2019年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Point to the door导学案 外研版(三起).doc

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2019年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Point tothe door导学案 外研版(三起)教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认、会拼读单词并知道词义。2、会听懂、会说交际用语,并能用来进行会话。3、会用“point to”句型说句子。4、培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与讨论。教学重、难点:1、学习单词的拼读方法;2、会用本课的交际用语来进行会话。课时安排:4课时 第一课时教学内容:学习单词及Unit1中的活动1、2 教学过程:一、导学教准(一)、导入:(3分钟)(1)、英文歌曲GOOD MORNING ,SAM导入新课。(2)读出下列单词并说出汉语意思:hello hi you I (二)、教师教准(15分钟)(1)引导学习本单元单词: point to the door sit bird down stand up window blackbord tweet(2)引导学习本单元:listen ,point and find “point to”二、自主模仿:(7分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(8分钟)1、师生共同表演listen ,point and find “point to”2、以小组为单位,组长当老师,其它当学生表演listen ,point and find “point to”3、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备四、展示提升(5分钟)班内小组表演活动2,评出优秀小组。五、检测评价(3分钟)1、读出下列单词并写出汉语:down stand up window blackbord tweetpoint to the door sit bird 六、堂清拓展:(2分钟)1、把下列按正确顺序排列单词 inwwdo tsnda pntoi wdon oernonaft brdi教后反思:第二课时教学内容:学习Unit1中3 listen and say 和 4 Practise教学过程:一、导学教准(一)、导入:(3分钟)(1)师生共同对话Unit1中活动2(2)说出下列汉语的英语:指 向 门 坐 向下 站 窗户(二)、预习自学:(8分钟)(1)引导学习本单元单词: desk chair (2)学生自学活动3 listen and say 和 活动4 Practise(三)、教师教准(3分钟)二、自主模仿:(6分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(5分钟) 出示单词 door window 让学生练习句型“point to ”四、展示提升(5分钟) 出示单词 desk chair blackboard door window 让学生在小组内练习句型“point to ”评出优秀个人。五、检测评价(5分钟)1、用下列单词练习句型“point to ”desk chair blackboard door window 六、堂清拓展:(10分钟)1、说一说(1)、自我介绍时说:(2)、早晨和别人打招呼时说:(3) 、问候别人时说:(4) 、与别人道别时说:(5)、指向窗户时说:教后反思:第三课时教学内容:学习单词及Unit2中活动1、2教学过程:一、导学教准(一)、导入:(5分钟)(1) 唱字母歌(2)读出下列单词并说出汉语意思:point to the door sit bird morningdown stand up window black blackbord tweet (二)、预习自学:(7分钟)(1)引导学习本单元单词: desk chair(2)学生自学: Unit2中活动1、2(三)、教师教准(5分钟)二、自主模仿:(5分钟左右)1、听录音。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(8分钟)1、师生共同表演:老师指教室内的物品,用句型“point to ”说英语。2、以小组为单位,组长当老师,其它当学生表演说指教室内物品3、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备四、展示提升(5分钟)班内小组表演活动2,评出优秀小组。五、检测评价(2分钟)说出下列单词:指向 门 鸟 好 你向下 窗户 早晨 桌子 椅子六、堂清拓展:(3分钟)在下列字母中圈出学过的单词。t h e f f d o o r o p h s i t j l i b i r d y m o r n i n g d o w n i u g u p w i n d o w 教后反思:第四课时教学内容:学习Unit2中活动3、4、5、6教学过程:一、导学教准(一)、导入:(3分钟)(1)指向 门 鸟 好 你早晨 桌子 椅子 向下 窗户 (二)、预习自学:(7分钟)(1)、学生自学Unit2中活动3、4、5、6(三)、教师教准(3分钟)(1)、学习Unit2中活动3,老师说,学生选择。小组内学生互相指说。二、自主模仿:(5分钟左右)1、跟录音读及听英语歌。 2、跟教师唱。3、小组内学唱英语歌 PLEASE STAND UP 三、合作演练(7分钟) 1、根据教室内的物品 door desk window chair 让学生演练Unit2中活动5 Play the game .Look and do四、展示提升(5分钟) 1、 出示单词 desk chair blackboard door window 让学生在小组内互相练习句型“point to ”评出优秀个人。 2、小组比赛唱英语歌。五、检测评价(3分钟)1、填空 Pit wido car do st sad2、用下列单词练习句型“point to ”desk chair blackboard door window 六、堂清拓展:(8分钟)1、把下列句子写下来,注意大小写和标点(1)、 How are you , Sam? (2)、Good morning ! (3) 、Point to the desk . (4) 、Stand up . 2、补全对话(1)、Hi ! (2)、How are you ? (3) 、Im fine .And how are you ? 教后反思:三年级英语(上)师生共用导学稿课题:Module 4 Its red!课型:新授课 执笔:李晓 审稿人:韩海花 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认、会拼读单词并知道词义。2、会听懂、会说交际用语,并能用来进行会话。3、会用“Its ”句型说句子。4、培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参加讨论。教学重、难点:1、学习单词的拼读方法;2、会用本课的交际用语来进行会话。课时安排:4课时 第一课时教学内容:Unit 1 的单词及课文第一项。一、 导学教准(13分钟左右)(一)热身活动:(3分钟)1、复习字母:H Y L F W R K E S U B l h y w r f e s u b k (二)预习自学:(5分钟) 1、预习Unit 1 的“Listen,point and say”。2、学生自学本单元单词。it its red look wow yellow blue(三)教师教准(5分钟)二、自主模仿:(7分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(10分钟)1、根据实物问颜色,学生回答。师:What colour is ?