2019年(春)六年级英语下册 Unit 7《I’m not afraid》教案 (新版)湘少版.doc

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2019年(春)六年级英语下册 Unit 7Im not afraid教案 (新版)湘少版一、 教学目标:1 知识目标:(1) 学习认读单词:afraid,close,tired,difficult,clever,worry,kid。(2) 听懂会说句子Im Im not, 做到语音正确,语调自然。(3) 学习Path A并由学生自主翻译。2 能力目标:(1) 能听、说、认读单词: afraid, tired, difficult, clever。(2) 能灵活应用“Im/Im not.”句型来描述自己的身心状态。(3) 能借助图片单词向他人描述自己的感受。3 情感目标:(1) 通过对描述不同环境身心状态的学习,培养学生树立积极自信的学习和生活态度。(2) 了解关于图书馆方面的知识。二、 教学重难点1 教学重点:(1) 学习认读单词:afraid,close,tired,difficult,clever,worry,kid。(2) 学习句型:主语+shouldnt+其他Im/Im not并能正确应用于真实情境中。(3) 能借助图片信息进行简单造句。2 教学难点:(1) 了解祈使句的用法。(2) 个别单词、短语在句子中的用法。三、 教具准备: 多媒体课件、单词卡片四、 教学过程:Step1. Warming up and Revision1. Greetings2. Sing a song: Ten litter Indians.(儿歌)3. Reveal the title of Lesson 7.带读课题。4. Free talk. (复习之前所学句型)Step 2. Lead in and Presentation1. 教授单词afraid,close,tired,difficult,clever,worry,kid.2. 通过师生互动,生生互动,引出单词afraid,close,tired,difficult,clever,worry,kid, 让学生理解单词意思.3. 请学生带读,强化单词认知能力。操练1:手指读单词根据教师手势读相应次数,多读者起立继续读并扣一个月亮。操练2:找朋友教师请三到四位学生上台,分别带上写有单词的头饰,再请一位学生上台站在一旁念某一个单词,那么代表该单词的同学就出来与念的同学握手示好,反应慢者扣一个月亮。4. 教授句型Im/Im not.课件出示单词的一部分,引导学生学会用Im/Im not来描述,带读句型并操练。5. 教授句型You shouldnt.课件出示“你应该做什么”,引出You should,进而引出“You shouldnt”, 引导学生注意should的发音和语法特点。课件出示单词图片,被选学生起立并说出Im/Im not+形容词单词,或者You shouldnt. 全班跟读。6. 学习课文(1) 观看课文课件。(2) 全班跟读。(3) 点出难点单词:monster(怪物),sleep(睡觉),really(真的),still(仍然),kid(小孩),later on(后面).(4) 请学生翻译课文,教师予以鼓励和指正.Step 3. Review.操练3:魔眼游戏。教师通过课件快速出示单词,看看谁能在第一时间说出中文。归纳总结本堂课内容。Step 4. Homework.1. 抄写B部分单词每个5遍。2. 预习第九课A部分自主尝试翻译。 附送:2019年(春)六年级英语下册 Unit 8International Childrens day教案 (新版)湘少版教学内容或课题Unit 8 International Childrens Day! Period 1教 学目 标1、听懂、会说、认读、会写新词汇party和短语a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum, have fun, have no lessons, enjoy ourselves.2、能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。 3、 能用“What will you do?”“What are you going to do?”询问他人的计划和安排。4、能听懂、会说A部分对话。教 学 重 点难 点重点:听懂、会说、认读、会写新词汇party和短语a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum, have fun, have no lessons, enjoy ourselves.能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。难点:能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。 教 学 准 备Word cards, Type,挂历教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warning up 1、Greetings. 2、Quick response(生快速读出地点词汇) Step 2 Presentation 1、创设情境(把标好6月1日的挂历出示)T:Look at the calendar, what is the date? Ss:Its in the first of June.T: Yes. Its the International Childrens Day!(板书并带读International Childrens Day)T:The International Childrens Day is ing. What will you do on the day?S1: I will sing and dance.S2: I will go to the park.2、New phrases(出示单词卡片)(1)a class party, have a partyT: Look, we will have a class party International Childrens Day.板书并带读:have a class party(2)借助单词卡片学习B部分词汇T:We will have no lessons. What will you do?板书:have no lessonsS1:I will go to the theatre.S2:I will go to the museum.教师把词组卡片张贴在黑板上(3)have a restT: you can do many things on the day. But I am going to have a rest at home.(板书并带读have a rest) (4)词汇操练Lets PK:小组比赛,一开火车形式,一人说一个句子I will, 在规定时间内说句子多的那一组获胜。2、The dialogue(1)Read and answer(小组合作完成)Q1: What day will it be tomorrow?Q2: What will Anne do on International Childrens Day?Q3: What will Lingling do?Q4: What will Mingming do?Q5: What will Miss Li do?(2)Read together and thinkQ: In other countries, what do the children do?(3)Read and answerQ: How do the children fell on International Childrens Day?(4)Follow the tapeStep 3 Practice1、句子大PK每组派一名代表回答另一组的提问,然后再反问对方同样的问题 ,如此循环,在一分钟之内回答问题多的那一组获胜。