2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Lesson 8教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Lesson 8教案 陕旅版我们用餐时,常根据各人不同的口味调不同的调料。中餐,西餐需要不同的餐具。这一课我们要学学调料和餐具。本课要学的句型:What do you need? I need some ketchup. Pass me the knife,please.要掌握的单词:picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon教学目的 :1.会说会用这些句子:What do you need? I need some ketchup. Pass me the knife,please. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon 3.了解中西方的不同饮食方式,掌握一些饮食文化 。课前准备:1.教师准备一张孩子们野餐的的张贴画,画中尽量多的画出食物、调料、水果和餐具 。2.准备picnic ketchup sugar salt knife fork chopsticks spoon 的单词卡片和图片。 3.准备一些食物、调料和餐具 。4. 准备一些有缺失部分的词卡。如:p_cn_c s_gar sug_ _ ke_ _ _up s_ _t _ _ife kn_fe f_ _k _ _opsti_ _s ch_pst_cks sp_ _n 5.根据对话内容,参照主图准备一段孩子们进行野餐的课件,展示本课话题。课件中的对话内容参照句型词汇学习 。 教学过程:热身(Warming up)老师展示一家人用餐的张贴画,师生通过看图说话,利用单词卡片了解本课生词和句型。 T: look at the picture. What are they doing, ? SS: They are having a picnic.T:Oh, what a big meal! Wat are thay eating? SS: They are having sausages,bread,milk.(老师引导学生尽量多的说出图中的食物。)T:Do you like milk? Its good to your health.SS:Yes./No.T:I like milk. But I need some sugar in the milk. I like mike with sugar. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)老师播放课件。 课件中的人物分别是本课主图中的Maggie, Billy ,Bruce, Alice和Linda Maggie:Oh.Im hungry.Lets have our picnic. Billy,what would you like? Billy: Id like some sausages, and I need some ketchup.Please pass me the ketchup and a spoon. Bruce: Ok.Here you are.What do you need,Alice? Alice: Bread and milk. Pass me the knife,please. Bruce: Here it is! Linda: You can have some sugar in the milk. I like milk with sugar.A:What a big meal!真是一顿大餐!这种感叹句学生们以前应该见过,是What+名词构成。名词前也可以有形容词修饰。比如下列句子:What a nice gift!What a day!What a lovely girl!2)Lets have our picnic.我们来进行野餐吧。出示图卡和词卡拼读 pic-nic picnic 野餐 这是一个双音节词,按读音规则很好记。 短语 have a picnic 进行野餐。 Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday. 3) Id like some sausages. I need a knife and a fork.我需要一付刀叉。need 动词,需要。 如:What do you need? I need an umbrella. Its raining hard. Im very busy.I need your help. He is tired.He needs some rest.4)出示图卡和词卡拼读 knife 这是一个重读开音节的单音节词,其中的元音字母i读长音。辅音的字母组合kn也很常见。出示图卡和词卡拼读fork 其中的字母组合or是个r音节,在重读音节中读. a knife and a fork 一幅刀叉,吃西餐时常用的餐具。I need a knife and a fork to have the beef. 5)Please pass me the spoon. 请给我一把勺子。pass me . 递给我,传给我。这是一个祈使句。相似的句子还有:give me 给我show me 给我看bring me 给我拿来回答说:Here you are.或 Here it is. 给你。出示图卡和词卡拼读spoon 注意字母组合oo 。比如说: I need a spoon for the soup.我要个勺子喝汤 。 Here you are.6) I need some ketchup. 出示图卡和词卡拼读ke-tchup ketchup 番茄酱 Id like the bread with ketchup.我想要面包加番茄酱。 7)And I can have some sugar in the milk. 我可以给牛奶加糖。 出示图卡和词卡拼读su-gar sugar 注意其中的s读/ /不读/ s /。 have some sugar in sth.给 里放点糖。比如:Id like to have some sugar in the tea. Would you like to have some sugar in the coffee?而另一种用法则是用于介词短语修饰名词,意思是加糖的。比如:tea with sugarcoffee with sugarwater with sugar8) I need the chopsticks to have noodles. And I need some salt in it .出示图卡和词卡拼读chop-sticks chopsticks 筷子。这是一个合成词,由chop砍,切断,和stick 棍子两个单词构成。一般用复数。 出示图卡和词卡拼读 salt 盐。I need some salt in the noodles. Please give some salt. 3.巩固活动: 1)老师拿出准备的有缺失部分的词卡。如:p-cn-c s-gar sug- ke-up k-tch-p s- -t -ife kn-fe f- -k -opsti- -s ch-pst-cks sp- -n 让学生分小组比赛,快速填出缺失的字母。 根据我们的生活常识,判断一下他或她需要什么样的餐具。 2)老师拿出准备的实物或图片,让学生判断食用这些食物时需要用什么样的餐具或加什么样的调料。 准备的食物图片有:牛肉,面包,火腿肠,汤,咖啡,面条 准备的调料图片有: 果酱,糖,盐 准备的餐具有:筷子,勺子,叉子,刀 先用图片复习单词。 请一个同学上来任意抽取一张食物的图片,这个同学根据抽取的图片(比如是面条)说:Id like some noodles.What do I need?,全班同学接着说Hed like some noodles.What does he need? 下面的同学来抢答:He needs some salt. He needs chopsticks.看谁答的又快又好。4.听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.1)What would Billy like ? (Sausages.)2)What does Mike need? (He wants the ketchup and he needs a spoon.) 3)Does Alice need a spoon? (No.She wants some bread and need a knife.) 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Lesson 9教案 陕旅版 美食固然诱人,但有的人贪食,也有的人厌食。怎么样合理饮食,我们来看看医生的建议。