2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 It’s a pineapple教案 人教版(精通).doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Its a pineapple教案 人教版(精通)课题Lesson 13课型新授课教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写apple和pear,并能在四线格里规范书写。2、能够理解并说出Whats this ? Its a语句,并进行巩固操练。3、能够在真实场景中合理运用所学内容,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点1、听、说、读、写apple, pear,并能在四线格中规范书写,2、进一步巩固Whats this ? Its a/an.语句,并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练。难点在真实场景中合理运用Whats this ? Its a/an.Remember to eat more fruit. 教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、Warm-up1、Greeting:T:Good morning, class. T: Lets say it in English. Ready? Begin!练习七组这样的加法,答对的学生老师奖励水果卡片,并说Its for you.2、T: Look! Its a gift box.(老师拿着盒子晃并询问:Guess! Whats this?3、老师问孩子们:Do you like s? 再晃Any others?当孩子们猜到其他水果时,老师说:An apple?或? No, I dont think so.然后做神秘状:Lets open and see. 每拿Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.Ss:猜他们知道的任何东西,当孩子们猜到orange或banana时拓展孩子们的思维2、 Presentation3、Practice出一种水果就提问:Whats this?答对的学生老师奖励sticker. T:Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: OK.Lets go to the Fruit Kingdom.(出示PPT)T:Wow,so many fruits.T: Look!Whats this?T:Right!Its a pear. A pear for you.(奖励sticker) 再问其他同学: Do you like pears?T: What colour is it? T: p, p, pear, p ,p, pear, p, p, pearT: Whats this?问答带领学生读三遍。T:Can you spell pear? T: 板书pear T:Whats this?(ppt) 板书该句I like fruits. My friends give me so many fruits. Because today is my birthday.(老师戴上生日帽)。教学apple ,pineappleSs:pear!Ss: Yes./ S1或S2:NoSs: yellow/green. Ss:跟读Ss: Its a pear.学生操练:S1:Whats this ? S2: Its a pear.(change)展示问答。(对于展示好多组奖励水果卡片)Ss:Yes.Ss:跟读,指读,跟读Ss: Its a pear.1、三人一组,利用图片进行抢拍的游戏。2、利用学生所得的sticker完成本课的第三项内容。板书设计Unit 3 Its a pineapple. Lesson 13 Its an apple. Whats this ? Its a pear. pineapple lemon lemon 课后小记 本课是本单元的第一课,由于学生在三年级的时候接触过水果名称,所以单词认读情况掌握较好。本节课的游戏环节激发了学生的学习兴趣,学生愿意去说。课文掌握情况良好。课题Lesson 14课型新授课教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写orange和banana,并能在四线格里规范书写。2、能够理解并说出Whats that? Its a/an语句,并进行巩固操练。3、能够在真实场景中合理运用所学内容,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点1、听、说、读、写orange, banana,并能在四线格中规范书写,2、进一步巩固Whats that ? Its a/an.语句,并把词汇融入句子中进行学习、操练。难点在真实场景中合理运用Whats that ? Its a/an.Remember to eat more fruit. 教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、 Warm-up2、 Presentation1、 Greeting:T:Good morning, class. 1、 情景呈现。Boys and girls. Today, well have a fruit party. I have many kinds of fruits. Look, whats this?板书单词,贴橙子卡片。有身边的橙子变成课件中的柠檬,离得远了,老师用手指并询问:Whats that? Its small and sour.(做出味道很酸的表情)课件中的柠檬换成阴影的猕猴桃,大小和柠檬类似,提问:Is ita lemon? Whats that?Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.2、 说上节课自编的韵文,Whats this? Whats this? What? What? What?Its a pear. Its a pear. Pear, pear, pear.在交流中,学习单词orange2、 学习新句型Whats that?3、学习kiwifruit.,认读。自然引入与学生交流引出kiwifruit的学习3、Practice引导学生观看挂图。Look! There are many kinds of fruits. Whats this?启发学生观察图,并在四线格里板书banana.(配合语言:Its long)5、 播放录音,1、 多种方式操练对话2、 分角色体验表演对话4、 学习just talk 部分带着问题Whats that? 听、学习对话,同时学习词语watermelon,顺势学习Its a big watermelon.3、 学唱歌曲:fruit song4、 学说童谣:边说边加手势,表示远和近。Whats this? Whats this? Watermelon, watermelonIts a big watermelon.Whats that? Whats that?kiwifruit.,kiwifruit.,Its a small kiwifruit.引出banana板书设计 Lesson 14 Whats that? a banana . watermelon Its kiwifruit. an orange. 课后小记 在复习环节中学生彼此能够用Whats this? Its a/an.进行问答练习。对于Whats that?学生能够理解它的意思,但是不如Whats this?用的那么好。本课单词学生掌握起来有些困难,课下还需夯实。课题Lesson 15课型新授课教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写potato, 并能在四线格里规范书写。2、能够理解并说出Whats this in English? Its a/an语句,并进行巩固操练。