生:Its .2、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备。四、展示提升(5分钟)方法:朗读、对话、表演、背诵; 形式:小组内、全班;五、检测评价(5分钟)1、口语检测。2、翻译它 它是 红色的 看呀,哇 黄色的 蓝色的第二课时教学内容:学习Unit1 的第二、三、四项。教学过程:一、导学教准(13分钟左右)(一)导入:(3分钟)1、复习单词。2、师说汉语,生说英语。它是红色的。 它是黄色的。 它是蓝色的。 (二)预习自学第二项 Listen,point and find“ Its ”(10分钟)1自学Listen ,point and and find“ Its ”. 2、学生自学本单元单词。 a chameleon my panda now green black3、教师教准(5分钟)二、自主模仿:(7分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 重点指导:Im a chameleon . Im a panda .Now its red , blue, green and yellow . 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(10分钟)1、根据实物问颜色,学生回答。师:What colour is ?生:Its .2、结合第三项、第四项进一步熟悉颜色。3、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备。四、展示提升(5分钟)方法:朗读、对话、表演、背诵; 形式:小组内、全班;五、检测评价(5分钟) 1、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 a( ) chameleon( ) my ( )now( ) panda ( ) green ( )black( )2、找出不同类的一项。( )1、A、red B、you C、I( )2、A、your B、my C、panda( )3、A、yellow B、window C、blue( )4、A、is B、door C、desk 第三课时教学内容: 学习Unit 2 的单词和第一项活动。教学过程:一、导学教准(13分钟左右)(一)导入:(3分钟)复习单词:(师说汉语,生说英语。)红色的 蓝色的 绿色的 黑色的 鸟 课桌 椅子(二)预习自学第二项 Listen,point and say(5分钟)1自学Listen,point and say 2、学生自学本单元单词: d og cat cap (三)教师教准(5分钟)二、自主模仿:(7分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(10分钟)一只红色的猫 A red cat .一只绿色的鸟一张黄色的课桌一顶蓝色的帽子 2、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备。四、展示提升(5分钟)方法:朗读、对话、表演、背诵; 形式:小组内、全班;五、检测评价(5分钟)1、口语检测。2、连一连。A、my 1、帽子B、yellow 2、我的C、black 3、黄色的D、cap 4、绿色的E、green 5、黑色的第四课时教学内容:学习Unit 2 的第二、三、四项。一、导学教准(13分钟左右)(一)导入:(3分钟)复习单词:(师说汉语,生说英语。)它是 看 红色的 蓝色的 猫 现在 绿色的 黑色的 帽子 狗(二)预习自学第二项 Listen,point and say(10分钟)1、自学Listen,point and say 。 2、教师教准二、自主模仿:(7分钟左右)1、跟录音读。 2、跟教师读。 3、学生领读。三、合作演练(10分钟)1、黑板上贴上图片。练习对话。Its a black dog . Now its a blue dog . 2、结合P24-P25的小游戏,继续练习句型。Its a ( )( ) .3、组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备。四、展示提升(5分钟)方法:朗读、对话、表演、背诵; 形式:小组内、全班;五、检测评价(5分钟)( )1、小红画了一把绿色的椅子,她应该说:A、 Its a red chair . B、Its a green chair .( )2、老师让你指向红色的猫,她应该说:A、 Point to the red cat . B、 Point to the red cap .( )3、帽子是蓝色的,你应该说:A、The cap is blue . B、The cap is black .教学反思:附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Places and activities教案 沪教牛津版Language focus:Using the key words in contextEg. boat ,balloon, flower, kite magpie ,silverUsing adjectives to identify the colourrs of objectse.g. Its red.Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing wh-questions to find out the colours of objects.e.g., What colour is it?Materials:Students Book 3A , pp.34 and 35Cassette 3AFlashcards (boat, balloon kite , flower, magpie)A picture of a parkWarming up 1.Play a guessing game , white and red is _; red and yellow is _ Yellow and blue is _; blue and red is _ White and black is _; red and green is _Pre-task preparations:1. Display some colours and ask the students:T: What colour is it? Its yellow What colour is it? Its green. What colur is it? Its black. What colour is it? Its orange. What colour is it? Its blue. What colour is it? Its white.T: Colours always around our live or natural world Today we will learn the new lesson: Module 3 Unit 3 T: Look ! Its a fine day. Alice and her friends are in the park. There are something in the park. What can you see?S1: I see a boat . S:2 I see a kite . I see a While-task proceduresActivit1Boat:T: (show the card for boat).Boat .B-O-A-T. Boat.Ss: Boat. B-O-A-T. Boat. T :Look at the . 板书 (Look at the boat.)T: What colour is it? 板书S: Its . 板书(Its red)T: Yes, its a /an . 