Q: What will you do on International Childrens Day?A: I /We will2、我们就爱演每组选择文中任意一幅画胡几幅画自由表演。Step 4 Homework1、读课文A、B各三遍。(全班)2、向家人说出自己六一想做的事情,用上句型“I will”.(中上生)教学反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获 感到自己有待加强的是 教学内容或课题Unit 8 International Childrens Day! Period 2 教 学目 标1、进一步巩固、运用新词汇a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum.2、能听懂、会说、认读词汇fall on, have cakes, wonderful, wear a pretty dress.3、能够运用句型“Well”“We are going to”“I will”表达自己的计划和安排。4、能理解并朗读D部分,并完成相关练习。 教 学 重 点难 点重点:能运用所学词汇与句型正确表达自己在节日中的计划和安排。 难点:能理解并朗读D部分,并完成相关练习。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warning up 1、Greetings. 2、Quick response(单词卡片)3、Free talkT: What will you do on the International Childrens Day?S1: I willStep 2 Presentation 1、Part C(1)学生分组完成完成表格。What will you do?What will you wear?What will you eat and drink?检测:T:What will you do at the party?S123: I will play games/sing and dance/take pictures at the party.T: What will you wear?S1: I will wear my new dress.T: What will you eat and drink?S1: We can eat some fruit.(2)、听读C部分句子并跟读。2、Part D(1)Pre-reading 师生谈论图片T:Where are they? What are they doing? Are they happy?Ss: In the park. Playing games. Yes.T: Yes. It is a wonderful day for them.出示单词卡片wonderful, 并分节带读。(2)While-reading学生小组读短文并回答问题:Q1:When is the International Childrens Day?Q2: What do teachers do on that day?Q3: What do children do on that day?Q4: What do parents do on that day?学生找小伙伴共读短文及单词银行中的词组,并完成D部分练习。Step 3 Practice Lets have a party学生以组为单位,选择自己喜欢的一个节日举行一个party, 和小组成员一起为party 做一个计划,并填好下列表格。What festival is it?What will you do?What will you wear?What will you eat and drink?The Mid-Autumn FestivalLook at the moonWear new clotheseat mooncakes and drink Chinese teaStep 4 Lets write学生根据自己组内商讨好的节日安排,写下一段短文记录节日安排。 如:We will have a Mid-Autumn Festival party. We will sit in the park and look at the moon.We will wear new clothes.We can eat mooncakes and drink Chinese tea on the festival.We will have fun.Wele to our party.Step 5 Homework 1、背课文、记单词,抄写D部分词组。(全班)2、写一写关于你儿童节的计划。(中上生)板书设计:Unit8 International Childrens Day! A: What will you do ? B: I will教学反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获 感到自己有待加强的是 教学内容或课题Unit 8 International Childrens Day! Period 3教 学目 标1、进一步巩固、运用新词汇a class party, have a party, play games, have a rest, go to the theatre, go to the museum.2、能听懂、会说动词过去式wore, gave, wished.3、能正确掌握电子邮件的书写格式,并能运用本单元单词和重点句型写一封电子邮件,向他人介绍自己节日计划和安排。4、能结合上下文,在提示词的帮助下,完成E部分的电子邮件。 教 学 重 点难 点重点:能正确掌握电子邮件的书写格式,能结合上下文,在提示词的帮助下,完成E、F部分的习题。难点:能运用本单元单词和重点句型写一封电子邮件,向他人介绍自己节日计划和安排。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warning up 1、Greetings. 2、Train, train, go, go, go(单词卡片出示开火车读单词)3、找朋友havehad singsang dancedanced taketookeatate playplayed seesaw give-gaveStep 2 Presentation 1、Part E(1)知识引入T: What did you do last International Childrens Day?S123:I went to the park/sang and danced/had a party.(2)边阅读邮件边画出单词过去式,然后回答问题Q:Who wrote the letter to me? What did she do at the International Childrens Day party?(3)完成E部分练习。(4)Check answer2、Part F学生以组为单位一起完成F部分习题,并完成单词puzzle. 检查学生答案并齐读句子。Step 3 Practice 学生以组为单位,说一说自己印象最深的一次聚会。如:I love my birthday party. On the day, I wrote new clothes.I play games with my friends.I ate birthday cake on the day.My mother gave presents to me.I felt happy on that day.Step 4 Homework 1、做练习册。(全班)2、写一写令你印象最深的一次聚会。(中上生)板书设计:Unit8 International Childrens Day! A: What will you do ? B: I will教学反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获 感到自己有待加强的是

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