3、能够在真实场景中合理运用所学内容,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点1、听、说、读、写potato, 并能在四线格中规范书写,2、进一步巩固Whats this in English ? Its a/an.语句,在对话中合理运用。难点在真实场景中合理运用Whats this in English ? Its a/an.教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、 Warm-up2、 Presentation1、Greeting:T:Good morning, class. 教师带领学生一起演唱前一课的歌曲Fruit Song1、 呈现情景。Now, lets play a guessing game.T: Its a kind of fruit. Its yellow and long. Whats this? Its a kind of fruit. Its very big. Its green. Whats that?2、 学习Whats this in English? Its a kind of vegetable. It looks like a kiwifruit. Its brown. Whats this in Chinese?老师拿实物顺势引导说:Its a potato in English.Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.2、演唱歌曲 不会用英语猜的可以用中文讲以此激活学生的已有知识,活跃课堂气氛。3、Practice3、学习potato,教室立刻转向学生并问Whats this in English? 板书potato4、 学习just talk, 引导学生观看挂图停留在西红柿上问Whats this in English ?5、播放录音1、多种方式操练对话2、分角色体验表演对话3、TPR活动Its a potato.用Whats this in English ?询问和回答学过的几种水果,听、学习对话,同时学习词语tomato4、小组活动:小组同学把事先做好的果蔬水果卡片摆在桌子上,一位同学抽卡片询问Whats this in English ?抢答最快并准确的同学抽取卡片继续游戏。培养学生观察能力巩固语言,为正确说出语言铺垫板书设计Lesson 15Whats this in English?Its a potato.课后小记 由于在教授前一课时,有相关的语言渗透,所以大多数同学基本能够理解Do you like.?并能回答。本节课能容相对简单,学生能够利用自己所学语言知识进行对话的创编,目标达成。课题Lesson 16课型新授课教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写tomato, 并能在四线格里规范书写。2、能够理解并说出Whats that in English? Its a/an语句,并进行巩固操练。3、能够在真实场景中合理运用所学内容,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点1、听、说、读、写tomato, 并能在四线格中规范书写,2、进一步巩固Whats that in English ? Its a/an.语句,在对话中合理运用。难点在真实场景中合理运用Whats that in English ? Its a/an.教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、 Warm-up2、 Presentation1、Greeting:T:Good morning, class. 教师带领学生一起演唱前一课的歌曲Fruit Song1、 呈现情景。课件呈现超市中的货架,远近都摆着蔬菜和水果。Now, lets go to the supermarket. What do you want to buy? I want to buy a kind of vegetable. Its round and red. Its juicy. Whats that in English? 教师特意用手指向圈好的西红柿,教师贴图片,并在四线格里板书,指导书写tomato.Look!课件黄瓜用阴影表示。I want a kind of vegetable,too. Its Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.2、 演唱歌曲3、 一起做15课的Lets do.的TPR活动。 2、学习cucumber.以此激活学生的已有知识,活跃课堂气氛。巩固旧知,进入学习英语的状态。3、Practicelong and green. And theres a yellow flower on it. Whats that in English? 贴图片,指导发音。Do you like cucumbers?3、 教师引导学生圈出胡萝卜4、 播放录音贴胡萝卜的图片回答老师的问题观看教学挂图或主题图,Li Yan和Kate到超市买蔬菜学生带着问题听对话。带着问题 Whats that in English? 听,学习对话,同时学习词语carrot.带着第二个问题Does Kate like carrot?视听第二遍1、 多种方式操练对话2、 分角色体验表演对话3、 说唱歌谣,并创编新歌谣学生试说:Whats this? Whats this?Whats this in English?A carrot, a carrot.Its a carrot.Whats that? Whats that?Whats that in English?A cucumber, a cucumber.Its a cucumber.引出cucumber的学习巩固语言,为正确说出语言铺垫板书设计 Lesson 16 Whats that in English? Its a tomato. carrot cucumber 课后小记 通过本课的学习学生能够掌握Whats this/that in English?的意思,但是在操练过程中,有个别组的同学,还是很容易用错。对于carrot和cucumber的意思有个别同学易混。课题Lesson 17课型新授课教学目标1、能够听、说、读、写eggplant, 并能在四线格里规范书写。2、能够理解并说出Do you like eggplants/peppers? Yes,I do./No, I dont.并进行巩固操练。3、能够在真实场景中合理运用所学内容,培养学生的口语表达能力。重点1、听、说、读、写eggplant 并能在四线格中规范书写,2、进一步巩固Do you like.?Yes,I do./No, I dont.难点在真实场景中合理运用Do you like.?Yes,I do./No, I dont.教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、Warm-up2、 Presentation1、Greeting:T:Good morning, class. 教师带领学生一起演唱前一课的歌曲Fruit Song老师说果蔬名称(Show me a pear. Touch a watermelon. Cut an apple. Peel a banana. Smell an orange. Pass me a lemon. Eat a tomato.)1、呈现情景。Look, I have a bag.Therere some kinds of fruits and vegetables in it.利用课间呈现书包,从书包中分出各种果蔬的刨面、阴影,一部分或轮廓。并提问:Whats this/that in English?Do you like.?Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.2、 演唱歌曲3、 TPR活动:学生们拿出自制的果蔬卡片学生根据指令做以此激活学生的已有知识,活跃课堂气氛。复习已有旧知,巩固本单元前几课所学词汇和句型。3、Practice手中准备一个装有实物的书包,引导一名学生到前面摸,猜。若猜不到,引导用Whats this in English?来问,教师顺势拿出并说green pepper.贴图片,指导发音。