2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 2《There is a park near my home》(lesson 7)教案 人教精通版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 2There is a park near my home(lesson 7)教案 人教精通版备课时间上课时间教学目标知识目标通过这两节课的学习,使学生复习并初步掌握therebe句型的用法。学习本单元描述地址方位,指路和问路的用语。能力目标学习有关的描述地址方位的用语以及相应的词汇和本单元描述地址方位,指路和问路的用语情感态度与价值观1.提高学生在真实的场景中运用语言进行交际的能力2. 提高学生的学习兴趣,巩固和扩展所学知识教学课时One period教学重点 infrontof,building,restaurant,between,postoffice,nextto,supermarket,right,left,1)thereisnear/infrontof2)nexttothehairdresserisaclothesshop.ontheleft/rightoftherestaurantisacakeshop.教学难点复习并初步掌握therebe句型的用法和含义。 Theresaparknearmyhome.Therearemanytreesinfrontofthe building.教具、学具的准备picture,tape,taperecorder,photos教法、学法Audio-lingualApproach,CognitiveApproach教学过程一、导入新课chant:left,left,turnleft.Right,right,turnright.Left,left,putabookonyourleft.Right,right,putapenonyourright.二次备课 二、呈现新课1.给小组以本课中的新词命名:bank,clothesshop,restaurant,hairdresser.2ListenanddoT:Imintherestaurant.(Tshowsthewordcardof restaurant)S:Grouprestaurantstandupandsay:restaurant,restaurant,Imintherestaurant.Theteacherteachesnewwordasthesameway.3Greeting:IliveinJinghongcity.Look!Thisismyneighborhood.Thisismyhouse.Isittall? Thisis Xinzhi book store.Itsnearmyhome. Youcanseemanyinterestingbookinthebookstore. HaveyoubeentoXinzhi bookstore?WhatkindofbookdidyouusuallybuyfromXinzhibookstore? Whatisnearyour house?4.Studentsdiscusingroups. Andstudentsanswer thesequestions.三、巩固提高,本课小结1.Listentothetapeandpoint.2.Listentothetapeandrepeat.3.Listentothetapeandanswerquestions.4.Readthetextingroups.5.Groupwork:drawamapofyourschoolsneighborhoodand trytointroduceitinyourgroup.四、作业布置Trytodrawamapofyourneighborhood五、板书设计 Unit2 ThereisaparknearmyhomeLesson 7bank,clothesshop,restaurant,hairdresser.Imintherestaurant.六、教学反思、教学随笔备注:上课时间、二次备课、教学反思、教学随笔需要手写。附送:2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Can you play the guitarSection A精练精析 鲁教版五四制. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1. Yang Liping d_ well. 2. We can s_ some English. 3. Many boys want to j_ the basketball club. 4. We want singers and dancers for the party s_. 5. Can you d_ Chinese kung fu? . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1. Bob wants _ (join) the Chinese club. 2. Can you _ (draw)? 3. Can she join_ (we) club? 4. My mother doesnt want me to join a _ (swim)club. 5. Can you speak English_ (good)? . 单项填空(10分)1. Can he dance? _. And he doesnt like the dance club. A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he doesC. No, he cantD. Yes, he can2. Can you play _ guitar? No. But I can play _ basketball. A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; /3. He can swim, _ he doesnt like swimming. A. andB. butC. orD. so4. Can she _ the kung fu club? A. joinB. joinsC. join inD. joining5. _ does he want to join? An art club. A. How many clubsB. What subject C. What clubD. Where. 句型转换(10分)1. He can sing the ABC song. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ the ABC song? 2. She can find the lost pen. (改为否定句)She _ _ the lost pen. 3. They can tell stories. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they _?4. Please show me your watch. (改为同义句)Please _ your watch _ me. 5. Can your father play volleyball? (作否定回答)No, _ _. . 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A. Great! B. But I like to do kung fu, too. C. I want to join a sports club. D. I want to join a music club. E. What sport can you play? F. Can you play volleyball? G. What about you? A: Hi, Lisa. What club do you want to join? B: 1 A: That sounds good. 2 B: Volleyball. A: Well, you can join the volleyball club. B: 3 You can swim very well. So you can join the swimming club. A: Yeah, right. 4 B: Then you can join two clubs, the swimming club and the kung fu club. A: 5 OK, lets go and join now. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ . 阅读理解(10分)根据下表提供的信息,完成练习。Namescan docant doBillplay the guitar, sing, dance, swimplay the piano(钢琴), draw, speak English wellJenniferplay the piano, speak Chinese well, sing wellswim, play the drums, play chessVictorpaint well, play the guitar and drums, swimspeak Chinese, dance or sing, play puter games任务一 判断下列句子是否符合事实,符合的写“T”, 不符合的写“F”。( )1. Bill and Jennifer can sing but they cant play the piano. ( )2. Jennifer can help Victor with his Chinese. ( )3. Bill cant play the piano but Victor can play it well. ( )4. They can join the music club. ( )5. If Victor wants to dance and sing, Bill can help. 任务二 在横线上填入一个适当的词,使句子的意思完整并符合事实。1. Jennifer cant play _ but she can play the _. 2. Victor _ play puter games or _ Chinese. 3. Bill cant _, but Victor can do it very well. 4. Bill and Victor can play the _. 5. Bill and Victor can join the _ club, but Jennifer cant. 答案解析. 答案:1. dances2. speak3. join4. show5. do. 答案:1. to join2. draw3. our4. swimming5. well. 答案: 15. CBBAC. 答案:1. Can; sing2. cant find3. What can; do4. show; to5. he cant. 答案:15. CEGBA. 答案:任务一 15. FTFTT任务二 1. chess; piano2. cant; speak3. draw4. guitar5. swimming

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