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2019-2020年牛津英语二年级下册2BModule4Unit2MothersDay3课时表格式英文教案设计授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsStudents book 2BCassette 2BFlashcards (carnation, balloon, letter, chocolate)教学目标 Teaching Targets教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2BM4 Unit 2 (Period 1)1. Understanding the new words in context.2. Understanding formulaic expressions of good wishes to Mother on Mothers Day.单词:idea, letter, balloon, carnation, chocolate, 句型:What can I do for Mum?Happy Mothers Day!I love you.Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers.教学过程Teaching ProcedurePre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Introduce mothers.e.g. My mother is tall. My mothers eyes are big. She likes swimming. She can sing.Step 2 Introduce Mothers DayShow the calendar and introduce Mothers Day.T: Do you love your mum? The second Sunday of May is Mothers Day. On this day, what can we do for Mum? Lets enjoy a story.Have the Ss listen to the recording for Listen and say on P42 while they look at the picture.While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Teach new wordsDraw a head of a girl and a rectangle, write down good idea.Read the word idea.T: What is Marys gift for her mother? (to elicit: letter, carnation, card)T: Look, these are my gifts for my mum.Show some chocolates, a balloon.Read the new words.Step 2 Sentences: I love you. Happy Mothers Day.T: On Mothers Day, what do we say to our mothers?(to elicit: I love you. Happy Mothers Day.)Step 3 ChantA balloon, a letter, for my mum.Chocolates, carnations for her, too.Mother, mother, mother, I love you.Mother, mother, mother, Happy Mothers Day!Step 4 Drills: What can you do for Mum?Have the students do Part A Listen and tick on P42 of the Workbook.Check the answers with them.Ask them to work in pairs and choose a picture to act out the dialogue.e.g.S1: Its Mothers Day. What can I do for Mum?S2: Im Mum. I like flowers.S1: Ah! I have a good idea. (put the picture of a carnation on S2s desk)S2: A carnation? How nice!S1: Happy Mothers Day!S2: Thank you.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Do reading exercises.Fill in the blanks:Its Mothers Day. Mary wants(想要) to give her mum a gift. She has a good idea. She buys(买) some chocolates in the shop. Then(接着) she goes home and make a card. She draws some balloons and carnations on it and writes: Dear Mum, I love you.Happy Mothers Day! MaryRead the paragraph.Step 2 Make a card.Have the students draw a card. Draw some flowers, balloons, etc. Write some words on the card.板书设计Blackboard WritingModule 4 Unit 2letter ballooncarnation chocolate card sweets good idea What can I do for Mum? I have a good idea. I love you. Happy Mothers Day.课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the textbook P42.Give the card to mum and express good wishes.Module 4 Unit 2 Mothers DayPeriod 2授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsStudents book 2BCassette 2BFlashcards 教学目标 Teaching Targets教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2BM4 Unit 2 (Period 2)1. Using modeled sentences to municate with other people.2. Understanding formulaic expressions of good wishes to Mother on Mothers Day.词组:a cup of 句型:Here is/are forHave a cup of Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers.教学过程Teaching ProcedurePre-task ActivitiesStep 1 Ask the students to prepare a gift for their friends. Then have them work in small groups and make a short dialogue.e.g.S1: Heres a pencil for you, S2.S2: Thank you. Here is a flower for you, S3.S3: Thank you very much. Heres Step 2Do Part C and D on P44 of the Workbook. Then read the sentences in Part D.While-task ActivitiesStep 1 Learn the story on P43 and learn the drill: Have a cup of Listen to the recording for Say and act on P43.Ask some questions about picture 2.T: Today is Mothers Day. What does Jack say to his mum? (to elicit: Have a cup of tea, Mum.)T: (Pretend to hold a cup of tea to S1) Have a cup of tea, S1.S1: Thank you.T: (to S2) Have a cup of milk, S1.S2: Thank you very much.Pair works.Step 2 Listen to the recording for Say and act again.Divide the class into two groups to role-play the dialogue.Step 3Encourage the students to work in pairs as follow:e.g.S1: Mum, today is Mothers Day. Sit here and have a cup of milk.S2: Thank you.S1: Heres a card. Its for you. Happy Mothers Day.S2: Wow! How nice! Thank you.Step 4Play the recording for Listen and enjoy.Students listen and repeat.