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2019年五年级英语下册教学计划一、指导思想以英语课程标准为宗旨,面向全体学生,提高学生的人文素养,增强学生的实践能力和创新精神,正确把握英语学科特点,积极倡导合作探究的学习方式。帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯,培养学生积极的情感态度和正确的人生价值观,提高学生的综合素质,为学生的全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。二、上学期情况分析五年级学生的英语学习习惯养成非常好,学习风气也挺正,上学期期末测试的优秀率达到了93.2%,合格率为99%,从上学期的成绩来看,学生英语基础知识掌握得非常扎实,成绩优秀,书写非常认真、整洁。但是仍然有个别学生对英语学习没有兴趣,读写成绩较差。三、教材分析本册书共8个单元,每单元都有8个板块,按“话题功能结构任务”相结合的体系编写,安排了家庭、学校、职业、时间等10多个话题,内容丰富,包含了许多的英语知识,以任务为目标,以功能和结构为主线,设计的内容浅显易懂、重点突出,教材结合实际、贴近生活。通过生动的生活情景引导学生学习英语。四、目的要求1. 掌握每单元要求的词汇和句型。2. 学会用英语表达一般将来时态、一般过去时及比较级。3. 学会使用英语写e-mail和讲故事。4. 学会表示鼓励和祝福的日常用语。5. 学会一定的阅读技巧,并能初步用英语写作文。五、教学措施1. 以任务为中心,采用交互式对话,创造各种情景,让学生在情景中练习语言运用。2. 结合五年级的阅读任务较多,着重培养学生自学的能力。以学生自己阅读为主,只对重点、难点内容做详解。3. 多使用多媒体教学,给学生创造直观的环境,培养学生兴趣。4. 多练。目前学生只是学到的内容,实践的较少,结合活动手册和练习册多做练习。5. 坚持每节课都给学生听的机会,培养学生的听力。6. 继续做好每节课的课前五分钟,让每个学生都有一次用英语表达的机会。7. 多关注后进生,帮助他们建立学习的兴趣和信心。8. 对于优等生,充分利用好自编的英语阅读读本威海风光音标等教材丰富他们的英语知识,提高英语综合实践能力。六、教学进度板块A、B部分用3课时完成,其余各板块C、D、E、F、G、H用2课时完成,即每单元5课时。每个复习课及练习册中相应的部分用2课时完成。附送:2019年五年级英语下册期中试卷及试卷分析一. 语音:15%(一)判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同:1. street please( )2. kite live( )3. grade eraser( )4. until student( )5. from e( )6. dance name( )7. get let( )8. clever ten( )9. look good( )10. teach sweater( )(二)找出画线部分发音不同单词的序号:( )1. A. nameB. sameC. gameD. maths( )2. A. eB. oldC. goD. home( )3. A. likeB. singC. ChinaD. driver( )4. A. meatB. speakC. greatD. please( )5. A. fatherB. whatC. farmD. dance二. 按要求写词:10%1. let us(缩写形式) 2. are not(缩写形式) 3. clever(近义词) 4. tall(反义词) 5. she(宾格) 6. study(三单形式) 7. shop(加ing) 8. have(三单形式) 9. be(三单形式) 三. 选择:20%( )1. My brother is good at . A. sing B. singing C. sings( )2. She likes very much . A. runing B. running C. run( )3. your aunt an actress ? A. Is B. Does C. Are( )4. She looks young her uniform . A. on B. in C. for( )5. We should learn each other . A. for B. to C. from( )6. The boy yellow hair looks funny . A. and B. has C. with( )7. She draws pictures . A. good B. well C. fine( )8. Where he e from ? A. is B. do C. does( )9. Do you want to a singer ? A. be B. do C. is( )10. Can you sing a song us ? A. to B. for C. at( )11. Peter like his uncle . A. looks B. very C. are( )12. What your uncle and aunt do ? A. is B. are C. do( )13. Do it this . A. to B. like C. at( )14. Hes eleven . What you ? A. for B. of C. about( )15. I want to a doctor . A. am B. be C. is( )16. Is Peter good Chinese ? A. in B. at C. of( )17. your name ? A. Whats B. How C. What( )18. Do you know the girl brown hair ? A. have B. has C. with ( )19. good-looking boys they are ! A. How B. What C. What a( )20. Where you e from , Tom ? A. are B. do C. does 四. 用所给词的适当形式填空:10%1. My sister is a (dance), she well .2. Does the woman (do)some (clean)in the evening ?3. The old men work on a farm , they are (farm).4. Miss Li is a (sing), she often in English .5. My mother is a (write), she books at home .6. Marie Curie is a famous (science).五. 按要求写句子:25%1. an , uncle , is , Peters , animal , doctor(.) 2. What does your aunt do ?(同义句) your aunts ?3. They are firemen .(变单数) 4. He wants to be a policeman .(划线提问) 5. Would you like to sing and dance ?