2019年二年级英语期中测试卷(无答案) 冀教版.doc

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2019年二年级英语期中测试卷(无答案) 冀教版 班级: 姓名: 一、连一连。(10分) kitchen 家庭 dumpling 厨房vegetables 洗手间family 饺子washroom 蔬菜二写出下列大写字母的小写形式。(8分) B D E G A H C F 三看图连线 。(8分) Ice cream apple fish pencil chair fruit bed book 四选正确的词填空 (10分) in . on . under . is . like.1.A ball is my bed.(球在我的床上)2A doll is my bed.(洋娃娃在我的床底下) 3.Put the doll the dresser!(把洋娃娃放进柜子里) 4.My grandfather old. 5.We dumplings. 五根据单词的第一个字母,把单词分类。(15分) make bed old ball cup bowl clean bedroom family dresser help five ear 六连词成句。(18分) 1. you find playground the can 2. classroom Lets to our go 3. my love I family 4. lean everwhere alphabet we 5. for a party tine Its 6. my mom the kitchen in help I 七英汉短语连线。(10分)wash the dishes 去上学clean the bedroom 洗餐具Under my bed 打扫卧室In the classroom 在我的床下go to school 在教室里八选择题。(21分) 1Who is old? A. My grandfather is old.B. My name is Li Ping.C. He is Liu Ling. 2.What can you see in your bedroom? A. bed B. bowl C. dumplings 3.I play badminton . A. on the playground. B. in the classroom. C. in the kitchen.4.Hi! Nice to see you again !_ A. Good morning B. How do you do C. Nice to see you too 5. Where do you sit ?_ A. Im here B. I sit beside Xiaoming C I live in Beijing 6. .I play _.A. on the playground B. in the classroom C. in the office7. Its time lunch ! A.for B.to C.in附送:2019年二年级英语期末复习情境、排序一、 根据情境选择合适的句子,将其序号写在提前的括号内。( )1. 一起去动物园吧。A. Lets go to the park. B. Lets go to the zoo.( )2. 你喜欢秋天吗?A. Do you like autumn? B. What do you like?( )3. 我喜欢熊。A. I like pandas B. I like bears.( )4. 你喜欢什么?A. What do you like? B. I love you. ( )5. 这是一只猴子。A. This is a monkey. B. They are monkeys.( )16. 你有什么?A. What do you have? B. What do you like?( )17.这些是什么?A. Whats this? B. What are these?( )18. 我能看见一个木偶。A. I can see a plane. B. I can see a puppet.( )19. 我喜欢秋天。A. I like autumn B. I like ants.( )20. 你想知道别人有什么,可以问: A. What do you have? B. What do you like?( )21. 你想知道他是谁,可以问: A. Whos he? B. Whats he?( )22. 如果你有一个洋娃娃,可以说: A. I have a door. B. I have a doll.( )23. 你想了解别人喜不喜欢春天,可以问: A. Do you like spring? B. I like spring.( )24. 你看到了一辆吉普车,可以说: A. I can see a car. B. I can see a jeep.( )25. 你想知道别人喜欢什么,可以问: A. What do you like? B. What do you have?( )26. 如果你有一个洋娃娃,可以说: A. I like my doll. B. I have a doll.( )27. 你想了解别人是否喜欢熊猫,可以问: A. Do you like pandas B. I like pandas.( )28. 你看到一列火车,可以说: A. I can see a train. B. I can see a taxi.( )29. 当你想了解好友的学校开设哪些课程时,你可以问: A. What lessons do you have? B. What do you have?( )30. Lets keep the water clean.A. 让我们保持水的干净。 B. 让我们的水变得干净。( )31. There is a bottle on the table.A. 在课桌上有一个瓶子 B. 桌子上有一个瓶子。( )32. Can I help you?A. 我能帮助你吗? B. 你能帮助我吗?( )33. Id like a can.A. 我喜欢这个罐头。 B. 我想要一个罐头。( )34. There is a box.A. 有一个盒子。 B. 这是一个盒子。( )35. 你想知道老虎在哪里,可以问:A. Wheres the tiger? B. Do you like tigers?( )36. 看到小狗在盒子里,你可以说:A. Its a box. B. Its in the box.( )37. 当你想要一个铅笔袋时,你可以说:A. Id like a pencil case. B. I like a pencil case.( )38. 当你想知道那边的是不是床的时候,你可以问:A. Is this a bed? B. Is that a bed?( )39. 老师找不到书了,你却发现它在讲台上,这时你可以告诉老师:A. Its on the desk. B. Its a book.( )40. 上学的时间到了,爸爸妈妈会对你说:A. Its time to go to school. B. Its time to go home.( )41. 当你想问飞机在哪里,你可以说:A. Wheres the plane? B. Is that a plane?( )42. 当你去买东西的时候,售货员会说:A. What do you like? B. Can I help you? ( )43. 在商店里,如果你想要买一件新的夹克衫,你可以说:A. I like a new jacket. B. Id like a new jacket. ( )44. 当你询问你的朋友有什么课时,你可以说:A. What do you have? B. What lessons do you have? 45. 