2019-2020年牛津小学英语1A Unit10 What colour教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津小学英语1A Unit10 What colour教案教案内容牛津小学英语1A第十单元,第一课时(Look and learn) 教学目标1、能听说、认读yellow、red、green这些表示颜色的单词,发音正确。2、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能根据情况用Its回答,语音语调正确。3、通过开展同伴学、小组学等向学生进行学习方法的渗透,同时培养学生合作精神。4、运用评价手段,鼓励学生大胆运用所学的英语,激发学生学英语、用英语的兴趣。教学重点能听、说、认读三个颜色单词。教学难点 鼓励学生在生活中大胆运用所学英语。教学准备1、教师准备红、黄、绿三色彩笔及相应的单词卡片、磁带、放音机。2、学生准备红、黄、绿三色彩笔及文具。教学过程A Warm up / Revision1、Free talk (1). T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss . T: Good morning. X X X.(跟几个学生问候一下) S: Good morning. Miss . Sing a song Good morning to you(生日歌的旋律) (2) T: Whats this? (出示实物) S:Its an apple/a pear/a banana/a mango. Say a rhyme: Mango Mango, mango, I love you. One for Tommy, One for Joe. (拿相应的水果来替换说小诗。) (3)Listen and do T: Touch your mouth/ear/eye/nose. S: Touch my mouth/ear/eye/nose.B Presentation(一)教学yellow1、Enjoy an English songWho is wearing yellow today,让学生尝试跟唱,用中文解释“Who is wearing yellow today?”。 T: Who is wearing yellow today? S: X X X.(T-S,T-Ss, S-S)2、卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。T: Ok, now please look here. What colour ?Ss: Yellow!T: Yes, its yellow. Please read after me.“ Yellow, yellow, its yellow”.Ss: “ Yellow, yellow, its yellow”.(用各种形式操练,生可以在说的同时拿出该颜色的东西。)T: Who is wearing yellow today?Stand up,please. 带领学生指着说yellow。(二)教学redT: Who is wearing red today?Oh,Im wearing red today. 带领学生指着说red.Ss: Red!(开火车读)T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me“red,red, itsred ”.T: Who can show me something red/yellow?(中文解释)Ss: .T:What colour?Ss: Its red/yellow.(三)教学greenT: Show me your English books. What colour ?S:绿色/Its green.(师引导生说)(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板.)T: Read one by one /boys / girls/in groups/in pairs/in four/in row/high and Low。(师纠正发音。)C Practice 1.Listen to the tape, read after it. 2.Play games(1).Find colours. T: Yellow ,yellow,在哪里? Ss: Yellow ,yellow,在这里。(让学生指着黄色的事物。) T: Red, red,在哪里? Ss: Red, red,在这里。 T: Green, green,在哪里? Ss: Green, green,在这里。(group by group, row by row, boys/girls.)(2).画棵树在黑板上,贴上青苹果,红苹果,芒果,梨,香蕉。 A:What colour? B: Its red/green/yellow.(T-S,S-S)D Homework 1. Listen to the tape Part A and Part B, read after it three times. 2. Preview Part A ,B and C.E Blackboard assignment Unit10 What colour? A: What colour? B: Its . A picture of a tree yellow (picture) red (picture) green (picture) Unit 10 What colour?(第二课时)教案内容牛津小学英语1A第十单元,第二课时(Look and learn, learn to say) 教学目标1.熟练掌握blue, green, yellow, red, brown五个表示颜色的单词。2.会用句式“What colour ? ”提问并回答“Its 教学重点会用句式“What colour ? ”提问并回答“Its 教学难点会用句式“What colour ? ”提问并回答“Its 课前准备颜色卡片,录音机,PPT,瓶子和颜料。教学过程A GreetingsT: Good morning,boys and girls. S: Good morning. Miss . B Revision1. T: What colour? (事先师在墙上贴一些水果和动物的图片) S: Its yellow/red/green.2.呈现PPTTraffic lightsT: What colour?S: Its yellow/red/green.(快速跳动指示灯,训练他们的快速反应能力。)C Presentation1.教授blue(师事先准备好一个塑料瓶,瓶中放红色的水,瓶盖底部放绿色等一些颜料。)T: What colour?Ss: Its red.T: Magic eyes, magic eyes. (师摇动瓶子,瓶盖的颜料混合到红色的水中变成blue,充分吸引了学生的注意力,学生非常感兴趣。)T: What colour?Ss:蓝色/Its blue.(可以引导生说)(practice reading blue)Say “a blue cat/ a blue ruler/”出示并操练句型T: What colour?S: Its blue.(多问几个学生)让生跟读句子“What colour?”(多种形式问和答,T-S/S-S/group by group)Say a rhyme: Colour. colour, what colour? Blue, blue, its blue.Colour. colour, what colour?Yellow, yellow, its yellow.Colour. colour, what colour?Red,red, its red.Colour. colour, what colour?Green, green, its green.2.教授 brown(师在讲台下面换一个瓶盖,里面放有红色等颜料)T: Magic eyes, magic eyes. (师摇动瓶子,瓶盖的颜料混合到蓝色的水中变成brown)T: What colour?Ss:棕色/Its brown.(可以引导生说)(practice reading brown)Say “a brown cat/ a brown ruler/”Show the different colours, say“Colour. colour, what colour?, , its.”D Practise1. 播放光盘,让学生跟读B部分,接着播放A部分的Flash,让学生看着语境自己对话操练一下,然后老师播放Flash,开静音,让学生配音。(让学生在语境中操练句型).2. Play games(1) Follow me(师手拿单词卡片读,正确的让学生跟读,错误的让学生拍桌举手回答 :You say “ ”,I say “”.)(2)播放光盘(Part D) 玩转盘游戏(师先示范,接着让单个学生上来按动电脑,分各种形式问和答,操练句型和单词。)D Homework 1. Listen to the tape Part A and Part B, read after it three times. 2. Preview Part C.E Blackboard assignment Unit10 What colour? A: What colour? B: Its yellow (picture) blue (picture) red (picture) brown (picture) green (picture) Unit 10 What colour?