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Have the students do Task On Mothers Day on P45 of the Workbook.Ask them to choose one picture and act out their dialogue in pairs.板书设计Blackboard WritingModule 4 Unit 2Here is/are Have a cup of .课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the rhyme to mum and make a cup of tea or milk for mum.Module 4 Unit 2 Mothers DayPeriod 3授课教师Lecturer授课班级Learners授课日期Date of Teaching教具准备 Teaching AidsStudents book 2BCassette 2BFlashcards 教学目标 Teaching Targets教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2BM4 Unit 2 (Period 3)1. Students can speak out the steps of making a gift.2. Students can express good wishes to their mum.Phrase: a piece of paperSpeak out the steps of making a gift.Encourage the students to show their love to their mothers.教学过程Teaching ProcedurePre-task ActivitiesStep 1Students show their rhyme on P45.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Show some things for making a gift: a balloon, a piece of paperTeach a piece of paper.Step 2T: Tom wants to make a new gift for his mum.Show the pictures on P44 and have the students listen to the recording for Make and play on P44.Step 3Encourage the students to speak out the steps for making a gift.Blow up, find, write, decorate, tieto, Step 4T: You can write a letter to your mother.Group works: write a letter to Mum.Show the letter on the blackboard.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1 Do reading exercises.Today is Fathers Day. I can make a card for Dad. I write “To my dear Dad” on the card. I write “I love you.” Wish youre happy every day on the card. I draw a lovely dog on it, too. Dad and I like dogs very much. I give the card to Dad. Dad is happy. He says, “Thank you, Jack.”( ) 1. Today is Mothers Day.( ) 2. Jack can make a card for Dad.( ) 3. Jack and Dad like dogs.( ) 4. Jack cant draw and write.Step 2 Read the paragraph.板书设计Blackboard WritingModule 4 Unit 2blow up a balloonfind a piece of paperwrite and decorate tieto课后作业 Assignments课后反思 ReconsiderationRead the letter to Mum.Make a gift for Mum.附送:2019-2020年牛津英语二年级下册2BUnit2Inthecircus6课时英文表格式教案附教学反思Teaching aims:1) Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.2) Use imperatives to give simple instructions.3) Learn the sentences: e here. Go there. e back .Education aims: Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points: Using imperatives to give simple instructions.Materials:Cassette 2B and cassette player.Animal masksTeaching procedures:Pre-task preparation 1) Sing a song Follow me2) Daily Talk.3) Listen, repeat and act. e.g. T: Stand up. S: Stand, stand, stand. Stand up.(With actions.)While task procedure1) Learn: e here.(1) Say e here and do a motion. Invite students to copy you.(2) Say e here,(Students name). Invite some students to stand with you.(Give them hint to make sure they understand the meaning and do the correct action.)(3) Write the sentence on the board and then read.(4) Check the pronunciation and intonation.(5) (Invite one student to play Spotty.) Say: Look, Spotty. Lets ask him to stand with us.Students stand in front of the class say: e here, Spotty.Add Spotty after e here. On the board.(6) Say a rhyme. e.g. e here. e here. e here, Spotty. (Change with students name.)2) Learn: Go there.(1) Say Thats the door. Go there. And point to the door. (Repeat several times.) Invite students to say and act like you.(2) Say Go there, (students name). Students go there including Spotty.(3) Write the sentence on the board and read(4) Sing a song. e.g. Go there, Spotty (Using the old music)3) Learn: e back.(1) Say e here, Go there, Then say e back.(2) Write the sentence on the board and then read.(3) Say and act, students copy you.4) Invite students to do the actions to the various mands.5) Open the students book to page 7. Play the cassette. Ask students to listen and repeat.6) Work in pairs.One mands and the other does the actions. Then let them change roles.Post-task activities1) Play a game: Were good friends.Invite some students to play some animals. e.g. Miss Pig, Mr. DuckLet other students to choose the animal friend to play games. e.g. e here, Miss Pig. ( O.K.)Go there, Miss Pig. (O.K.) ( First make an example with one animal.) 