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2019-2020年五年级英语下册期中检测考试题(II)一、 完成单词。(20分)sn_ck(小吃)h_ngr_(饥饿)fr_ _(水果)f_ _d(食物)s_ _p汤gr_p_(葡萄) th_ _sty(口渴) dr_nk (喝) sl_ _ (慢的) st_m_ch(胃)_ _t (吃) qu_ck (快的) b_b_ (婴儿) dr_w(画) sl_ _p (睡觉) qu_ _k(安静)L_ _d (吵闹) po_nt(指) sw_ _ (游泳) pl_ _(玩)二、 连线。(11分)Look at the window 喝茶A tall green tree 指向一座大山Fly kites 想跳绳A big mountain 在我的胃里A beautiful city 看电影 Behind the door 向窗外看 Point at the mountain 一座大山In my stomach 一棵大树Drink tea 放风筝Watch a movie 一座美丽的城市 Want to skip 在门后面三、 争当小翻译家。(20分) 我不喜欢吃面条 I _ _ noodles.我可以喝杯茶吗?_ I _ a cup of tea ?他不喜欢大声交谈 He _ like _ talking 她在那儿 _ she is 他正和他的朋友们打扑克 He is _ _ _ his friends我可以玩一下那只小猴吗? _ I _ _ the little monkey? 我的父亲在火车上 My father is _the _我身后的那位女士在唱歌The woman _ _ is _你看见那只山羊了吗?_ you see the _? “谁在哭”我问 “_ is crying ”? I _ 请别唱了,你的声音太大了 Please _ sing . you are _ _他正在往窗外看 He is _ _ _the window .我想要两瓶汽水I would like two _ of pop.她很安静,正在看书Shi is very _, shi is _ a book .请安静,妈妈在睡觉 please_ _.mum is _四 、看谁选的快。(24) ( )1.I see two _ of milk A . bottle B. bottles C. a bottle( )2. danny is looking _of the window A. for B. at C out ( ) 3. The _ is the babys mother A. man B woman C girl ( ) 4. Look,Ourteacher is _a book A. seeing B. reading C. looking ( ) 5. _is the man ?He is my father A. who B. what C. where( ) 6. Lanzhou is far_ Beijing A. to B. from C. in( ) 7. Danny,please _singA. not B. dont C no ( ) 8. I like meat .Danny likes meat,_A. too B. and C. to ( ) 9.What would you like to eat ?_A. orange juice B. some soup C.somevegetable( ) 10.The soup is too hot _A. to eat B. to drink C. to buy ( ) 11.Danny is hungry ,he wants a _ A. milk B. dumpling C snack( ) 12. May I piay _ the little dog? A. with B for C in 五 、连词成句。(16分) 1. at school pointing is Jenny the 2. does your go work to father how 3. a I green see tall tree4.go school they every by day to bus 5. want I to Australia leave6.the is too drink tea hot to 7. would to what you like drink8. is a nice that picture9.likes to piay he football10.I some apples have may11.am I hungry not12. father is LiMings the man13. is to talking he you behind woman the 14 . teacher is my the on train 15. is hungry who 16. baby is crying the 六、变一变。(9分) 1.He is playing cards with his friends (一般疑问句)_ _ piaying cards with his friends?2.I would like some grapes . (对划线部分提问)_ _ you like ?3.I like donuts (否定句)I _ _donuts.4. I am resdy for the party . (一般疑问句)_ _ready for a party ?5.The baby is smiling. (对划线部分提问)_ is the baby _?6. I want to eat some dumplings.(同义句)I _ _ some dumplings.7.Lily is hungry . (对划线部分提问)_ is hungry ?8. His pop is on the table. (对划线部分提问)_ _ his pop ?9.Danny buys a snack. (对划线部分提问)_ does Danny _?附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册期中检测考试题(III)一 、做名细心的检查员,根据汉语意思,补全单词。1. h _ _ gry (饿); 2. child _e_(孩子们); 3. nau _ h _y(淘气的);4. _ eop _e(人,人们); 5. came _ _(照相机)二 、争当小小翻译官,英汉互译。1.向外看 _ 2. point to _3.照相,拍照 _ 4. walk down _5.一杯茶 _ 6.别担心!_7.draw a picture _ 8.打扑克 _9.on the street _ 10.安静 _三 、相信我最棒,按要求写单词。1. fast (同义词)_ 2. easy(反义词)_3. write (现在分词)_ 4. sun (形容词)_5. have(单数第三人称)_ 6. many(同义词)_7. happy(副词)_ 8. foot(复数)_9. men(反义词)_ 10. eye (同音词)_ 四 、给这些单词进行归类。school, brown, snack, cow, goat, hotel, dinosaur, pig,train station, noodles, red, square, blue, cat, dumplings, yellow, restaurant, soup, sandwich, green颜色类:_动物类:_食品类:_地点类:_五 、我是神枪手枪法很准确,单项选择。( )1. - What _ Damao do? - He _ to the music.A. does, listen B. does, listens C. do, listen D. does, listens( )2. My dad and I _ for a walk after supper.A. go B. goes C. going D. go to( )3. - Would you like some grapes? - _.A. No, sorry. B. Yes, please. C. Yes. D. Ok,thanks. ( )4. Danny is too _.A. slowly B.loudly C. slow D. quietly ( )5. There are _ cars and trucks.A. too many B.many too C. too much D. much too( )6. They arrive _ Lanzhou _ 5:30 in the afternoon.A. to, to B. in, of C. in, at D. to, at( )7. I can see some students _ in the gym.A. playing B. plays C. play D. plaiing( )8. Is this a map _ a book?A. at B. or C. and D. with( )9. _ is sleeping?A. What B. Where C. Whose D. Who( )10. May I sing a song _ your mum?A. to B. for C. behind D. with六、我是小警察帮忙找朋友,给句子选出合适的答案。 A B( ) 1. May I have some oranges? A. It is a baby.( ) 2. What are you doing now?B. No, I hurt my left arm.( ) 3. What is this?C. I am eating chicken.( ) 4. How old is his sister?D. Yes, you can. ( ) 5. Are you okay?E. She is ten years old.七、我是一名好裁缝穿针引线我在行,连词成句。 1.look nose at my ( .)_2. go my shopping wants to mother ( .)_3. kites can Jenny fly (?)_4. their too tea hot is drink to( .)_5. what you would like eat to (?)_八、做好小法官,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall, winter. I like spring best. I can fly kites in it. Summer is hot. I often go swimming with my friends. Fall is a busy season. Winter is very cold, sometimes it snows. We can see snowflakes(雪花)and play with snowballs.( )1. In summer, it is hot. ( )2. There are three seasons in a year.( )3. I can go fishing in winter.( )4. In winter, I often watch TV. ( )5. Fall is a busy season.

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