(同义句) to sing dance ?6. They are my new friends .(划线提问) ?六. 完型填空:10%We are middle school 1 . We are 2 Grade 7 . Kate , Mike , Lucy 3 I are in Class One . Kate 4 eleven . Mike and Lucy are twelve . I am thirteen .We have a new 5 . In it you can 6 40 desks and chairs . A blackboard , a clock and a map are on the wall . The map is a 7 China . 8 brooms are behind the door . On a desk you can see some pens . The red 9 is Kates . Look at the clock . Its four oclock . Its time 10 play games .( )1. A. students B. teachersC. boysD. girls( )2. A. atB. toC. onD. in( )3. A. ofB. butC. andD. or( )4. A. beB. amC. isD. are( )5. A. homeB. gradeC. classroomD. class( )6. A. seeB. lookC. look atD. see at( )7. A. mapB. mapsC. map ofD. of map( )8. A. ThisB. ThatC. TheirD. The( )9. A. pencilB. oneC. penD. pens( )10. A. eB. to eC. goD. to七. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。10%Mr and Mrs Green e from Australia . They are in Beijing now . Mr Green is a teacher in a high school . He teaches English . He likes reading and running . He isnt good at cooking . His son , Jim , is a student . He is on the school football team . He likes playing football very much . He is the best football player in his class . He likes school , too . He does his homework ever day . Mrs Green is a teacher , too . She can speak a little Chinese . She likes Chinese food . She doesnt like doing housework at all , but she likes cooking . They all like China a lot .( )1. Mr and Mrs Green are . A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D. English ( )2. doesnt do well in cooking . A. They B. Tom C. Mrs Green D. Mr Green ( )3. can speak a little Chinese . A. They B. Tom C. Mrs Green D. Mr Green ( )4. Mrs Green doesnt like at all . A. Chinesefood B. teaching C. doing housework D. cooking( )5. They all like very much . A. China B. Chinesefood C. playing D. school 【试题答案】一. 语音:15%(一)判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同:1. street please( )2. kite live( )3. grade eraser( ) 4. until student( )5. from e( )6. dance name( )7. get let( )8. clever ten( )9. look good( )10. teach sweater( )(二)找出画线部分发音不同单词的序号:( D )1. A. name B. sameC. gameD. maths( A )2. A. e B. oldC. goD. home( B )3. A. likeB. singC. ChinaD. driver( C )4. A. meatB. speakC. greatD. please( B )5. A. fatherB. whatC. farmD. dance二. 按要求写词:10%1. let us(缩写形式) lets 2. are not(缩写形式) arent 3. clever(近义词) smart 4. tall(反义词) short 5. she(宾格) her 6. study(三单形式) studies 7. shop(加ing) shopping 8. have(三单形式) has 9. be(三单形式) is 三. 选择:20%( B )1. My brother is good at . A. sing B. singing C. sings( B )2. She likes very much . A. runing B. running C. run( A )3. your aunt an actress ? A. Is B. Does C. Are( B )4. She looks young her uniform . A. on B. in C. for( C )5. We should learn each other . A. for B. to C. from( C )6. The boy yellow hair looks funny . A. and B. has C. with( B )7. She draws pictures . A. good B. well C. fine( C )8. Where he e from ? A. is B. do C. does( A )9. Do you want to a singer ? A. be B. do C. is( B )10. Can you sing a song us ? A. to B. for C. at( A )11. Peter like his uncle . A. looks B. very C. are( C )12. What your uncle and aunt do ? A. is B. are C. do( B )13. Do it this . A. to B. like C. at( C )14. Hes eleven . What you ? A. for B. of C. about( B )15. I want to a doctor . A. am B. be C. is( B )16. Is Peter good Chinese ? A. in B. at C. of( A )17. your name ? A. Whats B. How C. What( C )18. Do you know the girl brown hair ? A. have B. has C. with ( B )19. good-looking boys they are ! A. How B. What C. What a( B )20. Where you e from , Tom ? A. are B. do C. does 四. 