通过这一课的学习,使学生懂得怎样健康饮食。学习句型: The doctor gave them some advice. He can eat /drink. He cant eat/drink.掌握单词和短语:worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy 本课我们要接触到动词的过去时态,要学生初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。学习字母 u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。教学目的 :1.会说会用这些句子: The doctor gave them some advice. He can drink milk every day. He cant eat many sweets. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy 3. 初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。 4.了解字母u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。课前准备:1.教师准备一张健康饮食的饮食计划 。2.准备worried thin and weak the doctors sweats hot healthy 的单词卡片和图片。 3.准备一个瘦子和一个健康小伙子两个手偶 。 4. 录音机及录音带;教学过程:热身(Warming up)老师用一个瘦子和其朋友这两个手偶对话引出本课话题: ( A:一个朋友 B:一个瘦子) A: You look thin and weak. Whats the matter? B: Nothing serious. I just dont feel like to eat.A: Why? B:I dont feel hungry. A: Youd better go to the doctors. The doctor can give you some advice. B: OK.2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 1)Jack is thin and weak. His mother is worried. thin and weak又瘦又弱。 thin瘦的,和fat 为反义词。weak弱的,和 strong为反义词。 这两个形容词要用其反义词对比学习。 老师找出班上一个又高又胖的同学,指示他的身高,对着他/她说:You are tall. You look tall. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is tall. He/She looks tall. 指示他的胖胖的身体,对着他/她说: You are fat. You look fat. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is fat. He/She looks fat.老师找出班上 又瘦又矮的同学,只是这他的瘦瘦的身体,对着他说:You are thin. You look thin. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is thin. He/She looks thin. 指示着他的矮个,对着他说:You are short. You look short. 然后让全班同学一起说 Xx is short. He/She looks short. 老师展示一位虚弱的病人的图片,虚弱的老人的图片,让学生理解单词weak的意思。 老师再画一胖一瘦一对兄妹,哥哥又高又胖,妹妹又矮又瘦。老师引导学生一起描述他们: Billy is fat but his sister is thin. Billy is tall but his sister is short.Billy is strong but his sister is weak. 2) His mother is worried.be/feel worried 担心,忧愁 be worried about 为 担忧。 比如:Dont be worried about me .I can make it.别为我担心,我能搞定。 Mum is worried about his health.妈妈为他的身体担心。3)They went to the doctors. went-go去。 went是 go的过去式。让学生初步了解过去时态:英语中要陈述过去的事情时,动词要用其过去式,称之为动词的过去时态。而经常性的行为才用一般现在时态。如:I go to school every day. I went to school yesterday.我每天去学校是日常行为,用一般现在时态。而我昨天去学校就是过去的行为,用一般过去时态。Mother often goes to the greengrocers. She went there this morning.她今早去菜市场已经是过去的事了,就要用一般过去时态。the doctors 医院,诊所。 the hospital or the clinic go to the doctors 去看病。这是一种用名词所有格形式表示某人的家、店、诊所等现象。 如:my uncles 我叔叔家 Mir Smiths 斯密斯先生家/的店 The barbars 理发店说说句子,让学生理解、运用:I dont feel well today. Im going to the doctors.我今天感到难受,我打算去看医生。4)The doctor gave them some advice. gave-give 给。 gave 是 give 的过去式。 Dad gave me a birthday gift that day.It was lovely. And my uncle gave me a nice gift, too. advice 不可数名词,建议的意思。注意这个单词的重音在第二个音节。第二个音节为重读开音节,i读长音。字母组合ce读。 give sb.some advice给某人一些建议。 follow ones advice听从某人的建议 。 Ill give you some advice on the game. Would you follow it?我给你一些玩这个游戏的建议,你愿不愿意照着玩?5) He cant eat too many sweats. He cant eat hot food. Then he will be healthy. sweat形容词,甜得。名词,糖果。 hot热的,辣的。 hot food 辛辣食物。如:Sichuan food is very hot. health名词,身体,健康。 heath-y形容词,健康的。 healthy life, healthy food3. 巩固活动: 小组活动:把学生分成4-6人的小组,每组选一个同学当医生,其他同学一个一个去看医生。医生要视他们个人的身体情况给他们一些饮食方面的建议。老师可以预先规定一些必用的句型和词汇,要求学生在活动中尽量多用。小组活动完之后,可以每组选一对同学在班上表演。 建议运用的句型和词汇: thin and weak fat and strong be worried go to the doctors give sb. Good adviceYou can eat/drink.You cant eat/drink.4听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue, then answer the questions.1) Why is Mrs. King worried? (Because her son is thin and weak.)2) Where did they go? (They went to the doctors. ) 3) Did the doctor give them any advice? (Yes, he did.) 5语音学习:复习字母u在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中,如:bus cup duck u在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音,如: puple student excuse 读读下面的单词: tube use huge stupid

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