营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛。听、说、演,在愉悦的氛围中复习祈使句。以动作让学生理解意思,锻炼学生用英语思维。注重学生的语音语调。儿歌是学生最喜欢的训练形式之一,因此也是最有效的。旧谱填新词,让学生在欢乐的歌声中巩固新知。以游戏训练新知,使学生全身心地投内入。同时也培养学生对动物的喜爱。Teaching essay 从今天及以往的课堂教学中使用小诗、游戏的等方式能够极大的调动学生们的学习积极性,新授的教学内容能够较好的得到巩固,所以这种教学方式应该经常性的予以运用,可以针对新学的教学内容自编一些小诗或创造或改编一些游戏,不在于复杂,只在于使用,上口,这样才适应低年级学生的学习习惯,有时可以即兴创造。总体来说今天的课上的还可以,如果当时再增加一些书面练习可能会更好。2B Unit2 In the circus Period2 Lets learnTeaching aims:1) Learn the words: horse, bear, elephant, tiger, monkey, panda.2) Pronounce words properly.Education aims: Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points: Using nouns to identify animals. e. g. bear, elephantMaterials: Cassette 2B and a cassette player. Wookbook 2B page 6. Animal masks. Teaching Procedure:Pre-task preparation1) Sing a song: MacDonalds farm2) Daily Talk.While-task procedure1) Learn the word: panda(1) Show a box. Say Theres an animal in the box. Guess the animal. It is fat. It is black and white. It likes to eat bamboo. What is it?(2) Hold up a toy panda and slowly say the word panda. Students listen and repeat.(3) Show the word card and picture card, then say it.(4) Check the pronunciation.(5) Invite students to put on the masks. Act out the panda and say: I am a panda.2) Learn: elephant(1) Act out an elephant, invite students to guess what animal it is.(2) Show the picture card and word card, students listen and repeat.(3) Say a rhyme.e. g. Five little elephants in a row.Five little elephants say HelloOh, says one elephant, I must go.3) Using the same way to learn horse, bear, tiger, monkey.4) Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat.5) Sing a song. Can you tell me what this is。Post-task activities1) Put up the picture and word cards on the board in random order. Match them.2) Listen and judge.Teacher points to the pictures (word cards) and say words. Students listen and judge.3) Say rhymese. g. Horse, horse, horse. I am a horse.4) Play a guessing game. Whats in the box?动物歌曲把学生带入动物世界。以猜的游戏引出新单词,激发学生的兴趣。通过教师生动的表演引出动物名词,富有儿童情趣。有趣的儿歌是巩固新知最有效的方法之一。运用多种形式巩固新知。Teaching essay 游戏、儿歌、小诗等形式的参插运用,较好的调动学生们的学习兴趣,今天的课堂教学中运用的比较到位,学生们很喜欢。但我认为今天还有一些遗憾,教学方式还显得有些单一,还可以灵活机动一些,形式上变化多一些。另外由于时间上把握的不是太好,新授单词未能在教完后完整的进行复习,形式上热热闹闹,可能实际的效果并不是太好,需在下一教时中予以印证,再次进行巩固。2B Unit2 In the circus Period3 Lets talk Teaching aims:1) Learn the sentences: Look at theIts and2) Use imperatives to draw attention to something. 3 ) Use adjectives to describe animals.Education aims: Foster the thought of loving animals.Difficult points: Use imperatives to draw attention to the animals and describe them.Materials: Cassette 2B and a cassette player Word and picture cards (animals) Wallchart 2B AnimalsTeaching Procedures:Pre-task preparation1) Sing a song. Colours2) Say a rhyme and act. Five little elephants in a row.3) Show animal masks and ask Hello, who am I? Students sayanimals.4) Stick picture and word cards on the board. Students say aloud the animals.While-task procedure1) Teach: Look at the Itsand (1) Say Look at the bear and point to the bear.Ask Is it big? What colour is it? Is it big and brown? to elicit: Its big and brown.Students say the sentence after you.(2) White on the board and read.(3) Say the other animals.(4) Practice: T: Look at the (Point to the animals.)S: Its and (5) Invite more able students to point and say Look at the (6) Write and read: Look at the (7) Work in pair.S1: Look at the S2: Its and 2) Tell the story like this: Today is Mays birthday. Father took may to the circus.(Sing a song about animals )May had never been to one before, but she had seen one on television. She was surprised to see many animals. Do you know what animals she saw?(Show the Wallchart cover the animals in the picture with paper.)Invite students t o guess. e. g. S: A/An T: What colour is it? Is it big or small?S: Its and 3) Play the cassette. Listen and repeat.Post-task activity1) Work in pairs to talk about the wallchart.2) Play a game.Put the animals in the box. Say: Theres a bear () in it Guess, What colour and what size is it?S: Its and (The toys will be the prizes.)Consolidation Workbook page 5:Listen and write the correct number in the box. 戴面具表演动物来复习动物名词,富有儿童情趣。设置语言环境,让学生在一定的语言环境中学说句子。以故事和歌曲引出课文,使学生在生动的情景中进行语言训练,培养学生的交际能力。注重增加学生的语言信息量,提高学生运用语言的能力。运用激励原理提高学生的兴趣。Teaching essay2B Unit 2 Period 4 In the circus LettersBasic aim: 1.Using nouns to identify things. . . e.g. pencil, quilt. 