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2019-2020年新课标必修5解斜三角形、不等式测试题高二( )班 姓名 学号 成绩 一、 选择题(每题5分,共50分)题号12345678910答案1、ABC中,已知a=,c=10,A=30o,则B等于( )(A)105o (B)60o (C).15o (D)105o 或 15o2、在ABC中,若sinAsinB,则有( )(A)ab (B)ab (C)a0(a,b,cZ)的解集为(),则a+b的值可能为( )(A)10 (B)-10 (C)14 (D)-14二、 填空题(每题5分,共20分)11、在ABC中,A、B、C成等差数列,且b=2,则外接圆的半径R= .12、已知a,b,c是ABC中A,B,C的对边,S是ABC的面积,若a=4,b=5,S=,则c的长度为 13、不等式 的正整数解集是 14、不等式组的解集是 三、解答题(每题10分,共30分)15、(1)解不等式: (2)解不等式组:16、若a,b,c是ABC中A,B,C的对边,A、B、C成等差数列, a,b,c成等比数列,试判断ABC的形状。17、如图所示,我舰在敌岛A南偏西50o 相距12海里的B处,发现敌舰正由岛A沿北偏西10o的方向以时速10海里航行,我舰要用2小时在C处追上敌舰,问需要的速度是多少?ACB18、甲船在A处、乙船在甲船正南方向距甲船20海里的B处,乙船以每小时10海里的速度向正北方向行驶,而甲船同时以每小时8海里的速度由A处向南偏西60o方向行驶,问经过多少小时后,甲、乙两船相距最近?AB参考答案一、 选择题题号12345678910答案DAABAACBBD二、 填空题11、 12、 13、 14、三、 解答题15、(1) (2) 16、解:ACB17、解: 我舰2小时后在C处追上敌舰,即18、解: ABDC此时,甲、乙两船相距最近附送:2019-2020年提供unit 2单元自测一 英汉互译 1 keep out _ 2 . out of style _ 3 . call up _ 4 pay for _ 5 . talk about _ 6 . 需要,需求_ 7 为买_ 8 向借_ 9 加入俱乐部_ 10 与 一样_二 单项填空 ( ) 1 . Jim is _ than Mike . A . much more careful B . much carefuller C . many more careful D . a little carefuller ( ) 2 . He found it difficult _ others with English . A . help B . helping C . helped D . to help ( ) 3 . We drove out of the town by the same road _ we had entered . A . when B . as C . so D . that ( ) 4 . - Id like to find some information about Hainan Island . Would you please teach me _ to surf the Internet ? - With pleasure . A . what B . when C . how D . where ( ) 5 . - My clothes are _ . - Maybe you should buy some new clothes . A . out of style B . too dear C . too large D . very clean ( ) 6 . Put it down , Richard . You mustnt read _ letter . A. anyones elses B. anyones else C.anyone elses D. anyone else ( ) 7 . Ive _ my English book at home . A . left B . forgot C . leave D . forgotten ( ) 8 . She is very kind and helpful . She always _ her friends . A . gets on well with B . getting well with C . getting on well with D . gets well with ( ) 9 . -The windows are broken and need to be repaired . - I think so . They can hardly _ the cold now . A . keep out B . give out C . take out D . put out ( ) 10 . The Greens _ going to fly to England next month . A . is going B . are C . will D . shall三、补全对话阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个适当的句子完成此对话,并将其标号写在下面的空格线上。A . What should I do ?B . Thank you , mon .C . Where have you been ?D . Yes , it is .E . What was wrong with him ?F . Were you sick ?G . Where is the hospital ? A : Jim , you said you would not stay out late after school , didnt you ?B : Yes , mom , I did .A : But its 10 oclock now . 1 B : Sorry . Ive been to the hospital .A : What ? 2 B : No. I sent Jack to the hospital .A : Oh, really ? 3 B : He had a terrible headache on the way home.A : Is he better now ?B : 4 A : Good for you , my dear ! Im very glad you can help others .B : 5 1. _ 2. _ 3 . _ 4 . _ 5 . _四、阅读理解Doctors have studied sleep for many years . It is said that a lot happen when people sleep . It is reported that people have five stages (阶段)of sleep and that people may go through each stage about every 90 minutes.During the first two stages , you sleep lightly . That is , if someone calls you or puts his hands on you , you wake up quickly . Your body rests quitely . Your heart beats slowly . You breathe more slowly than when you are awake.During stages three and four , you sleep deeply . You dont hear sounds .Lights dont wake you up . Your heart beats more slowly than in stages one and two . The last stage of sleep is called Rapid Eye Movement . During REM sleep , you breathe faster , and your heart beats faster than in stage one through four . Your eyes move rapidly (快速的)under your eyelids(眼皮). All of this happens bacause you are dreaming . What doctors have proved (证明) is that everyone dreams.1 . The best title for this passage is _ . A . How to Sleep B. What Is REM Sleep C. Five Stages of Sleep D. The Imprtance of Sleep 2. During stages one and two , _ . A . we wake up easily B . we dont want to wake up C . we breathe quickly D . we dont wake up easily3. When we sleep deeply , _ . A . we can hardly breathe B. we can hear sounds C . our hearts beat faster and faster D.neither sounds nor lights can wake us up easily 4. The Rapid Eye Movement shows that _ . A . we want to wake up B . we can hear someone calling C . our eyes are under the eyelids D . we are dreaming 5 . Which of the following is true ? A . Five stages of sleep usually take 90 minutes . B . Your eyelids sometimes open during REM sleep . C . Sometimes we may go from the last stage of sleep to the first one . D . It is proved that we all dream during sleep .五、书面表达 某英语杂志社“中学生专栏”在举办英语征文比赛。请你根据下表所刊登的内容要点,用英语以Learn to Smile 为题写一篇短文,参加比赛。词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入词数。学会对自己微笑1生活中会有不愉快的事,如考试不及格(请再举一个例子);2 使你自信;3 击败你的人有时是你自己。学会对他人微笑使人与人更亲近微笑是一种语言人人都能懂参考词汇:confidence (n.) 自信,confident (adj.) 自信的, beat ( beat ,beaten) (v.)打败Learn to Smile Smile is an attitude (态度)to life . _系列资料 www.xkb1.com


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