and dancing. Whos the girl under the big tree? She is Nancy. She is reading a storybook carefully. Where is Mr Green? He is playing games with Helen and other students. But Liu Tao and David are fishing near the river. Then a park keeper es up to them. He points to a sign near the river. He says to the boys, “Cant you see the sign over there? Its says No fishing, please.” Liu Tao and David say sorry and leave(离开)there quickly.( )1. Its .A. half past ten in the morning B. nine thirty in the evening C. half past nine in the morning( )2. Mr Green and his students are .A. in the zoo B. at school C. in the park( )3. The twins(双胞胎) are .A. reading a storybook carefully B. singing and dancing C. playing games with Mr Green( )4. Nancy is reading .A. under the tree B. on the grass C. near the river( )5. The sign near the river means .A. you must keep quiet B. you cant fish here C. you cant touch it六年级英语第二学期期末试卷 一听录音,选出相符合的一项,并将选项填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. taller B .tall C. doll ( ) 2.A. matter B .match C. metter ( ) 3.A. nose B. rose C. goes( ) 4. A. red B. read C. bread ( ) 5.A. bored B. ball C. sore ( ) 6.A . drew B. draw C .flew( ) 7. A . watch B. watched C. washed( ) 8 . A . together B. weather C. yesterday( ) 9 . A . Wednesday B. Thursday C. Tuesday( ) 10. A . windy B. cloudy C. sunny二、听录音根据问句,选答语。(每个1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. Im 160cm. B. Im 21 years old. C. Im 48kg. ( ) 2. A. I cleaned the room. B. I clean the room. C. I can clean the room.( ) 3.A.I am fine. B.I am fifteen. C.I am five.( ) 4.A.Its blue B. Its a book C. Its a rabbit( ) 5.A.I often go by bus. B. I am going by bus. C、I went to school by bike三、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整.(每空只填一词)(7分)1. He_ pictures yesterday.2. Im very_, because I failed the math test!3. Sarah has a fever, so she _ the doctor at 8:00 this morning.4. _ _ some animals in the zoo. 5. Liu Yun _ her grandparents last _.四听录音,完成短文。(每空只填一词)(8分)Hello,I have a good _. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is _ _than me. she is 13, Im 14. She is one year_ than me. She _ collecting stamps. This weekend,We are_ to the post _ to buy stamps. We like _ _ stamps. We are very _.听力材料:一听音选出听到的内容。1.tall 2.matter 3.nose 4.bread 5.sore 6.flew 7.watch 8.weather 9.Tuesday 10.cloudy二听问句选答句。1.how old are you?2.Whar did you do last night?3.How are you?4.What colour is it?5.How are you going there?三听音填空。6. He took pictures yesterday.7. Im very sad, because I failed the math test!8. Sarah had a fever, so she saw the doctor at 8:00 this morning.9. There are some animals in the zoo. 10. Liu Yun visited her grandparents last weekend.四听短文填空。Hello,I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is shorter than me. she is 13,and Im 14. She is one year younger than me. She likes collecting stamps. This weekend,We are going to the post office to buy stamps. We like collecting stamps. We are very happy. 八、作文。(15分) 请写一份自己的假期计划。要求语句通顺,书写规范,不少于40词。 附送:2019年PEP小学英语六年级下册U4测试题一、根据中文意思写单词。(10分) 新- 课 -标- 第 -一 - 网1、We often go to the _ (体育馆) to play basketball.2、I still dont know how to _ (滑冰) now.3、We feed the cows with _ (草).4、My brother didnt like to play _ (羽毛球) before.5、We have lunch at 12 oclock in the _ (食堂).6、 us (告诉) your school, please.7、I it (查阅)on the Internet.8、There is a building in my school (二年前)二、写出下面单词的过去式X k B 1 . c o mLike take look is are feel run can think give drink say wake have fall trip wear do go want 二、选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1、We didnt have a library, and there _ any puter rooms at all.A. isntB. wasntC. werent( )2、I didnt wear glasses _. But I must wear it every day now.A. next yearB. last yearC. next month( )3、Grandpa _ use puters when he was at school.A. cantB. couldntC. wasnt( )4、What _ Grandpas school _ twenty years ago?A. is; likeB. was; likeC. did; like( )5、I _ on the Internet.A. looked it upB. looked it forC. looked it at三、选择正确的答句。( ) 1、What did you do last night?( ) 2、Did you go cycling yesterday?( ) 3、How did you go to school before?( ) 4、What was your school like before?( ) 5、Is there a dining hall in your school?A. Yes, theres a big one.B. I went by bike.C. There was no gym and puter rooms.D. I saw a film with my parents.E. No, I played football.8Read and tick or cross. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列说法是否正确,用或表示。(10分) X k B 1 . c o m Mr Black is a science teacher. He is young and strong. His students like him very much because he is funny. Mr Black likes playing sports very much. He always plays badminton with his students after school. On weekends, if (假如) the weather is fine, he usually goes cycling near the West Lake. However, Mr Black was thin and weak before. At that time, he was very busy with his work and didnt have enough (足够的) time to do some sports. He went to bed very late at night. Sometimes he even(甚至) didnt have a good meal through the whole day. Soon Mr Black began(开始) to feel not good. He thought that too much work without a rest was not good for his health. So he made a change. He began to do sports every day to keep fit(健康的). See, how healthy he is now!(1)Mr Blacks students like him because he likes playing sports with them.( )(2)Mr Black goes cycling after school and plays badminton on weekends.( )(3)Mr Black went to bed very late at night before.( )(4)Mr Black had a good meal every day before.( )(5)Mr Black was thin and weak before, now he is strong and healthy.( )


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