2019年三年级英语上册 Unit1 Hello!教案 湘少版.doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Unit1 Hello!教案 湘少版Period 1一、教学目标能听懂、会说本课会话;能运用“Hello! ImNice to meet you.”进行问候,并对此做出回应;力求在第一课堂就激发学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重点及难点重点:自我介绍, 运用“Nice to meet you!”向他人致意。难点:理解too的用法。三、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you!用中文或动作帮助学生理解。Step 2 Presentation and drillT: Hello, boys and girls. I am your English teacher. I am Miss Liang .用动作帮助写生理解“I am ”T: Today well learn Unit 1 “Nice to meet you!”板书课题及主题句。带读单词one.2走到几个学生面前并与之打招呼。T: Hello, Im Miss Liang .放慢速度,强调口型,帮助学生理解并回答:“Hello, Im ”游戏Making friends让学生离开座位找朋友,找到好朋友后,用“Hello!”问好,并用“Im ”作自我介绍。S1:Hello, Im S2: Hello, Im S3: T: Hello, Im Miss Ss: Hello, Im T: Nice to meet you!帮助学生回答:“Nice to meet you, too.”,帮助学生理解“Nice to meet you, too.”通常用语回答。4听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practice游戏A little actor准备一个纸盒,装入写有Anne, Lingling, Peter, Mingming等人名的纸条。学生抽中谁,就扮演谁,进行角色表演。游戏Dragon gameStep 4 Consolidation创设清净,自由会话。评价。练习。练习册P1教学后记:Period 2一、教学目标能听懂、会说本课会话;能运用“!”问好,并对此问候作出回应;能在适当的场合运用“Hello!”和“Good morning!”二、教学重点及难点重点:自我介绍,以及灵活运用“Good morning! Glad to meet you!”向人致意。难点:“Hello!”和“Good morning!”的区别。三、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。复习句型。师生会话示范。自由练习。分角色表演。Step 2 Presentation and drill双手缓缓抬起,做早晨太阳从地平线上升起的动作,平举,然后走到几个学生面前。T:Good morning!板书句型,带读,帮助学生理解并回答:“Good morning! Miss ”然后全班集体练读,分组练读,单个练读。教师扮成学生,并假设在绱鞋的途中遇到同校不同班的几个同学。T:Hello! ImNice to meet you.S1:T: Hello! ImGlad to meet you.S2: 通过几次对话帮助学生理解Glad to meet you。和Nice to meet you.的含义一样都用于问候。Step 3 Practice教师做口型,学生根据口型大声说出单词或句子。听课文B、C部分录音,看课文,理解意思,然后有感情的朗读。Step 4 Consolidation创设情境,自由会话。评价。练习。练习册P2-4Period 3一、教学目标能掌握字母Aa的读音和书写,了解Aa在单词中的发音;能唱歌曲“Nice to meet you.”通过唱唱玩玩,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重点及难点重点:字母Aa及在单词中的发音;歌曲“Nice to meet you.”难点:理解新单词,朗读句子。三、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。自由会话和角色表演。Step 2 Presentation and drill出示字母卡片Aa。带读;教学生书写Aa, 分辨字母大小写,然后让学生按照范例正确书写字母,个别检查和辅导。让学生用身体语言来表演Aa,激发学生的学习兴趣。出示新单词的卡片,强调字母Aa在单词中的发音,并让学生跟读体会。T: Aa, Aa, Aa, Anne, Aa, Aa, Aa, and, Aa, Aa, Aa, Andy, 听课文E部分录音,跟读字母,单词,句子,理解句子大意。Step 3 PracticeSong: 教师根据活力英语中的歌曲Nice to meet you.改编Hello, hello, nice to meet you.Hello, hello, nice to meet you, tooGlad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too.Glad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too.Step 4 Consolidation1.鼓励学生自由创设情境,大胆进行会话。2.评价。教学反思:附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit1 lesson2教案 北京版第 一 单元 单元主题 SEPTEMBER 10TH IS TEACHERDAY课题 Lesson 2总课时2教学总目标【三维目标】知识目标:1. 能用序数词表达顺序,如“Is the first class Chinese”和“Yes, it is .” 2. 能听懂和认读序数词fifth, sixth, seventh, 以及 pupil, hi 和name, 并能在实际情境中运用。能力目标:能听懂会说表达欢迎的功能用语并能在实际情景中初步学习使用.能在生活排序中和日期表达中使用序数词。情感目标:能在迎接新同学的情景中,展示自己的热情和礼节。教学重点、难点教学重点:1. 能问答“Is the first class Chinese”和“Yes, it is .”2. 能认读词汇fifth, sixth, seventh.教学难点:1. “Im American ”和“Im from Canada”两句话的含义相似,但其中 American 和Canada 的词性和用法均不相同。2. 关注sixth词汇中/s/和/ 连读时的发音第一课时:1. 能正确理解课文大意,并朗读课文,表演对话。2. 初步感知句型Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.3.能听懂、说出并认读单词fifth, sixth, seventh, pupil.第二课时:1. 能听懂、会说Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.并能按照情景做出正确反应。 2. 巩固本课单词,理解并认读fifth, sixth, seventh, pupil.能在相应的情景中进行Listen, look and learn的替换。板书设计 Lesson 2- My name is Sara. -Im America.Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.Lesson 2Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.