放学时间到了,老师对同学们说: ( ) 你想知道洋娃娃在哪里,你问: ( ) 你想和朋友一起数鸡蛋,你说: ( ) 你想知道别人能看见什么,你问: ( ) 你突然发现河道里有个盒子,你说: ( )A. Wheres the doll?B. What can you see?C. Its time to go home.D. Look! Theres a box.E. Lets count the eggs.二、 排序。(一)、( )Mike: OK.( )Liu Tao: Yes, I do.( )Mike: Hi, Liu Tao.( )Mike: Five. Do you like pandas? ( )Liu Tao: Hi, Mike. Lets go to the zoo.( )Liu Tao: Look at the pandas. How many?(二)、( )Yang Lin: Where is the doll?( )Su Hai: Its my new doll.( )Su Hai: Hi, Yang Lin.( )Su Hai: Its on my bed.( )Yang Lin: Hi, Su Hai. Whats that.三、 请用适当的be动词填空。(is, are)1. There _ some cans.2. There _ a plane in the sky.3. There _ a jeep and a car on the road.4. There _ five little monkeys and a bird in the tree.5. There _ some milk in the bottle.2B期末复习栏栏;连词成句一、 从栏中找出与栏相对应的答语,并将序号填入提前的括号内。 ( )1. Can you swim? A. Yes, I do.( )2. Do you like summer? B. Hes my brother.( )3. How are you? C. Yes, I can.( )4. What colour? D. Im fine, thank you.( )5. Whos he? E. Its red. ( )1. Good afternoon. A. I can see a boat.( )2. Whats this? B. Good afternoon.( )3. What can you see? C. Shes a teacher.( )4. Whats your sister? D. Its a bike.( )5. Whos she? E. Shes my mother. ( )1. How old are you? A. Yes, I do.( )2. What do you have? B. I have a puzzle.( )3. Do you like spring? C. Im fine.( )4. How are you? D. Im eight. ( )1. What can you see? A. Yes, I do.( )2. What lessons do you have? B. I like Music and Chinese.( )3. What do you like? C. We have Art and PE.( )4. What do you have? D. I can see a kite.( )5. Do you like summer? E. I like lions.( )6. What lessons do you like? F. I have a doll. ( )1. We learn Music. A. Draw you and me!( )2. We learn English. B. One, two, three!( )3. We learn Art. C. Do, Re, Mi!( )4. We learn Maths. D. A, B, C! ( )1. What can you see? A. Red.( )2. What colour? B. I like summer.( )3. What do you like? C. Yes, I do.( )4. Do you like monkeys? D. Yes, I can.( )5. Can you swim? E. I can see a lion. ( )1. What can you see? A. Id like a jacket.( )2. Can I help you? B. I like pandas.( )3. What do you like? C. I can see a plane.( )4. What do you have? D. Yes, I can.( )5. Can you sing? E. I have a dress. ( )1. Can I help you? A. I have a box.( )2. Look, theres a bottle. B. I like dolls.( )3. What do you like? C. I can see a lion.( )4. What can you see? D. Lets keep the water clean.( )5. What do you have? E. Id like a can. ( )1. Is that a monkey? A. Its in the box.( )2. Wheres the bottle? B. Yes, I do.( )3. Lets count the eggs. C. No, It isnt.( )4. Can I help you? D. OK.( )5. Do you like winter? E. Id like a coat. ( )1. What do you hear? A. We can draw.( )2. What can you do? B. Hes my friend.( )3. What do you see? C. I need new shoes.( )4. Who is your friend? D. I hear “ Moo, moo ”.( )5. What do you need? E. I see a yellow tiger.二、 连词成句。1. what, you, can, see (?) 2. like, do, you, summer (?)3. can, a, plane, see I (.) 4. nice, meet, to, you ,too (,.)5. you, like, do, autumn (?) 6. a, have , toy , I , bear (.)7. you, have, what, do, lessons (?) 8. Chinese, we, Maths, have, and, Art (.)9. I, boat , see, can, a (.) 10. like, do, you, what (?)11. you, like, do, Chinese (?) 12. some, have, I, cars (.)13. seven, have, I, Chinese, lessons (.)14. the, stars, lets, bright, count (.)15. eleven, boats, see, can, I (.)16. dolls, at ,four, look, the (.)17. do, have, what ,you, lessons (?)18. cars, the, count, lets (.)19. panda, like ,a ,Id (.)20. what, have, you, do (?)21. home, go, time, its, to (.)2B期末复习同类词选出与所给单词是同一类的词。1.( )moon A. hot B. summer C. sun2.( )spring A. white B. winter C. what3.