Do you like green peppers?教师及时进行饮食习惯的引导,多吃蔬菜。渗透简单的构词法egg+plant,贴图片,板书指导四线格里书写单词。 Do you like eggplants?教师引导学生观看主题图,They are playing a chain game. Does Lisa like green pepper?5、播放录音2、 学习green pepper.若学生说不喜欢吃青椒的时候3、 学习eggplant4、 学习just talk 部分学生带着问题听回答问题,学习对话1、多种方式操练对话2、分角色体验表演对话3、说唱歌谣,并创编新歌谣green peppers, green peppersEggplants, eggplantsDo you like green peppers? No, I dont.Do you like eggplants?Yes,I do.培养学生观察能力巩固语言,为正确说出语言铺垫板书设计 Lesson 17 Do you like green peppers? No, I dont. Do you like eggplants? Yes,I do. 课后小记 本节课,我通过设计课件和做游戏的方式突破了本课的难点句型Lets play a chain game.并利用TPR活动,让学生理解show me, pass me,peel,smell,eat.的意思。一节课下来学生能够认读本课句型。课题Lesson 18课型新授课教学目标1、 能够听、说、读、写本单元四会单词。2、复习本单元的目标语言。3、能够检测本单元所学的目标词汇的掌握情况。重点复习本单元的目标语言。难点同上教具录音机、磁带、图片多媒体教具课件教 学 过 程 预 设环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、 Warm-up2、 Presentation1、Greeting:T:Good morning, class. 教师带领学生一起演唱前一课的歌曲Fruit Song1、 猜谜活动Mimi has a big basket. Therere many kinds of fruits and vegetables in it. Hell play a guessing game with us. Can you guess?(可以是阴影,刨面,轮廓)Whats this in English ?Whats that in English ?2、 引入Fun Story故事。3、 看表格问答Ss: Good morning, Mrs Chang.演唱歌曲3、说唱上节课趣味操练部分歌谣在师生交流中注意反问:Are you sure?两人一组扮演Mimi 和Micky看表格问答: 以此激活学生的已有知识,活跃课堂气氛。3、Practice4、 提供Fun Story 图片,首先让学生观察图片1、 多种方式引导学生体验、模仿Fun Story 中的语句。2、 引导学生分角色表演故事,巩固语言3、 快速反应4、教师组织学生听录音,给六种蔬菜和水果编号。Whats this in English ?Whats that in English ?Its a .扮演描述学生分为男、女两队。教师将本单元学过的单词卡片一次展示给学生,学生看单词图片,快速说出单词的一方得分。让学生以小组或同班的形式核对答案。板书设计 Lesson 18 Whats this in English ? Its a/an . Whats that in English ? Its a/an . Do you like.? Yes, I do./ No , I dont 课后小记 本节课是本单元的最后一课,在老师的引导下,学生能够运用本单元的句型进行简单的对话练习。在自学完本课的Fun Story后,学生能够发挥想象进行自己的对话创编,但有个别单词还需要老师的提醒。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 17The farm教案1 冀教版教学内容:Lesson 17:The Farm课时1教学目标:1. 知识与技能:学生要掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)单词chicken, cow, duck, pig. 练习说和写单词farm, field, mud, pond. 能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学的词汇。2. 情感态度价值观:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,通过鼓励树立学生学习英语的信心。教学重点、难点:掌握本课重点单词。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson17:The Farm chicken chair farm cow chicken field duck mud pig pond教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. SING “THIS IS THE WAY WE WASH THE CLOTH”二、New Concepts1. DEMONSTRATEHold up vocabulary cards (chicken, cow, duck, pig), ask the students the name of each animal in Chinese. Then discuss these animals.a. What do you know about these animals?b. What food es from these animals?c. Where have you seen a cow, duck, pig or chicken?Explain to the students that in Unit3, they will learn about farm animals.2. STUDENT BOOK: L17N1Point to each picture as the teacher and the students say the words a few times.教学侧记Discuss the pictures in English.a. What color is the pig? b. Is the cow big or small?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. DRILLWhat is it?Is this a or a ?Point to a .4. ALPHABET DRILLAsk the students what letter begins each word. Ask what two animals begin with the same letter. Point out that although chicken and cow start with the same letter, they do not start with the same sound. Ask if anyone remembers another word (chair). Write chair and chicken on the blackboard as you say them a few times with the students.5. STUDENT BOOK: L17N2Point to the pictures as the teacher and the class say the words a few times. Ask the students to tell you the name for each word in Chinese.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.三、Class Closing.Lets sing a song.教学反思:


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