2. Learning the letters: Pp , Qq.Difficult point: Writing the lettersMaterials: pictures,word cards,recorder.Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song. 2. Say a rhymeApple,apple.p,p.bag,bag,b,b.3. Ask and answere.g. What do you see?4. Revision:a. Read the letter cards.b. Match the capital letters and small letters.c. Listen and choose the correct letter.While-task procedure1. To learn “pencil”a. Show students a pencilT: What do you see?P: pencilb. Show the word card for “pencil” and readc. Say a rhyme Pencil,pencil,I can see.Pencil,pencil,for you and me.2. To learn the letter “Pp”a. Show alphabet cards “Pp”T: Pencil begins with the sound “p”b. Read after the teacherc. Listen and choose the letter (p&b,p&d,P&D,P&B.)d. Write the letters with the fingers3. To learn “quilt,Qq”(the same way)4. Have a rest Sing a song: 5. Play the cassettea. Students listen and repeatb. Say a rhyme Pencil,pencil,I can see.Quilt,quilt,for you and me. P p Pp I can see,Qq Qq for you and me.6. Write the letters a. Ask student say how to writeb. Teacher write the letter on the board.c. Students try to write in their exercisePost-task Activities1. Play a game(Which alphabet is in the box?) 2. Match the capital letters and small lettersDo the exercise :上海作业使学生快速调整心态,进入学习英语的状态。复习旧知,为新知作铺垫。用实物引出pencil,激发学生兴趣。有节奏的说唱英语,为培养学生良好的语音语调打下基础,复习所学内容,活跃课堂气氛。 调节课堂气氛。猜的游戏能激发学生的好奇心,提高学习的积极性。Teaching essay今天的教学内容不是很多,所以学生学的还不错,也比较配合。2B Unit 2 Period 5 Lets play Guess Whos my friend?Basic aim:1.Using connectives to link two adjectives.e.g. She is little and white.2.Asking “Wh-questions to find out specific information about a person.e.g. Who is she?Developing aims:1. Learn other words. e.g. tail,short.2. Make a riddle.Materials: cassette,player,toys,masks.Teaching procedure: Per-task preparation1. Sing a song 2. Ask and answerWho are you? Whos he?Whos she? Whos your English teacher? 3. Match the picture cards and the word cards 4. Talk like thise.g. Look at the bear. It is big and brown. 5. Guessing game. (What is it?)e.g. It is black and white. It is fat. It likes to eat bamboo.While-task procedure1. Guess an animal riddleT: It is little and white. It has two red eyes and two long ears. What is it?Ps: rabbit T: Yes, shes my friend.2. To learn “my friend”a. Say a rhymeFriend, friend, my friend. She my friend. 培养学生的听力和语言能力,刺激他们先前所学的知识,为新课做准备。有游戏引出新授知识,激发学生兴趣,易于掌握新知。b. Try to say3. To learn “Whos she?”a. Ask “Whos she?” to elicit “Shes a rabbit.”b. Ask and answer. (T-P) (P-P)4. Describe the animalsa. Point and say T: She has two black eyes and two small ears. c. Give students some words(tail.long,short, bid, small,yellow.)d. Students try to say5. Play the cassettea. Students listen and follow. (one sentence by one sentence)b. Repeat after the tape.c. Practise reading the riddle with the students.Post-task activity1. Divide students into groups of three.Make a riddleGroup1 (horse) Group2 (panda)Group3 (tiger) Group4 (elephant)2. Say and guessInvite the groups to read their riddle to the class. The rest of the class guess what the animal is.Consolidation: Workbook page7.增加语言密度。猜的游戏巩固新的知识。Teaching essay在今天的复习过程中还可以多增加一些内容,如可以通过投影将以往所学的单词进行分类练习和用图片用:What do you see?及What do you hear?进行问答以此来复习所学单词,这样可以使课堂教学的内容显得丰富一些。还有一个须注意的问题是今天我个人讲解的偏多一些,可以让学生多讲一些,将机会尽量让给学生,应该充分考虑课堂教学以学生为本的观念,心比较着急了一些。Unit 2 Lets enjoyPeriod 6 SongBasic aim:1. Using imperatives to draw attention to somethinge. g. Look at the bear.2. Using adjectives to describe animalse. g. Its big and brown.Developing aims:1. Rhyme2. Like animals, like nature.Materials: Cassette, player, pictures, masks.Teaching procedure: Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song. 2. Read the picture cards of all the animals in this unit.3. Match the picture cards and the word cards.4. Guessing game.(T-P) (P-P)Whos my friend?e.g. I have a friend. She is little and white. She has two red eyes and two long ears. Whos she?5. Point and saye.g. Look at the bear. It is big and brown.While-task procedure1. To learn “The ,too.”a.T: Look at the horse. Big and brown. Look at the bear. Big and brown. Or say “The bear, too.”b. Students try to say 2. To learn “I like them all.”a. Say and actT: I like a horse. I like a bear. I like an elephant. I like them al

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