板书( Its a red boat.)T: Do you like the boat? S: Yes, I do.Kite :T: (show the card for kitet).Kite . K_I-T-ET: Whats this ?S: Its a kite.Ss: Kite. K-I-T-E.T: Look at the kiteT What colour is it?S: Its orange.T: Its an orange kite.T: Can you fly a kite?Flower:T: (show the card for flower).Flower. F-L-O-W-E-RT: It this a flower?S: Yes, Its a flower. Ss: Flower. F-L-O-W-E-R.FlowerT: Look at the flower? What colour is it?S: Its yellow.T: Yes, its a _.(encourage students say orange kite.)Activity 2T: OK. Open your English book and turn page 34. Today we will learn M3Us In the park.T: Listen and read.Activity 3Balloon:T: I have a balloon.T: (show the card for balloon) Balloon. B-A-L-L-O-O-N.Ss :Balloon. B-A-L-L-O-O-N.( pay attention to the sound of balloon.)T: Can you ask and answer like this pattern with your partner?Ss: Look at the balloon. Ss: What colour is it? Ss: Its blue. Ss: Its a blue balloon. T: Touch it . Its smooth and soft.Magpie:T: Look at this bird .Do you know its name? Its a magpie Look at the magpie ,what colour is it? S: Its black and white.T: What can it do? S: It can fly in the sky.T: Can you say some thing about the magpie.robotT: Look at the robot What colour is it? Its silver Yes, Its a silver robotT: Who can say some something with the silver robotFlower:T: Look at the flower? What colour is it?S: Its pink.T: Choose one of these things , and say some thing like this pattern with you partner .Have the students practice the dialogue in Look and say in pairs. Then invite several pairs to act it out in front of the class. Look at the What colour is it? It is.T: Good job. Please make a new rhyme like this pattern.( Show the screen for the rhyme) Balloon, balloon, balloon Look at the balloon What colour is it? Its blue,blue,blue. Its a blue balloonPost task Activity1T: Well done ! Now Ill invite you to sing a song Activity2T: Play a remember game.T: Please match the colour and the item. Boat yellow and pink Flower black and white Blloon silver Kite red Magpie pink Robot. blueListen a passageActivity3Listen a passage .Look and listen Today is Sunday . Its sunny. The sun is shining. It is yellow. The sky is blue. Alice and Danny go to the park. They see some trees and flowers. The trees are green . The flowers are pink. They also see a red boat, a swing and a slide. The kite is yellow and pink . They play with the kite. They are happy. What a wonderful day it is!( )1. Today is _. A. rainy day B. cloudy . sunny day( ) 2.The sky is _. A. gray B. blue C. white( )3.They see some trees and flowers. The flowers are_. A. red B. violet C. pink( )4.They can see a _ boat. A. purple B. red C. blue( )5. Alice and Danny are_. A. tired B. sad C, happyActivity4 T: Good job. I will invite you to enjoy a wonderful song And listen carefully, what colour can you hear?Listen ,enjoy and write:What a wonderful world( 精彩的世界)I see _of green, _roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful worldI see skies of _and clouds of _The bright blessed day and the dark sacred nightAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful worldThe colours of the_, so pretty in the _Are also on the faces of _going byI see friends shaking hands, saying How do you do?Theyre really saying I love youI hear _crying, I watch them growTheyll learn much more than Ill ever knowAnd I think to myself, what a wonderful world T: What a wonderful world. So we should love our life, love the wonderful world. Please read after me: We love our life, we love our wonderful world.!每个环节的衔接要比较自然,贴却,环环相扣。


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