( )coat A. jacket B. juice C. Jack4.( )father A. autumn B. aunt C. ant5.( )tree A. three B. sweet C. flower找出不同类的词,将序号写在提前的括号中。6.( )A. cat B. car C. taxi7.( )A. pig B. big C. panda8.( )A. boat B. coat C. sweater9.( )A. spring B. summer C. skirt10.( )A. plane B. potato C. tomato11.( )A. bike B. kite C. jeep12.( )A. door B. yo-yo C. doll13.( )A. English B. Chinese C. desk14.( )A. hot B. winter C. autumn 15.( )A. panda B. bear C. book16.( )A. panda B. banana C. monkey17.( )A. tree B. train C. bus18.( )A. Art B. PE C. OK19.( )A. morning B. spring C. evening20.( )A. puzzle B. doll C. door21.( )A. winter B. sister C. summer22.( )A. jacket B. shirt C. banana D. blouse23.( )A. dress B. tiger C. bear D. panda24.( )A. orange B. cake C. apple D. peach25.( )A. one B. three C. eight D. shirt26.( )A. pencil B. rubber C. ruler D. blouse27.( )A. box B. can C. water 28.( )A. plane B. jeep C. can29.( )A. bottle B. boat C. box30.( )A. water B. milk C. can31.( )A. shirt B. lion C. bear32.( )A. run B. read C. swim D. lamp33.( )A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber34.( )A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach35.( )A. eight B. cow C. four D. five36.( )A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks2B期末复习选择题1. _ you like spring? _No, I dont.A. Do B. can 2. Do you like autumn? _, I do.A. No B. Yes3. Do you like juice? No, _dont.A. I B. I4. Its hot! _ your sweater.A. Put on B. Take off5. Winter is _.A. white B. black6. I like _.A. monkey B. monkeys7. I like _.A. rice B. panda8. _ Yes, I do.A. What do you like? B. Do you like pandas? 9. _ I like tigers.A. What can you do? B. What do you like?10. What are those? They are _A. lions B. lion 11. What can you _?A. see B. c12. Is that a boat? _, it isnt.A. Yes B. No 13. Do you like winter? Yes, I _.A. do B. dont 14. Whats this? Its a _.A. train B. trains 15. What do you like? I like _.A. panda B. pandas16. What do you have? I have a _.A. yo-yo B. yo-yos17. Do you like PE? No, I _.A. do B. dont18. What can you see? I can see _ bird.A. a B. some19. What lessons do you have? We have _.A. PE Art B. PE and Art.20. Do you like _? Yes, I do.A. pandas B. panda21. Do you have _? No, I dont.A. a Music B. Music22. What _ do you like? I like English and Art.A. lessons B. lesson23. I like summer. Its _.A. cold B. hot24. Do you like winter? No, I _.A. do B. dont25. Spring is _.A. green B. white26. What do you like? I like _.A. bear B. bears27. What can you _? I can see a taxi.A. do B. see28. What do you have? I _ a doll.A. have B. like 29. Lets _ the monkeys.A. count B. can 30. Look at the butterflies! _ many? Nine.A. How B. What 31. What do you have? I have ten _.A. doll B. dolls 32. What can you see? I can see _ birds.A. a B. seven 33. Lets count the _.A. yo-yo B. yo-yos 34. _ three monkeys.A. Look B. Look at35. Can you see my puppets? No, I _.A. cant B. dont 36. What do you like? I like _.A. jeep B. jeeps37. Its time to _ . Good night.A. go to school B. go home C. go to bed38. _ do you live?A. What B. Where C. Who39. May I _ some Coke?A. has B. have C. have got40. Have _ milk.A. an B. a C. some41. Do you like to dance? Yes, _.A. I can B. I do C. I am42. Winter is _ cold.A. the B. an C. /43. Draw a bird _ the ground.A. on B. to C. under44. What _ is it? Its green.A. / B. colour C. animal45. Its cold. _ your coat.A. Put on B. Take off C. Look at46. How do you go to the park? _A. Get in the car. B. By car. C. Get off the car.


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