(第三课时)教案内容牛津小学英语1A第十单元,第三课时(Say a rhyme, do exercises) 教学目标 1、能听懂会说本课单词、对话并二会单词white,black。要求发音准确,理解词义,语调自然。2、能用What colour ?并用Its进行对话交流。3、会说歌谣A cat and a dog.教学重点会说歌谣A cat and a dog.教学难点会说歌谣A cat and a dog.教具准备PPT,单词卡片,实物,光盘,花瓣似的色片。 教学过程A Greetings and review1. T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss .2. Practise asking and answering“what colour?”(师生,生生指着教室内的物品,衣服互练)3Have a match师先准备好相关的颜色图片和单词卡片,贴在黑板上,选几位学生上前将对应的图片和卡片配对,看哪位小朋友最快就是谁赢。4玩转盘转盘外圈是物品(无色),内圈是表示五种颜色的色块。游戏时,转动转盘。当转盘停下,外圈物品指向什么色块,就给该物品涂什么颜色,并用英语说一说。Work in pairs, make dialogues as:S1: Whats this?S2: Its a bag.S1: What colour?S2: Its red.5. Read Part A,B after the tape. Read by themselves.B Learn the rhyme“A cat and a dog”1.(呈现玩具猫PPT)T: Whats this? Ss: Its a cat. (随着颜色的变换和学生一起说): a yellow cat, a red cat, a blue cat, (白色的猫) T: a green cat? Ss: No. T: a brown cat? Ss: No. T: What colour? (帮助学生,呈现单词卡片,教学) white, practice reading it in different ways. Make phrases: a white cat, a white pig, a white bag, 2. ( 呈现黑色玩具狗) Say together: Its a dog. T: Is it a white dog? Ss: No, its a black dog.(帮助学生说black)Say a rhyme: color, color, what color? Black, black, its black.Make phrases: a black 3. Watch the CD: T: What can you see in the picture?(师用手势帮助学生理解这句话的意思) Ss: A cat/a dog. A white cat/a black dog.T: Good. Now lets say a rhyme of “a cat and a dog”, OK?Ss: OK.多种形式(听读,打节奏读,小组读,两两读): A cat and a dog A cat, a cat, A white cat. A dog, a dog, A black dog.3. Make a new rhyme.(指导学生模仿上面的rhyme用不同的颜色或实物的单词practice) Share their rhymes.(给予一定的鼓励或奖励)C Do Exercises(完成活动手册上的练习)D Homework 1. Read the color words and the question sentences. 2.Read the rhyme.E Blackboard assignment Unit10 What colour? A: What colour? B: Its A cat and a dog Yellow (picture) A cat, a cat, red (picture) A white cat. green (picture) A dog, a dog, blue (picture) A black dog.brown (picture)附送:牛津小学英语1A Unit3教案课题 Unit 3 This is my Mum2019-2020年牛津小学英语1A Unit3教案课型 新授课时 2主备人汤雪莲教学日期教学要求Using nouns to identify mon classroom objects.Teaching PointLearn words: book, pen, pencil, bag, ruler, rubber.教学重难点Pronounce words properly. 教具学具Multimedia, cassette教学活动内容教学活动内容与主要问题的设置执教人修改内容师生活动要点Pre-task preparation1.Do the actions, e.g. stand up, please. Play a game: I say you do. This time I will ask a students to be teacher. And he should say: Stand up. Sit down. 2.Chair drill around the class. Good morning. How are you? Fine, thank you. Then ask students to go around .the class to find his/her good friend to greet.While-task procedure1.T: What can you see in the classroom? (Hold up a pupils book.) Look, this is a book. Read: book. T: Have you a book? (The pupils hold up their books) P: book. Read it one by one.2.Ask what it is, and let Ss answer. If the pupil is right. All the pupils clap their hands. Yes. If wrong then say the right word.教学活动内容教学活内容与主要问题的设置执教人修改内容师生活动要点3.T: Is this a book? Point to the pencil. Students will say no. then I will tell them its a pencil. Read: pencil. T: Have you a pencil? (The pupils hold up their pencils) P: pencil. Read it one by one: p, p, pencil4.T: Is this a pencil? Point to the pen. Students will say no. Then I will tell them its a pen. Read: pen. T: Have you a pen? (The pupils hold up their pens) P: pencil. Read it one by one: p, p, pen5.Ask students to look at a pencil and a pen. Play a game, quick response. Help them to distinguish these two words.6.Show the sentence: I can see _. Let students say the words they have learned.7.(The same)Teach: ruler, rubber and bag, desk.8. Show the pictures. T: Point to the ruler. Point to the rubber. Let Ss read the words. Match the pictures with the right words.9.Missing game. Let Ss tell which stationery is missed.10.Listen to the tape, and read the new words after the tape.Post-task activity1.Guessing game: T: Whats on the desk? P: Bag. Then let Ss guess whats in the bag.2.Activity. Let Ss show their stationery on the desk and say the word. Say show me your ruler, and ask Ss hold up the ruler, and repeat ruler.Homework:Read the words.Guessing game: T: Whats on the desk? P: Bag. Then let Ss guess whats in the bag.


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