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2019年四年级英语上册Unit5IlikethoseshoesLesson29-30教案人教精通版、教学目标1在情景中学习运用:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.等语言点进行交流。2学习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes3学习歌曲Where is my hat? 激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元教学内容。二、教学重点本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.三、教学难点:语言点:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please? May I try them on? Certainly.的掌握运用。四、课前准备1准备表演对话用的实物和图片。2制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。五、教学过程:1Warm-up出示卡片,复习本单元所学词汇。2Presentation(1)呈现课文内容。教师通过表情、动作、语言揭示下列语言点的含义:I like those shoesCan I have a look at those shoes,please?要注意把May I try them on? 和Can I try it on?从数量上作比较。告诉学生Sure和Certainly意思相同。(2)Just read and writeA) 出示图片:shoes,教学生说出这个词汇,再出示卡片,领读。当学生能够说准这个新词后,可以鼓励学生把它用到学过的句子中,如:Please show me those shoes. Can I have a look at those shoes,please? Wherere my shoes? I like those shoes. B)同样的方法教学:socks。3Practice(1)Lets play: Where isare?句型及表示衣物的单词。(2)Lets sing: Where is my hat?(3)完成配套练习册 4 Homework:(1)自编商店购物的对话(2)单词六英一中Lesson 30一、教学目标1通过趣味故事Fun story的形式复习,对本单元的知识点进行归纳、总结,本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I cant walk! You look funny.2复习有关衣物的单词:socks,shoes,jacket,cap,sweater3通过画、剪、做、说的任务形式激发学习兴趣,巩固本单元内容。二、教学重点本课应重点围绕以下语言点进行训练:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I cant walk! You look funny三、教学难点:语言点:Wheres my? Here it is. Where are my? Here they are. I的掌握运用。四、课前准备1准备表演对话用的实物和图片。2制作本课用词汇卡片、图片。五、教学过程:1Warm-up(1)Lets sing:Where are you from? Where is my hat? (2)Lets chant: (3)出示词汇卡片复习词汇:socks,shoes,jeans,trousers,vest,dress,blouse,cap,hat,T-shin,shim,skirt等。2Presentation1)学生根据自己的理解简述故事大意。2)以讲故事的方式,边描述、边表演。(由于在上一节课的歌曲中学生已经接触了Where is?Here it is.和Where are? Here they are两个问答句式,所以本课中,教师稍加强调即可。)I cant walkYou look funny则可通过“教师的动作、表情展示出来。在介绍过程中,随时要求学生进行模仿练习。3Practice(1)pair work:两人一组做训练和情景表演展示。(2)Lets makea. 准备材料:彩笔、图画纸、手工剪刀、胶棒b. 教师根据学生的动作速度发出指令:Draw a dollDraw the vesttrousersshoesCut the vesttrousersshoesPut on the vesttrousersshoesc. 展示作品,谈论这些衣物:学生介绍自己的作品。例:Look! She has a pinkgreenblueyellow dressvestskirtblouse4 Homework:完成配套练习册附送:2019年四年级英语上册Unit6Meetmyfamily!PALetslearn课后作业人教pep一、找出与每组例词画线部分发音相同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号里。() 1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. 二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,将其序号填入题前括号里。() 1. A. uncleB. meetC. aunt() 2. A. fatherB. motherC. thin() 3. A. familyB. brotherC. sister() 4. A. tallB. andC. strong三、看图,选词填空。A. parentsB. uncleC. auntD. cousinE. baby brother 四、根据图片判断句子对()错()。() 1. My family has seven people. () 2. This is my baby brother. () 3. My dad is short and strong. 五、根据短文内容,认出“我”的家人,并在横线上写出是谁。Hi. Meet my family. My father is tall and strong. My mother is tall and thin. My uncle is short and thin. My aunt is a maths teacher. My cousin is a student. She is friendly. She likes English very much. I am a student,too. I like maths. I love my family. 答案:一、15B A A B A二、14B C A B三、15E D B C A四、1. 2. 3. 五、

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