课前准备(师)课前参与(生)自制多媒体课件,配套光盘,单词卡片借助拼读英语自学单词教学过程教师教学活动(教学各环节设计、预设意图)学生学习活动(学习内容、形式及要求)课前复备第一课时:IWarming up活动一:头脑风暴【活动目标】通过复习学过的基数词和序数词以及谈话引入本课,激发原认知。【实施方法】1.教师出示学过的基数词和序数词的单词卡片,请学生回答。T: Read the words.2.通过谈话的形式,复习已学句子: is of .3.谈话练习:Good morning, boys and girls. Are you ready to English class?(1)Whats your name?引导学生用两种形式回答:My name is Im (2)Where are you from? 引导学生用两种形式回答:Im from China. / I e from China.1.齐读句子,反复巩固。【设计意图】通过复习为下一步课文学习,扫清障碍,做铺垫。II.Presentation活动二:学一学【活动目标】学会本课的单词及课文。【实施方法】1.师:Its our third English class. Who can guess: What does third mean?2.出示九月份日历,分别指着1日至4日,引导学生说出: the first / second / third / fourth day of September /October /November/ December/January/February. 3.Listen and say(1)出示主题图,请学生说说图中的3个人物都叫什么名字?学生自学后找出人物名字,教师表扬善于发现的学生,并请学生带读相关句子。My name is Sara. Im Mike. 带读Sara.和Mike,(2)引导学生发现两个新同学来自么地方,带读:Im America. Im from Canada.学习新单词America和Canada.,了解表示国家名称的词开头字母都要大写。(3)听录音,并分句讲解A. Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.引导学生了解词Chinese跟读录音。B.We have two new pupils拼读have,通过学过的句型了解意思。(I have two red eyes.)two new pupil 要求学生知道pupil变成复数要加s句式练习:We have two new pencils.C.My name is Sara. Im from America. Im Mike. I e from Canada.开展pair work,同桌互相介绍自己的姓名和国籍。(4)分句放录音并跟读。(5)Listen to the tape for three times and then try to repeat.【设计意图】学习并理解本课的单词及课文,达到课标的要求,为功能句型的操练做准备。III.Practice活动三:小快手【活动目标】朗读、巩固课文并理解功能句型:Is the second class Chinese?Yes, it is.【实施方法】1.请小老师带读,拼读单词2.听录音朗读课文。(1)加动作朗读句子 (加动作)(2)检查个人 (个人读)(3)一起朗读。操练方式:通过老师的指示,进行高低声的替换。【设计意图】通过朗读练习,将强对本课的理解。3.Pair works.4.Show.IV. Homework1.抄写单词一行写中文。2.听录音并朗读课文五遍。第二课时:I .Warm-up1. Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? 2. Do you remember the dialogue? Lets read it first, ok?3.Can you recite this dialogue?Have a try.设计意图:通过复习本课的对话来导入,创设问题的情景。II . Listen, look, and learn1. Show the picture of the text.Do you remember the dialogue?Lets try to make the dialogue. Ok?2. Write the main sentences on the blackboard.3. Show the pictures and help the students to understand the pictures.Give the questions.4. Put the pictures on the blackboard.Listen and read the phrases.5. Ask and answer the sentences.Do pair work.Show it.6. Well done!Can you try to make some new sentences?设计意图:以几幅图为例,让学生做替换练习,培养学生的语言应用能力。III. Stick and tell1. Look and think what we should do this activity.2. Do by themselves.3. Check in pairs.4. Review the words and the key sentences.设计意图:通过贴词活动,巩固学生对单词和句型的理解能力。V. Summary1. Do you remember the sentence?2. Can you read these words?VI. Homework:1. Recite the dialogue.2. Copy the new words.English show. Follow the little T, read the learned words and the dialogue.Read the wordsAnswer the questions出示两个小朋友,一个是中国的,一个是美国的,引出America.学习the first / second / third / fourth教师先做示范一生带读,其他跟读了解课文内容了解词组English class拼读have,通过学过的句型了解意思。给出所学单词,让学生造句小组练习,介绍自己掌握in的用法语法介词的渗透,为以后学习打基础。Wele to 造句。Listen and repeat.培养学生认真倾听的好习惯。小老师带读单词个人读课文展示Read the sentence togetherGame: Bomb game. Read the learned words one by one .English show.每天都进行的,提高学生的口语表达能力。Hello!Answer questions.Read the dialogue.Try to recite the dialogue.看图,质疑并解答,提高学生的自主学习能力。Watch and think.Try to answer.Watch and understand the pictures.Ask and answer in pairs.Make new sentences. 与考试题型相结合,让学生在练中学,在学中练。Look and think.Stick the words by themselves.Check in pairs.Discuss in groups.Review.默写本课新学单词。Check.水平测试目标及内容1 Have a dictation of Lesson 2.2掌握自我介绍问答。问答连线:1) Whats your name? A. Yes, it is.2)Is the second class Chinese? B. They are from China.3) Where are they from? C. My name is Sara.教学反思课后补充备课


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