2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6 period35-36教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6 period35-36教案 人教新起点课前准备:图片,录音磁带教学目标:1. 通过 Mary 和妈妈在遇到空难时沉着求救最终获救的故事,教育学生在遇到危险和困难时不要慌张,要沉着冷静,学会自救。2. 能简单讲述本课的故事。教学重点:训练学生的阅读理解能力培养细心观察善于动脑的好习惯。教学难点:1.课文中出现了大量的生词。2.提高学生通过阅读和看图整体理解课文。教学过程:1.热身及复习:1. The student on duty gives the report.2. Review the vocabularies and sentences of this unit3. Say the chant of unit 64. Look at some pictures and make some sentences 2.导入及新授: Fun time1). Write SOS on the Bb to elicit the topic. “HELP! SOS! HELP”2). Then show some pictures and learn the story one picture by one. At same time, deal with the new words: mountain. Plane, helicopter.3).Listen to the tape twice, let them understand the meaning of the story,Then ask what they heard4) Group work let the students to learn the story in four. They can help each other and co-operation.5. Let Ss retell the story in-groups in the front of the class.Step1. Practice1. Think and tick Look at the pictures carefully and read these sentences. Discuss them in four.2. Tick and check the answer together.3.操练及巩固:1. Listen and repeat the fun time about five times, try to retell the story. 2. Act out the fun time next class4. 家庭作业:抄写本课的词组5. 板书设计: Lesson 35 Mountain, plane, helicopter6. 课后回顾:Lesson 36课前准备:图片,录音磁带教学目标:1.通过各种练习自习巩固本单元学过单词及句型。2.进一步培养学生的阅读能力。3.字母组合ir/oy ur /的发音。教学重点:1.ur/ir/oy 在开闭音节的发音。2.综合在一起各种问句及其回答。教学难点:1.ur/ir/oy 的发音。2.综合在一起的各种问句,及其回答。3.阅读。教学过程:1.热身及复习:1) Retell the Fun time2) Sing an English song3) Oral practice2.导入及新授: Look listen and tickObserve the eight pictures Find out the difference of each picture, then discuss in English. Play the tape for them, listen and choose the related pictures. Check the answer together.Step 4 practice 1. Lets playFirst , Make an example for them. Next, divided the pupils into several groups.Then practice in groups.Finally, write these sentences in the chartShow their activities in public.2 Read match and write Read the sentences and try to understand them, Listen to the tape carefully. At last, copy the sentences on the line.3. Say and matchRead some words about letter ur/ir. Listen to the tape and repeat. Then match by them. Read them again. Have a check. What have you learn from this lesson?1) Review some old words and sentences (the key sentences)2) How the letter ur and ir pronounce? Let them pronounce,4. 家庭作业:做练习册。5. 板书设计: Lesson 36 6. 课后回顾:附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6 period3教案 广东版开心Step 1 Review1.实物回答问题。2.复习句型。Step 2 New LessonsSongGetting readyhave Ss cover up the lyrics on the page with their hands.T: Look at the pictures. Who do you see?(Point to the pictures.) Ss: Gogo. Basketball. Jenny. ,etc.T: What are they doing? Ss: They are playing basketball.Using the bookT: Lets sing a song! Lets listen first. Play the tape and point to each word and phrase as it is sung.T: Now lets sing! Play the tape again. Have the Ss sing with the tape.T: Lets sing it again.Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions and the other group sings the responses. Then switch.Extension activity 在原歌曲中加进新的歌词,替换学生的姓名和他们想要的物品。然后全班同学开始唱:Does (S1s name) want a (puter game)? S1唱Yes, I do!教师在全班巡视,争取让每个学生的姓名都有机会出现在歌曲中。Activity 1Getting readyOn the board, write Yes, he does. and No, he doesnt.Hold up Picture Card 39 toy car to show Ss, then offer it to a male student.T: Does he want a toy car? (S1 nods or shakes his head.)Ss: Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.Ask for a volunteer to circle the correct sentences on the board.Using the bookT: Open your books. Look, read and circle the correct answers.Model Number 1.T: Does he want a doll? (Point to the thought bubble above the boys head.)Is that a doll .Ss: No, it isnt. Its a skateboard.Does he want a doll? Ss: No, he doesnt.Circle No, he doesnt. on the page with your finger.Put Ss in pairs to do Numbers 2,3 and 4.Extension activity 在黑板上画一张井游戏的表格。把九个同学的姓名填在表格的第一方格中。这些学生坐在教室的前面,把其余的学生分成两面三刀组(X组和O组),当第一组开始时组员选择表格的一个学生姓名。教师问一个问题,如:Does he/she want a stuffed animal? 小组回答Yes, he/she does. 或者No, he/she doesnt. 那个学生然后回答:Yes, I do./No, I dont .若小组回答正确,教师把学生的姓名替换掉,把小组的代号(X组和O组)填进表格,若小组答错了,教师把另一组的代号填进空格。不论是哪个方向,能首先连成一排的就是胜利者。教师要九个学生把他们想要的物品写在一张纸上。然后教师对照纸检查学生的答案。Activity 2Getting readyPoint to first picture on the page.T: Look at the girl. What is she saying? Ss: Does he want ?T: What does the boy want? (Point to four small pictures.)T: Does he want a drum? Ss: No, he doesnt.T: Does he want a puzzle? Ss: Yes, he does.Continue with the pictures of the stuffed animal and the skateboard.Using the bookT: Look at the pictures on page 33. Work with a partner. Ask each other questions about the items on this page.Put Ss into pairs to do the activity.Circulate and listen to Ss and provide prompts if necessary.Extension activity把图片贴在黑板上。教师就班上不同的学生提出问题。如what do (S1s name) and ( S2s name) want?教师举起一、二或三只手指提示学生们该列出多少物品。邀请自愿的学生回答,如(S1s name) and ( S2s name) want a drum, a puzzle and a doll. 若教师同时提出两个或多个学生,他们应该快速开展讨论,然后回答。如:We want a drum and a puzzle. We dont want a doll. 与其他同学继续开展问答对话。Sound and wordsGetting readyT: Lets practice the soundw. Look at my mouth and repeat.Show your mouth and model how both lips are extremely rounded.T: w. Ss: w.Using the bookHave Ss look at the pictures on the page.T: Lets listen to the tape.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the tape.after enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Getting readyHave Ss look at the pictures in the book.T: Whats that? Is it a dog? (Point to the wolf.) Ss: No, it isnt. Its a wolf.Continue with the other pictures and elicit responses.Draw two simple sketches on the board, a window and a worm.T: The worm is wiggly. (Point to sketches.) Circle the picture.Have a student volunteer e to the front. Give him/her a piece of chalk/marker. S1 circles the sketch of the worm.Using the book T: Lets listen to the tape.Play the tape once.T: Now listen and point to each picture and circle the correct one.Play the tape again and have Ss circle the correct pictures as they repeat the sentences.Extension activities1.让学生在教室中央分两行面对面站着。教师讲出一个单词,若该单词含有W音,学生就快速说出该单词,并且快速跑动换行,若该单词不含W音,学生就保持沉默,且快速跑去触摸墙壁,若教师在他们摸墙壁之前就用手触到他们,他们就加入教师行列而站在中间。2.邀请一个自愿的学生来到教室的前面。教师指着该页的图片,让学生把图片的意思用动作表达式出来。其他同学设法在课本上猜出相应的句子,如:He walks on the water. 第一个说出正确句子的同学获胜。然后轮流演示图片的意思。Step 3 Homework用实物练习对话,掌握句型“What do they want?”及回答。


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