2019-2020年六年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7教案 冀教版一、教学目标1、知识目标带领学生复习本单元的重点内容:重点词汇:any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose 重点句型:What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。2、能力目标要求学生能够灵活运用所学知识谈论与运动相关的话题。3、情感目标使学生明白体育运动的好处和重要性,鼓励学生积极参加体育运动。二、教学重点、难点:1、教学重点 英语故事2、教学难点any, heavy, lightorbought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。三、教具准备:磁带、英语故事书四、教学过程Class opening and reviewPlay a game “Whats missing?”(规则:把词汇卡片竖放在教室前面,告诉学生看1分钟的卡片后闭上眼睛,然后教师移开一张卡片。让学生睁开眼睛,设法指出教师移走了哪张卡片。提问每个学生让其说出移走的卡片的名称,直到猜对正确答案为止。让学生重新看到那张移走的卡片,并把它放回原处。那名猜对正确答案的学生可以在移走另一张卡片,让大家接着猜。)讨论lesson 7: 的这几幅图片。(这几幅图片和问题都是本单元的重点知识,让学生讨论根据图片来描述不仅锻炼了孩子的口语表达能力,同时也复习了前面的知识。)听课文录音。因为听力对于学生来说也很重要,安排这样一个练习,不仅强化了学生的知识,同时听力也得到了锻炼。 New concept1. 利用活动手册、故事书和录音带带领学生复习。讨论故事oes anyone know any characters in this story?b、Does anyone rember what the Diffos like to do ?c、 What does David do differently in this story ?d、Is his friend happy or mad ?(本故事共分了三个情节,fly a kite , play egg ping-pong , play melon basketball .在讨论的时候也把这个故事分成三个部分来进行)听录音先整体听一边。在分成三部分来听。练习 第一部分练习 填空。 One day , Dvied Difo was () with his fiend jeff . they were () kites . it was a hot day .there was no () .the diffos () flew () in the wind . 第二部分练习 判断They donot need eggs .Jff taught Dvied to play egg ping-pong .Can David hit the ping-pong balls ? No, he cannot. Jeff is not a good player .David teaches Jeff to play egg ping-pong .Class closing。 Student book:Lesson 7Homework:Activity Book 五、板书设计Lesson 7:Are you ready for a quiz ?a.Does anyone know any characters in this story?b.Does anyone rember what the Diffos like to do?c.What does David do differently in this story ?六、练习题(一)选择题:1 What sport do you like best ? I like to best .a , play the badminton b , play badminton c, play the guitar d, play the ping-pong2 would like to learn to play ping-pong ? a ,yes ,I do b, no , I donot c ,yes , I would . d , yes , I can 3. Jenny and Li Ming_ something at the store yesterday morning. A. bought B. thought C. buy(二)写出相对应的过去式:play have go teach hit hurt want think buy 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 unit1 lesson8教案 冀教版教学目标知识目标带领学生复习本单元的重点内容:重点词汇:any, heavy, light or bought, taught, thought sport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose 重点句型:What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。能力目标要求学生能够灵活运用所学知识谈论与运动相关的话题。情感目标使学生明白体育运动的好处和重要性,鼓励学生积极参加体育运动教学重、难点any, heavy, light or bought, taught, thoughtsport, basketball, ping-pong, runners, shorts, T-shirt, game, player, team catch, throw, hit, need, win, lose What did you do? I/We _.过去时的应用。教学过程一、Class opening and review尽量采用游戏的方式带领学生复习。二、New concept以讨论话题的方式引入本课Talk about your favourite sports to the class.在话题讨论的过程中涉及到的本单元的重难点知识有条理的进行板书,如帮助学生总结归纳单词的记忆方法:heavy-light sport(s):basketball ping-pong catch-throw name-game many-any lose-win play-player short-shorts对话的方式复习三种时态师:What sports do you like to play?Ss: I like to playT: Guess What sports I like to play?(师做出相应的动作)Ss: You like to play ping-pong.T: I am playing ping-pong.Yesterday I played ping-pong.Tomorrow I am going to play ping-pong. What about you ? Ss imitate the teacher.针对本单元的重点知识出一个小型的测试卷对学生进行检测。写出下列的过去式buy _teach _ think _ win _lose _ play _ watch _ 写反义词。win _ lost _ light _ catch _选择填空。( )1. This ball is_, I can throw it easily. A. light B. heavy C. hard( )2. Jenny and Li Ming_ something at the store yesterday morning. A. bought B. thought C. buy( )3. Do you like this T-shirt_ that T-shirt? A. and B. as C. or按要求完成句子。1.What did you do yesterday?(回答问题) 2What is Jenny doing now?(用打篮球回答)板书设计Lesson 8 :Again,please! heavy-light sport(s):basketball ping-pong catch-throw name-game many-any lose-win play-player short-shorts What did you do?I /we _.


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