用所给词的适当形式填空:10%1. My sister is a dancer (dance), she dances well .2. Does the woman do (do)some cleaning (clean)in the evening ?3. The old men work on a farm , they are famers (farm).4. Miss Li is a singer (sing), she often sings in English .5. My mother is a writer (write), she writes books at home .6. Marie Curie is a famous scientist (science).五. 按要求写句子:25%1. an , uncle , is , Peters , animal , doctor(.) Peters uncle is an animal doctor . 2. What does your aunt do ?(同义句) What is your aunts job ?3. They are firemen .(变单数) He is a fireman . 4. He wants to be a policeman .(划线提问) What does he want to be ? 5. Would you like to sing and dance ?(同义句) Do you want to sing and dance ?6. They are my new friends .(划线提问) Who are they ?六. 完型填空:10%We are middle school 1 . We are 2 Grade 7 . Kate , Mike , Lucy 3 I are in Class One . Kate 4 eleven . Mike and Lucy are twelve . I am thirteen .We have a new 5 . In it you can 6 40 desks and chairs . A blackboard , a clock and a map are on the wall . The map is a 7 China . 8 brooms are behind the door . On a desk you can see some pens . The red 9 is Kates . Look at the clock . Its four oclock . Its time 10 play games .( A )1. A. students B. teachersC. boysD. girls( D )2. A. atB. toC. onD. in( C )3. A. ofB. butC. andD. or( C )4. A. beB. amC. isD. are( C )5. A. homeB. gradeC. classroomD. class( A )6. A. seeB. lookC. look atD. see at( C )7. A. mapB. mapsC. map ofD. of map( D )8. A. ThisB. ThatC. TheirD. The( B )9. A. pencilB. oneC. penD. pens( D )10. A. eB. to eC. goD. to七. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。10%Mr and Mrs Green e from Australia . They are in Beijing now . Mr Green is a teacher in a high school . He teaches English . He likes reading and running . He isnt good at cooking . His son , Jim , is a student . He is on the school football team . He likes playing football very much . He is the best football player in his class . He likes school , too . He does his homework ever day . Mrs Green is a teacher , too . She can speak a little Chinese . She likes Chinese food . She doesnt like doing housework at all , but she likes cooking . They all like China a lot .( C )1. Mr and Mrs Green are . A. Japanese B. American C. Australian D. English ( D )2. doesnt do well in cooking . A. They B. Tom C. Mrs Green D. Mr Green ( C )3. can speak a little Chinese . A. They B. Tom C. Mrs Green D. Mr Green ( C )4. Mrs Green doesnt like at all . A. Chinesefood B. teaching C. doing housework D. cooking( A )5. They all like very much . A. China B. Chinesefood C. playing D. school 【试卷分析】本次考核是以课本教材为主,要求学生重点掌握应知、应会的内容。含盖了读音、单词、句型及语法等知识点,从而为培养学生对英语这门知识的兴趣和为小升初的考试,做好了铺垫工作。


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